mmhmm.... o.k., Ernst. Have it your way.
What reason do you have to do this? Is it not possible?
Perhaps it rubs you and shocks you but it's on you to consider that things happen that you wouldn't expect by your concept of your Canon.
It is not so far out to think a man can be all I am, which is rather humble for all measures, and that I have experienced these things after all I found all of you and have one place where more of my pieces fit than being alone.
Still you have to look out for yourself especially when you call a friend the wrong name.
I did that who ever you are. I was part of her baptism as her care provider and husband. I think that I was one of such compassion, that she requested and that we were good citizens with a long family histories on both sides of our union may well have swayed opinion and the rules were bent.
Still I don't know what the politics were and i didn't care. I felt loved that she wanted me near so we could share that moment too. After all we were 24/7 for so many years.. Why not share this too..
So an I'm sorry would be nice but feel free to shout Fuck You Ernst. Dan will do it for free if it offends your Mormon rules since I am not a trusted friend and you are CS.. I Dono.. Why do I try...
Be Well.. <sigh>