Are these plants Hermies?


Active Member
Fem. pollen is created by allowing a fully mature as in a female plant that is fully flowered go past its prime. You must allow the plant to live three to four weeks past being fully mature and it will under stress from not being pollinated develop male traits.
Okay, I am a little bit confused.

In my grow last year (first grow with these bag seeds), my plants turned hermie and basically completely turned to seed about 1 month into flowering. I ended up just pulling the plants and harvesting the seeds. That being said, they didn't live 3-4 weeks past being fully mature because they never even had a chance to mature. Would the seeds from these plants still be classified as "bananas?"


Well-Known Member
The seeds aren't bananas, the pollen sacks collected from mature bud are bananas. they are used to pollinate another female.
I just learned something new from reading all your posts on this subject, thanks bro :D I was randomly just looking around to hah, now I know how to make fem. seeds, I love u bro ha. +Rep


Undercover Mod
Yeah man to tell you the truth its almost to easy. Seed companies are really ripping people off with this.