Are there really strains with 30% thc?

man i had a strain than tasted like searing rancid pork fat and rosemary..
it lingered in my throat and left a palpable coating

two hits in and into the trash went ma stash
I have a pineapple express mutant I let go all the way and it literally makes me gag when I smell it. Still really good though, gets ya ripped...

I have a pineapple express mutant I let go all the way and it literally makes me gag when I smell it. Still really good though, gets ya ripped...

In my thread I documented a cheese bomb from bomb seeds.

God awful smell. It smelled of skunk, cheese, feet, baby poop, locker room. It was horrible. I gave it away.

It required a second filter it was so bad. A nug the size of a quarter would stink the house up.

I normally like foul smelling weed. My youth was full of the road kill and red hair skunks on the east coast.
One camping trip at the river, we were being "dive bombed" by massive beetles, large frying Stag Beetles, 3-4". As one struck my head, I smacked at it, and it hit a log just outside the camp fire. It began to "hiss" as it cooked, while letting out a "scream". I grabbed it right away, broke it in half, and handed half to my brother. Without a seconds thought, we'd both chomped it down. I shit you not, the beetles left (guessing it was some kind of hormone released upon death).

Another camping trip; while fishing, my brother spotter a snake, freaked out, and killed it because he thought it was a rattler. It was a 4' Garter snake. He wanted to cook and eat eat on the spot, but I convinced him to save it for a prank. Back at camp, my middle brother (beetle eater) went off to "pee in the bushes" (dead snake in tow) while we (pops, baby bro, and I I) distracted the woman with our catch (fish). While we're sharing "stories" and showing them off, middle bro screams out "oh my god, I got bit by a rattle snake!" and starts acting like he's dying. I ran over yelling "I need to catch it so they can make antivenin". I ran towards where my brother had dropped the snake with my wife holding our first baby and screaming. I pretended to take several grabs at a snake that was "striking at me", all the women screaming, then I grabbed it, flicked it around a few times, and as I did so, it left to streaks of blood on my hands that looked like "fang wounds". I dropped the dead snake, turned to them holding my wrist, yelled "It got me!", and displayed the two blood marks. My wife went hysterical. I pretended that I was going unconscious, saying "I'm feeling week, I can't see", she screaming "oh my god, please don't die", and all kinds of stuff. My brother's wife had pulled the car over to the campsite and was dragging his limp body towards it. My father couldn't hold it in, his laughter resulted in our women beating the crap out of us.

2 years ago, baby bro's dog was bit by baby rattler, 50' from our campsite. The fangs exited (both entrance and exit wounds), he didn't receive the full shot, survived.m

On topic; Maybe.
Funny how threads get off topic, lol I'm going to attempt to get it back on track.
Chem Dog @ 32.13% (Denver Cup)
Emperor Cookie Dough @ 31.1% (Denver Cup)
Karmasutra @ 29.72% (World Cannabis Cup)
Strawberry Banana @ 28.4% (LA cup)
Veganic Strawberry Cough @ 28.31% (Denver Cup)
The Brotherhood @ 27.65% (Denver Cup)
Life Is Good OG @ 27.2% (World Cannabis Cup)
Chiquita Banana @ 27.16% (World Cannabis Cup)
Platinum OG @ 27.1% (Michigan Cup)
Sunny Days @ 26.7% (Michigan Cup)
Sour Kush @ 26.6% (Denver Cup)
Lemon OG Haze @ 26.14% (Denver Cup)
Death Star @ 26.1% (Michigan cup)
Strawberry Banana @ 26% (Michigan cup)
Sunshine #4 by Bodhi @ 25.95% (Michigan Cup)
Purple OG @ 25.9% (Michigan Cup)
Gorilla Glue #4 @ 25.8% (SF Cup)
Ghost Train Haze @ 25.74% (Denver Cup)
Kosher Kush @ 25.6% (SF Cup)
Tahoe Chem @ 25.5% (SF Cup)
Funny how threads get off topic, lol I'm going to attempt to get it back on track.
Chem Dog @ 32.13% (Denver Cup)
Emperor Cookie Dough @ 31.1% (Denver Cup)
Karmasutra @ 29.72% (World Cannabis Cup)
Strawberry Banana @ 28.4% (LA cup)
Veganic Strawberry Cough @ 28.31% (Denver Cup)
The Brotherhood @ 27.65% (Denver Cup)
Life Is Good OG @ 27.2% (World Cannabis Cup)
Chiquita Banana @ 27.16% (World Cannabis Cup)
Platinum OG @ 27.1% (Michigan Cup)
Sunny Days @ 26.7% (Michigan Cup)
Sour Kush @ 26.6% (Denver Cup)
Lemon OG Haze @ 26.14% (Denver Cup)
Death Star @ 26.1% (Michigan cup)
Strawberry Banana @ 26% (Michigan cup)
Sunshine #4 by Bodhi @ 25.95% (Michigan Cup)
Purple OG @ 25.9% (Michigan Cup)
Gorilla Glue #4 @ 25.8% (SF Cup)
Ghost Train Haze @ 25.74% (Denver Cup)
Kosher Kush @ 25.6% (SF Cup)
Tahoe Chem @ 25.5% (SF Cup)
I've smoked a lot of the bud mentioned here and do have sime complaints

lately ive been traveling so much ive just been buyin bud like in co or Washington..
but boy looky here20160807_115240.jpg 20160830_142440.jpg

both of these are in the upper 20's both half decent bud.. nothing to show off about.

I look closer and it says 15% variance +/- allowable to some code they list.

they just run samples till they get a good one?
and the bud in co is so dry and undercured..maybe that water loss has a bit to do with unrealistic numbers...cause

this shit lookin like mids that need trmmed up..
after such

it aint horrible but shit if this is damn near 30%

ive never grown anything less than just sayin
Pic is Veganic strawberry cough

100 a half... but still poopy, i can get a bill a half on the street in tx of straight fire20160902_153713.jpg 20150429_130555.jpg
Last edited:
Guys this may hurt your feelings. My friend has a big dispensary in DTLA. We tested for years, it's all a joke.
I've soaked buds in avid, and forbid w it coming back negative for pesticides, I've also send samples w botrytis so bad looks like cotton when you bust open the buds, negative for molds. We turned in samples that where high 20s calling it outdoor to get tests in low teens. We've turned in low number od samples as ogs and received high 20s numbers
I've smoked a lot of the bud mentioned here and do have sime complaints

lately ive been traveling so much ive just been buyin bud like in co or Washington..
but boy looky hereView attachment 3778063 View attachment 3778064

both of these are in the upper 20's both half decent bud.. nothing to show off about.

I look closer and it says 15% variance +/- allowable to some code they list.

they just run samples till they get a good one?
and the bud in co is so dry and undercured..maybe that water loss has a bit to do with unrealistic numbers...cause
View attachment 3778065

this shit lookin like mids that need trmmed up..
after such
View attachment 3778066

it aint horrible but shit if this is damn near 30%

ive never grown anything less than just sayin
Pic is Veganic strawberry cough

100 a half... but still poopy, i can get a bill a half on the street in tx of straight fireView attachment 3778102 View attachment 3778106

I have seen the market in CO is kinda shitty for good flowers. I keep hearing it's hard to get real quality in the shops. I also saw numerous forum people who are in CO say that they don't have to renew those test numbers for like 6 months to a year so they just use one good very high test for all flowers of said strain. Plus all places don't use the same testing facility and all don't use the correct process to determine the numbers. I don't hear of many official places that test but I do know repeated people swear by Steep Hill. Any many tests a nug can have the best test is the smoke test IMHO
Soo rather keeping my closet which has not decent ac anyway if i may keep it open in the day time will this put my plants in more good mood *-*
I've smoked a lot of the bud mentioned here and do have sime complaints

lately ive been traveling so much ive just been buyin bud like in co or Washington..
but boy looky hereView attachment 3778063 View attachment 3778064

both of these are in the upper 20's both half decent bud.. nothing to show off about.

I look closer and it says 15% variance +/- allowable to some code they list.

they just run samples till they get a good one?
and the bud in co is so dry and undercured..maybe that water loss has a bit to do with unrealistic numbers...cause
View attachment 3778065

this shit lookin like mids that need trmmed up..
after such
View attachment 3778066

it aint horrible but shit if this is damn near 30%

ive never grown anything less than just sayin
Pic is Veganic strawberry cough

100 a half... but still poopy, i can get a bill a half on the street in tx of straight fireView attachment 3778102 View attachment 3778106
My complaint is damn I pay too much for bud, seriously. I'd be tickled pink with the prices you just mentioned.
As far as percentages, I got all that info from High Times magazine and it was from various different cups. Take notice to the Jamaican cups tho. Fire bud lower thc% and I would imagine higher cbd among other things. Its all about that entourage effect and the genetics. I think anyone can create a high THC plant, but will it be all that its cracked up to be?
Understanding Hermies

by Mel Frank and Ed Rosenthal

Sexual Variants in Cannabis
Cannabis has been studied for many years because of its unusual sexuality. Besides the normal dioecious pattern, where each plant bears exclusively male or female flowers, it is not uncommon for some plants to have both male and female flowers. These are called hermaphrodites, or monoecious plants, or intersexes. Hermaphroditic plants form normal flowers of both sexes in a wide variety of arrangements, in both random and uniform distributions.
Natural Hermaphrodites
Some hermaphrodites seem to be genetically determined (protogenous). That is, they naturally form flowers of both sexes given normal growing conditions. Possibly genes carried on the autosomes (the chromosomes other than the sex chromosomes) modify the normal sexual expression. Monoecious varieties have been developed by hemp breeders in order to ensure uniform harvests.
It is also possible that these particular are polyploid, which means they have more than the usual two sets of chromosomes. This kind of hermaphrodite may have XXY (triploid), or XXYY or XXXY (tetraploid) sex chromosomes. However, no naturally occurring polyploids have ever been verified (by observation of the chromosomes) in any population of Cannabis. Polyploids have been induced in Cannabis by using mutagens, such as the alkaloid colchicine.
Whatever then genetic explanation may be, one or more of these natural hermaphrodites may randomly appear in any garden. They are sometimes faster-maturing, have larger leaves, and are larger in overall size than their unisexual siblings. They usually form flowers of both sexes uniformly in time and distribution, and in some unusual patterns. For example, from Mexican seed, we have seen a plant on which separate flowering cluster consisted of both female and male flowers: and upper section of female flowers had upraised stigmas, and a lower section of male flowers dangled beneath the female flowers. In other plants from Mexican seed, the growing tips throughout the plant have female flowers; male flowers sprout from the leaf axils along the main stem and branches. Plants from "Thai" seed sometimes form male and female flowers on separate branches. Branches with female flowers tend to predominate, but branches having mostly male flowers are located throughout the plant.
Abnormal Flowers, Intersexes, Reversals
Gender is set in the new plant at the time of fertilisation by its inheritance of either the X or the Y chromosome from the male (staminate) plant. With germination of the seed, the environment comes into play. Heritage sets the genetic program, but the environment can influence how the program runs. (Sexual expression in Cannabis is delicately balanced between the two.) The photoperiod, for example, controls the plant's sequence of development. Also, the plant's metabolism and life processes are dependent on growing conditions. When the environment does not allow a balance to be maintained, the normal genetic program may not be followed. This is mirrored by abnormal growth or sexual expression.
{Figure 78. Upper left: Abnormal flowers. Lower left: Male flowers on afemale plant. Upper right: Sexes on separate branches. Lower right: Maleflower in female bud (reversing).}Abnormal Flowers
Abnormal sexual expression includes a whole range of possibilities. Individual flowers may form abnormally, and may contain varying degrees of both male and female flower parts. For instance, a male flower may bear a stigma; or an anther may protrude from the bracts of a female flower. Abnormally formed flowers are not often seen on healthy plants, although if one looks hard enough, a few may be found in most crops. When many of the flowers are abnormal, an improper photoperiod (coupled with poor health) is the most likely cause. Abnormal flowers sometimes form on marijuana grown out of season, such as with winter or spring crops grown under natural light.
Intersexes and Reversals Much more common than abnormally formed flowers is for the plant's sex to be confused. One may find an isolated male flower or two; or there may be many clusters of male flowers on an otherwise female plant, or vice versa. These plants are called intersexes (also hermaphrodites or monoecious plants). Intersexes due to environment causes differ from natural hermaphrodite in having random distributions and proportions of male and female flowers. In more extreme cases, a plant may completely reverse sex. For example, a female may flowers normally for several weeks, then put forth new, sparse growth, typical of the male, on which male flowers develop. The complete reversal from male flowering to female flowering also happens.
All other things being equal, the potency of intersexes and reversed plants is usually less than that of normal plants. If there are reversals or intersexes, both of the sexes will usually be affected. Female plants that reverse to male flowering show the biggest decline. Not only is the grass less potent, but the amount of marijuana harvested from male flowers is negligible compared to the amount of marijuana that can be harvested from a normal female. Plants that change from male to female flowering usually increase their potency, because of the growth of female flower bracts with their higher concentration of resin. Female flowers on male plants seldom form as thickly or vigorously as on a normal female. Between the loss in potency and the loss in yield because of females changing to males, a crop from such plants is usually inferior, in both yield and potency, to one from normal plants.

Environmental Effects
Many environmental factors can cause intersexes and sexual reversals. These include photoperiod, low light intensity, applications of ultraviolet light, low temperatures, mutilation or severe pruning, nutrient imbalances or deficiencies, senescence (old age), and applications of various chemicals (see bibliography on sex determination).
The photoperiod (or time of planting using natural light) is the most important factor to consider for normal flowering. In 1931, J. Schaffner (105) showed that the percentage of hemp plants that had confused sexual characteristics depended on the time of year they were planted. Normal flowering (less than five percent of the plants are intersexes) occurred when the seeds were sown in May, June, or July, the months when the photoperiod is longest and light intensity is strongest. When planted sooner or later in the year, the percentage of intersexuals increased steadily, until about 90 percent of the plants were intersexual when planted during November or early December.
marijuana plants need more time to develop than hemp plants at latitudes in the United States. Considering potency, size, and normal flowering, the best time to sow for the summer crop is during the month of April. Farmers in the south could start the plants as late as June and still expect fully developed plants.
If artificial light is used, the length of the photoperiod can influence sexual expression. Normal flowering, with about equal numbers of male and female plants, seems to occur when the photoperiod is from 15 to 17 hours of light for a period of three to five months. The photoperiod is then shortened to 12 hours to induce flowering. With longer photoperiods, from 18 to 24 hours a day, the ratio of males to females changes, depending on whether flowering is induced earlier or later in the plant's life. When the plants are grown with long photoperiods for six months or more, usually there are at least 10 percent more male then female plants. When flowering is induced within three months of age, more females develop. Actually, the "extra" males or females are reversed plants, but the reversals occur before the plants flower in their natural genders.
Some plants will flower normally without a cutting of the photoperiod. But more often, females will not form thick buds unless the light cycle is cut to a period of 12 hours duration. Don't make the light cycle any shorter than 12 hours, unless the females have not shown flowers after three weeks of 12-hour days. Then cut the light cycle to 11 hours. Flowers should appear in about one week.
Anytime the light cycle is cut to less than 11 hours, some intersexes or reversed plant usually develop. This fact leads to a procedure for increasing the numbers of female flowers indoors. The crops can be grown for three months under a long photoperiod (18 or more hours of light). The light cycle is then cut to 10 hours. Although the harvest is young (about five months) there will be many more female flower buds than with normal flowering. More plants will develop female flowers initially, and male plants usually reverse to females after a few weeks of flowering.
Of the other environmental factors that can affect sexual expression in Cannabis, none are as predictable as the photoperiod. Factors such as nutrients or pruning affect the plant's overall health and metabolism, and can be dealt with by two general thoughts. First, good growing conditions lead to healthy plants and normal flowering: female and male plants occur in about equal numbers, with few (if any) intersexes or reversed plants. Poor growing conditions lead to reduced health and vigour, and oftentimes to confused sex in the adult plant. Second, the age of the plants seems to influence reversals. Male plants often show female flowers when the plant is young (vigorous) during flowering. Females seven or more months old (weaker) often develop male flowers after flowering normally for a few weeks.
Anytime the plant's normal growth pattern is disrupted, normal flowering may be affected. For instance, plant propagated from cuttings sometimes reverse sex, as do those grown for more than one season.
Great info bud!
knowing who grows the best around is part of being on a forum. I an travel around the country and know where to visit for great buds. Buying at a dispensary is not in my world. I woud rather drive anther 8 hrs to someone I know who has dank.