Are there really strains with 30% thc?

man i had a strain than tasted like searing rancid pork fat and rosemary..
it lingered in my throat and left a palpable coating

two hits in and into the trash went ma stash
Don't need to step up my game.

Its illegal in my state. Four or less plants is a misdemeanor. Five is a felony.

I'll risk a misdemeanor.

That t5 produces more than I can smoke and makes more medicine than I or my family needs.

I personally think the quality is better with my setup. Is that placebo? Don't know, don't care. The movie "shallow hal" he saw a beautiful woman even though no body else did.

it doesn't matter if its in my mind or not. Its better to me and that's all that matters.

I don't sell. I smoke my buddies out. I've been offered 20 a gram. I could get that all day long.

Have you forgotten that I guerilla grow to?
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I could post more pics. I won't though. I'm not going to show everything.

Let the po po think I'm a nobody with a little cab grow.

How many plants like that you think I got scattered in the mountains?

How do you think a man in his 30's owns a home and no bills? I'm just not going to exspose myself. Why risk it?

I don't sell. Remember this shit can be used in a court of law.
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That's another reason I'm not concerned with pics in the woods. That is a timber rattler. Fucker actually struck my boot because my hands were full. I dropped everything and shot him with rat shot.

I can't play with cameras in the swamps. I'm too busy looking for snakes.
Well fuck that slithery bastard, i hate snakes!
I ate it.

We get big chicken and garden snakes in the chicken coop a lot. I've been skinning them and drying the skins for practice.

That rattler is drying as we speak. I'm going to make a gun sling with it.
Yup, no thanks lol. My father, a paratrooper of 12 years tried to get me to eat bats and snakes when i was young. Hell no lol, im chicken shit when it comes to that
Unfortunately the only cannabis testing around here is done by the police.

I beg to differ. The only "real" testing is done by those that partake. :bigjoint:

I recently finished some "bag seed" from my sis, and a couple of my "randoms". Turned out to be some of the best I've ever smoked/grown. :blsmoke:

Nice, bro.
Got to stay calm.

I was a kid frog gigging with my dad in a creek one night and a dozen or so cotton mouths hit the water and were swimming around us. A nest of them. My dad said don't freak out.

I'm like are you f'ing kidding me. Lol.

I wear 10 inch leather boots with snake gaurds. I have had snakes strike and hit them several times.

I also hunt ginseng and dig other roots. I've been face to face with snakes a few times.

i had a similar experience.. them cotton mouths are the only snake thats actually chased me anx man can they move.ive heard others say thecsame.. but one time i was fishing ... i got into a nest and a dozen or so cam out at me, mostly youngins. keep calm i did not. didnt even have my gun with me like a dummy.. chased me a good 100ft to my car and i took off lol

ive been around plenty of others we get here..yiu know, its tx afterall. so we end up with just about every snake, from common in the east west and mex..butvrattlers never chase me, copperheads either, even seen some coral snakes.. most are ambush predators..anywau
i always kkeep something on me these days. my full auto ak74 is my preference, more fun than a shotty
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Dude, I've been growing for 28 years and you're never going to convince me that Mex is good for anything other than breeding. Again, that argument was settled a long, long time ago.

Whatever floats your boat though. One of my closest friends purposely harvests his plants weeks early because he's terrified of PM, but also because he doesn't want pot that's too strong. Some people don't like strong pot and I get that, but they make up a pretty small % of smokers. Walk into a club with a bag of Mex to sell and see how long it takes before you get laughed out of the room. People don't want that shit. I was forced to smoke plenty of Mex back in the day, both green/uncompressed and brick weed. Never again, man.
Let's think about that statement. If mex is so shitty why even breed with it? Lol. Some people.
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The plant was one of two seeds I found after a 4 plant harvest. I'm pretty sure the pollen was from a Peyote Purple female (mostly) and the mother was one of two Bodhi's Pagodas.

The second seed I grew under a shitty chinese LED so the buds were tiny. I don't have either of the plants anymore.

Unfortunately the only cannabis testing around here is done by the police.

i had a similar experience.. them cotton mouths are the only snake thats actually chased me anx man can they move.ive heard others say thecsame.. but one time i was fishing ... i got into a nest and a dozen or so cam out at me, mostly youngins. keep calm i did not. didnt even have my gun with me like a dummy.. chased me a good 100ft to my car and i took off lol

ive been around plenty of others we get here..yiu know, its tx afterall. so we end up with just about every snake, from common in the east west and mex..butvrattlers never chase me, copperheads either, even seen some coral snakes.. most are ambush predators..anywau
i always kkeep something on me these days. my full auto ak74 is my preference, more fun than a shotty

I used to fish a lot on the banks of a creek near me. One day I see this dad and his little girl pass and head further down the creek. Where im from is about as far north as cotton mouth will go. About 15 minutes he comes walking up to me with his daughter on his shoulders, pale as a ghost, and tells me that the had just gone on a little island in the middle of the creek and suddenly noticed they were completely surrounded by cotton mouth. They were lucky to get away. They call em' a "mating ball" where im from, not sure if thats the real name. They all literally ball up together to mate at a certain time each year. Fuck snakes.