Are most MMJ card holders arrogant twats?

Are most MMJ card holders arrogant twats?

  • Yes, bunch of cunts they are

    Votes: 11 23.9%
  • No, they seem ok

    Votes: 12 26.1%
  • Some are ok, but yeah most are cunts

    Votes: 18 39.1%
  • What's MMJ?

    Votes: 5 10.9%

  • Total voters
wouldn't mj be counter productive for constipation? I mean you get stoned get the munchies and then exacerbate said condition.

unless you get high and munch on a box of prunes...then you're golden
Ask the hipsters. It's too much to think about, now I need to blaze another grape ape joint.vBulletin legally.
I think Joe, and other legal growers, are all making the same point. While we're all growing in opposition to the feds, a lot of growers, especially OG card holders, have stuck our necks out to earn the right for everyone. We became the hydra's many heads, getting lobbed off, only to grow more. Now, it's chic, everyone with a stubbed toe or constipation is claiming medical marijuana. Ever meet card holders that don't smoke? They exist ... It's hip to have a card...

Just because I don't grow doesn't mean I haven't been doing my part as a citizen, signing various initiatives, petitions, lobbying, voting, town hall meetings etc… Don't those things count as helping earn the right for everyone?
Just because I don't grow doesn't mean I haven't been doing my part as a citizen, signing various initiatives, petitions, lobbying, voting, town hall meetings etc… Don't those things count as helping earn the right for everyone?

Do you really view signing a petition as the same as risking life or death with the feds? Of course every single person helping is helpful. Just like every idiot that blows up their house making extract, busted seeing drugs to kids, or caught trafficking hurts us. I think it's disingenuous to even try to make the claim that signing to legalize is fighting the front lines the way getting a med card, and growing "legally" is, or was. Even I feel like a band wagon jumper, getting my card when I did.

I think that everyone should get a card. Even the douche hipsters with ingrown nails... the more cards, and growers, the harder it is to stop growth (no pun intended.)

And, one other reason why legal growers get sensitive... This site is huge, search marijuana and discover how big. We're an involuntary spokes group for medical (and now legal) marijuana. We act responsibly and within the laws (the tos ... ) So, when lots of rogue/illegal growers make it a big free for all of law flaunting it hurts everyone. It brings questions we don't want to have to answer. Like the fact that we're supporting illegal activity if we don't speak against it.

This forum is huge, we come from everywhere, and all walks of life. From ex cons to ex cops, current cops, preachers, business professionals, bums, assholes, junkies... We all respond differently, some get defensive, some are cunts, and some seem hell bent on crashing the movement.

It's something that was fought for though. Holding the med cards. It's a badge or medal.
Just because I don't grow doesn't mean I haven't been doing my part as a citizen, signing various initiatives, petitions, lobbying, voting, town hall meetings etc… Don't those things count as helping earn the right for everyone?

Hell no you either have a card or you don't there's no middle.
See now that hurts more than being called an arrogant twat. I hardly consider myself a tourist or a poser. When I was younger I smoked my ass off. As I got older, supply dried up.. wasn't able to smoke for many years. When this option became available I took it. But to be called a poser simply because I can now get my cannabis legally or easier? ouch. I was and still am among the "cool kids" (even if my grammar right now says otherwise). I do understand what you mean about pretentious pricks, which is what I worry about in my state. Suddenly what? Pot is now elevated to the new, hip social drug? The Yuppies will come in droves….And if you knew me, you'd know from minute one that I'm no Yuppie, even though I live in Yuppie central. And if anyone can suck the joy out of smoking weed, it will be the Yuppies, with their juicing, whole foods buying, yoga pants wearing prius driving organic cannabis smoking selves… So I guess Uncle B I agree on part of what you say, just don't put me in that sanctimonious, homogenous pile of wannabes puh-leez

Better behave yourself neo…..
I thought I made it pretty clear that I was not talking about you. No insult was intended - this time.:confused:
I don't think that most of us are saying that. Given the opportunity, most of us would do what you did. The culture, which many of us pretty comfortable with, is changing. The outlaw days are waning and a whole lot of tourists are now making the scene. Many of us cool kids resent their attitudes these days - 'cause they're jags. In the past, the risks have kept the riff raff away, created esprit de corps and created a strong sub rosa culture. But it also got us sent to prison. I guess I will accept the poseurs and twats if it keeps me on the street.

It seems to me that things really only thrive in America when they are underground. I worry about the effects of legalization on the culture and, ultimately the availability of good weed. I'm in favor of legalization,but it worries me. My experience tells me that one of the things Americans are really good at is killing the things that they love. I worry that this is possible.

The types of people we are speaking of are often sanctimonious, self righteous, pretentious pricks. I point to the previously referenced thread as a good example. Bastard complains about price of product but won't grow his own because it costs too much (fume...). This guy and his ilk will suck the joy out of this thing of ours if given a chance. I would hate to see cannabis be as joyless as taking a Prozac.

bravo, bravo, take a bow my friend as you hit my points exactly.. i will say the michigan peps seem to be down to earth and i enjoy hanging in that sub forum, now i got the pleasantries out of the way..
like you said.. back in the day, before i had status, before i had a pager, cannabis was about the counter culture.. everyone who smoked weed were pretty much all of the same mind set.. you could spot a smoker a mile away if you also smoked.. now, no one seems to smoke, they medicate, omfg i wanna punch some one upside the head every time i hear that term.. 3 years ago these people were pot heads, smoking joints, going to their dealer and scoring a bag of kill.. today they go to a dispensary and purchase a bag of medical grade cannabis, w/e the eff that maybe..
i'd never say weed doesn't help people, as that's obvious, i just hate how people who have been smoking for 20 years to get high no longer smoke, they medicate like i said earlier.. the public also sees this, and i think it's hurt the movement more then anything.. tons of people joke how someone got glaucoma so now they can smoke weed, errr, medicate with cannabis, sorry about that.. i never saw soo many sick 20 some year old kids in my entire life before mmj came around.
then you got the whole clone only game and the people who grow and possess said strains feel that their superior to the rest of the world because they're growing girl scout cookies and we would be lucky if we got boy scout pretzels.. never mind the fact that a lot of these clones are mis-labeled and come with p/m and bugs and your wreck an entire garden bringing them in, at least we're cool enough to have the hottest, newest shit out, and you're still smoking the chronic or ww, losers..
my last dig is on magazines, such as high times, high, mother fucking times, they even have high right in their name, but yet you open it up and all they talk about is medical this, med that, medicating, blah fucking blah.. years ago, they used to list prices for shit like lsd, coke, shrooms, and now, omfg, they'd never even dare mention anything that's not medical cannabis, how dare we do drugs?

i could go on and on, but i'll shut my pie hole up.. uncle buck said we're jealous, i don't think that's the case, what do i have to be jealous about? i still grow my shit, still smoke top notch bud anyone would be proud to smoke, err, medicate with, and i'm not on some watch list by giving up my name, ssn and next of kin to the state to give out as they see fit..

not every mmj card holder is a tool, but plenty of them do surely have that better then attitude imvho..
Medical Marijuana is a good step forward to full on legalization but I think it's stupid I mean everyone is gonna abuse it I mean weed is not a gooddamn anti anxiety medication for damn sure I had anxiety and even medicine didn't help I had to overcome that fear by myself and I also had PTSD from 18 years of living in a house with a abusive dad that always called me a pussy and a faggot until I got old enough to fight him then every night I almost always got in a actual fight with him over stupid shit that most people whould look past on and the only time I wasn't bullied was when I was asleep it sucked I cried myself to sleep and still do sometimes just thinking about when I lived with my dad because it wasn't physical abuse it was full on psychological abuse and weed doesn't really help with that I use it recreationaly and if I'm sick I will smoke up but that's it and in my opinion weed makes anxiety worse thats just my 2 cents :/
Medical Marijuana is a good step forward to full on legalization but I think it's stupid I mean everyone is gonna abuse it I mean weed is not a gooddamn anti anxiety medication for damn sure I had anxiety and even medicine didn't help I had to overcome that fear by myself and I also had PTSD from 18 years of living in a house with a abusive dad that always called me a pussy and a faggot until I got old enough to fight him then every night I almost always got in a actual fight with him over stupid shit that most people whould look past on and the only time I wasn't bullied was when I was asleep it sucked I cried myself to sleep and still do sometimes just thinking about when I lived with my dad because it wasn't physical abuse it was full on psychological abuse and weed doesn't really help with that I use it recreationaly and if I'm sick I will smoke up but that's it and in my opinion weed makes anxiety worse thats just my 2 cents :/

if you know anything about medical/mental afflictions.

what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another

to dismiss mj as only a recreational product is very narrow minded