Are most MMJ card holders arrogant twats?

Are most MMJ card holders arrogant twats?

  • Yes, bunch of cunts they are

    Votes: 11 23.9%
  • No, they seem ok

    Votes: 12 26.1%
  • Some are ok, but yeah most are cunts

    Votes: 18 39.1%
  • What's MMJ?

    Votes: 5 10.9%

  • Total voters
Everybody knows atleast 1 person from the block that use to get high as fuck and act a fool and now claims he's medicating for a hockey injury from middle school. Fuck off, you're getting high as fuck and acting a fool still.

I have an MMJ card…. send rocks and tomatoes flying… I don't get this thread. Do you mean on other threads here MMJ people act superior or do you mean those MMJ cardholders you know in real life? I certainly don't feel superior to anyone here. I used to smoke recreationally and then as I grew older my sources dried up. So when my doc offered a prescription for MMJ I said yes. I'm in one of the two "legal" states, so maybe not an issue?

Or are you guys saying that if you have an MMJ card you're a poser (in addition to being a twat)? and that the only way to be a legitimate smoker is to grow your own?
I have an MMJ card…. send rocks and tomatoes flying… I don't get this thread. Do you mean on other threads here MMJ people act superior or do you mean those MMJ cardholders you know in real life? I certainly don't feel superior to anyone here. I used to smoke recreationally and then as I grew older my sources dried up. So when my doc offered a prescription for MMJ I said yes. I'm in one of the two "legal" states, so maybe not an issue?

Or are you guys saying that if you have an MMJ card you're a poser (in addition to being a twat)? and that the only way to be a legitimate smoker is to grow your own?

No, that's awesome that your government gives you a card that says you can smoke weed. It's even cooler that they give you one that says you can grow your own weed. It's just sometimes MMJ folks seem to think that they're more legitimate than the non-MMJ folks and forget that really we're all still criminals under Federal law. I am not a criminal.

I'm really high. You seem cool. I like your whip.
I have an MMJ card…. send rocks and tomatoes flying… I don't get this thread. Do you mean on other threads here MMJ people act superior or do you mean those MMJ cardholders you know in real life? I certainly don't feel superior to anyone here. I used to smoke recreationally and then as I grew older my sources dried up. So when my doc offered a prescription for MMJ I said yes. I'm in one of the two "legal" states, so maybe not an issue?

Or are you guys saying that if you have an MMJ card you're a poser (in addition to being a twat)? and that the only way to be a legitimate smoker is to grow your own?

I don't think that most of us are saying that. Given the opportunity, most of us would do what you did. The culture, which many of us pretty comfortable with, is changing. The outlaw days are waning and a whole lot of tourists are now making the scene. Many of us cool kids resent their attitudes these days - 'cause they're jags. In the past, the risks have kept the riff raff away, created esprit de corps and created a strong sub rosa culture. But it also got us sent to prison. I guess I will accept the poseurs and twats if it keeps me on the street.

It seems to me that things really only thrive in America when they are underground. I worry about the effects of legalization on the culture and, ultimately the availability of good weed. I'm in favor of legalization,but it worries me. My experience tells me that one of the things Americans are really good at is killing the things that they love. I worry that this is possible.

The types of people we are speaking of are often sanctimonious, self righteous, pretentious pricks. I point to the previously referenced thread as a good example. Bastard complains about price of product but won't grow his own because it costs too much (fume...). This guy and his ilk will suck the joy out of this thing of ours if given a chance. I would hate to see cannabis be as joyless as taking a Prozac.
I don't think that most of us are saying that. Given the opportunity, most of us would do what you did. The culture, which many of us pretty comfortable with, is changing. The outlaw days are waning and a whole lot of tourists are now making the scene. Many of us cool kids resent their attitudes these days - 'cause they're jags. In the past, the risks have kept the riff raff away, created esprit de corps and created a strong sub rosa culture. But it also got us sent to prison. I guess I will accept the poseurs and twats if it keeps me on the street.

It seems to me that things really only thrive in America when they are underground. I worry about the effects of legalization on the culture and, ultimately the availability of good weed. I'm in favor of legalization,but it worries me. My experience tells me that one of the things Americans are really good at is killing the things that they love. I worry that this is possible.

The types of people we are speaking of are often sanctimonious, self righteous, pretentious pricks. I point to the previously referenced thread as a good example. Bastard complains about price of product but won't grow his own because it costs too much (fume...). This guy and his ilk will suck the joy out of this thing of ours if given a chance. I would hate to see cannabis be as joyless as taking a Prozac.

damn hit all the points. PERFECT POST.

do you mind if I use your last sentence as a sig for a while...everyone should see it.
Fucken drug user's.. Cardless pricks... You guys really need to step up your game yo...I bet you guys get high huh?smh brb I need to medicate doctors orders!
You guys smoke weed to get my case getting high is just a side effect of my medicine.. Dr said I might get hungry to.... Na I'm just playing I hung around criminals my whole life I ain't judging any of you law breaking thugs..
When I put my first plant legally in the ground, back in 09, the feds were raiding growers of various sizes, on a whim... because, even though it was legal, the local cops didn't like it. They were using choppers and shock troops in northern New Mexico.

A lot if legal growers stretched their necks out. We acted within the law, but still it was an act of civil disobedience... We let the states have our names and information, rising federal ire...

You get where I'm going... So, is it being arrogant, or is it a bit if righteous, earned pride?

And, I Understand not everyone can legally grow yet. It's a fight that's ongoing. Get involved in legalization, use those other people's freedom as a rally flag, get with norml, get involved in the community and advocate. How do you think card holders got the right to be card holders?
a whole lot of tourists are now making the scene. Many of us cool kids resent their attitudes these days - I guess I will accept the poseurs and twats if it keeps me on the street.

It seems to me that things really only thrive in America when they are underground. I worry about the effects of legalization on the culture and, ultimately the availability of good weed. I'm in favor of legalization,but it worries me. My experience tells me that one of the things Americans are really good at is killing the things that they love. I worry that this is possible.

The types of people we are speaking of are often sanctimonious, self righteous, pretentious pricks. I point to the previously referenced thread as a good example. Bastard complains about price of product but won't grow his own because it costs too much (fume...). This guy and his ilk will suck the joy out of this thing of ours if given a chance. I would hate to see cannabis be as joyless as taking a Prozac.

See now that hurts more than being called an arrogant twat. I hardly consider myself a tourist or a poser. When I was younger I smoked my ass off. As I got older, supply dried up.. wasn't able to smoke for many years. When this option became available I took it. But to be called a poser simply because I can now get my cannabis legally or easier? ouch. I was and still am among the "cool kids" (even if my grammar right now says otherwise). I do understand what you mean about pretentious pricks, which is what I worry about in my state. Suddenly what? Pot is now elevated to the new, hip social drug? The Yuppies will come in droves….And if you knew me, you'd know from minute one that I'm no Yuppie, even though I live in Yuppie central. And if anyone can suck the joy out of smoking weed, it will be the Yuppies, with their juicing, whole foods buying, yoga pants wearing prius driving organic cannabis smoking selves… So I guess Uncle B I agree on part of what you say, just don't put me in that sanctimonious, homogenous pile of wannabes puh-leez

. You seem cool. I like your whip.

Better behave yourself neo…..
Being in Co. I find it more comforting being protected by not only one but two amendments(whichever road I decide to take in defense IF it ever comes to that). You can pry the redcard from my deadass fist.
As for the original topic . There are arrogant twats with cards and arrogant twats without and there are def arrogant twats that don't even smoke.
Holding a card may make some folks uppity but for myself it's merely another form of protection against the bullshit system.
I must feel fairly strongly about having a card since my name is on a database due to the card.
See now that hurts more than being called an arrogant twat. I hardly consider myself a tourist or a poser. When I was younger I smoked my ass off. As I got older, supply dried up.. wasn't able to smoke for many years. When this option became available I took it. But to be called a poser simply because I can now get my cannabis legally or easier? ouch. I was and still am among the "cool kids" (even if my grammar right now says otherwise). I do understand what you mean about pretentious pricks, which is what I worry about in my state. Suddenly what? Pot is now elevated to the new, hip social drug? The Yuppies will come in droves….And if you knew me, you'd know from minute one that I'm no Yuppie, even though I live in Yuppie central. And if anyone can suck the joy out of smoking weed, it will be the Yuppies, with their juicing, whole foods buying, yoga pants wearing prius driving organic cannabis smoking selves… So I guess Uncle B I agree on part of what you say, just don't put me in that sanctimonious, homogenous pile of wannabes puh-leez

Better behave yourself neo…..

I think Joe, and other legal growers, are all making the same point. While we're all growing in opposition to the feds, a lot of growers, especially OG card holders, have stuck our necks out to earn the right for everyone. We became the hydra's many heads, getting lobbed off, only to grow more. Now, it's chic, everyone with a stubbed toe or constipation is claiming medical marijuana. Ever meet card holders that don't smoke? They exist ... It's hip to have a card...
I think Joe, and other legal growers, are all making the same point. While we're all growing in opposition to the feds, a lot of growers, especially OG card holders, have stuck our necks out to earn the right for everyone. We became the hydra's many heads, getting lobbed off, only to grow more. Now, it's chic, everyone with a stubbed toe or constipation is claiming medical marijuana. Ever meet card holders that don't smoke? They exist ... It's hip to have a card...

wouldn't mj be counter productive for constipation? I mean you get stoned get the munchies and then exacerbate said condition.

unless you get high and munch on a box of prunes...then you're golden