Well-Known Member
I was mistaking in the gpw "toked up", his total from the 1500 watts amounted to 1700 grams. This is 1.1 gpw, I can get this amount all day long with 3watt diodes. Why convert? Another user told me his amount totaled .7 gpw. That is when i started to become nervous. Have also read about one guy complaining his harvest was light from these cobs. He didnt post gpw but nonetheless he was disappointed. He is now in his second grow, waiting for his results and others.
The grow has been the same and has not changed or "toked up" overnight. If you call that a fail, then you should just stay with whatever you're doing cause you'll never like anything someone else shows you. You have been shown higher g/w from other growers and choose not to look and only focus on things that you consider issues. You are stuck on a grow from a clone only cookie stain that still pulled ~55g/sqft, and is somehow not enough. That is the real number to be looking well did you grow out the space. What do you usually pull per sqft? As well as the lights in that being a generation and a half old. With current lights putting out 10-20% more light than what I was using. But I don't need excuses. That grow was great and I would be anyone would not do better. And if you think you can...then prove it and get the cut.
Otherwise you can see I have gotten 1.2- 1.5g/w for 2+ years with the same lights. And shown it week after week after week fully documented. As well as years before that using apache at600 and documenting that. And a side by side with a 1000w. As well as years of fully documented hps grows here on RIU. If you can't see what the tech has done for me...and in turn how that would translate to your results, then please just keep using what you are using. And there are many others that have already shown you ~2g/w. That is not me, and never has been. But I grow better herb than anyone and will put up results anytime, weight and lab.