Are 600w hps being discontinued??


I used to grow indoors over 10 years. I used 600w hps. I'm finally in a position to grown again and went to a newer hydro store in the area and one of the guys that works there said they didn't have any 600 watt hps bulbs and probably wouldn't be getting any and had no idea where to get one. He recommended I go with LED. I'm not familiar with led lights so wasn't sure what to get.

I'm curious, did I misunderstand him? I know 10 years is a long time but are 600w hps not as popular as they used to be and in fact no longer being made or soon will be discontinued?

What would be comparable to 600w hps in a led light?
Technology marches on.

Current LEDs are ~ 100% more efficient than HID lamps.

Unless you need the heat more than the light, an LED is an easy choice.

HID bulbs are still widely available, check online.
Thank you for responding. Do you have a recommendation in a led light that would be equivalent to the 600w hps?
If anyone has any recommendations on a specific brand of LED lights to get that would be appreciated)

Im looking at the Ionframe Evo6, Samsung lm301H evo watt500.

What are people's opinions on here with this specific light?
HPS are still being manufactured by the boat load.
It depends where you live in the world as to what green laws or taxes they put on such things..

But I'd say the likely thing that's happened is your grow store can make way more mark up on LED lights than they can HPS set ups.

If you want one try ebay.

I can get a 600w hps with digital dimmable ballast and a batwing reflector for less that £50.

If I bought second hand I could pick them up for £10 .

If you want to go with LED then I'd just get a 600w and have more light .

Just Google 600w bar light.
If your not sure then run it oast someone on here. There are still lots of nonsense lights that use dodgy marketing to sell shit to people who Don't know any better
If anyone has any recommendations on a specific brand of LED lights to get that would be appreciated)

Im looking at the Ionframe Evo6, Samsung lm301H evo watt500.

What are people's opinions on here with this specific light?
It's a nice light.

What price are you seeing on them?
If anyone has any recommendations on a specific brand of LED lights to get that would be appreciated)

Im looking at the Ionframe Evo6, Samsung lm301H evo watt500.

What are people's opinions on here with this specific light?
It's a good light, a newer entry into the market, especially if you have ac infinity equipment since their controller can manage your light for you as well as air handling. It is likely to be a bit more powerful than a 600w hps light while being much cooler to run.
HPS are still being manufactured by the boat load.
It depends where you live in the world as to what green laws or taxes they put on such things..

But I'd say the likely thing that's happened is your grow store can make way more mark up on LED lights than they can HPS set ups.

If you want one try ebay.

I can get a 600w hps with digital dimmable ballast and a batwing reflector for less that £50.

If I bought second hand I could pick them up for £10 .

If you want to go with LED then I'd just get a 600w and have more light .

Just Google 600w bar light.
If your not sure then run it oast someone on here. There are still lots of nonsense lights that use dodgy marketing to sell shit to people who Don't know any better
This is great information!! Thank you!! That was something I was wondering about when I spoke to the sales guy. Especially when he was making it sound like he couldn't believe I was looking for an old hps system. That he probably makes more money on the led. Anyway great information! thank you!!
I used to grow indoors over 10 years. I used 600w hps. I'm finally in a position to grown again and went to a newer hydro store in the area and one of the guys that works there said they didn't have any 600 watt hps bulbs and probably wouldn't be getting any and had no idea where to get one. He recommended I go with LED. I'm not familiar with led lights so wasn't sure what to get.

I'm curious, did I misunderstand him? I know 10 years is a long time but are 600w hps not as popular as they used to be and in fact no longer being made or soon will be discontinued?

What would be comparable to 600w hps in a led light?
Nah u may need to go online for it but hps will still be around for a while yet and i aint switching yet either btw even amazon and such stock hps bulbs so i wouldnt worry yet
Nah u may need to go online for it but hps will still be around for a while yet and i aint switching yet either btw even amazon and such stock hps bulbs so i wouldnt worry yet
This is good to know!! Thank you)
It's been awhile since I've bulb shopped. What's a good brand name 600w bulb to go with. I can't remember for sure but I thought when I used to grow that there was a difference in bulbs but I'm not sure I'm remembering correctly.
This is good to know!! Thank you)
It's been awhile since I've bulb shopped. What's a good brand name 600w bulb to go with. I can't remember for sure but I thought when I used to grow that there was a difference in bulbs but I'm not sure I'm remembering correctly.
You a single ended fixture or double ended hps? For single i use sunmaster or whatever i even used some omega ones that were ok from what i heard they made in same factory as the other bigger name ones anyway
I made the switch I think the led is better imo
But it changes your enviromentals a bit
I'd say a better 600w but with no heat coming from the bulb
You can be so used to that being a factor
This is good to know!! Thank you)
It's been awhile since I've bulb shopped. What's a good brand name 600w bulb to go with. I can't remember for sure but I thought when I used to grow that there was a difference in bulbs but I'm not sure I'm remembering correctly.
Hortilux who are out of business now
You a single ended fixture or double ended hps? For single i use sunmaster or whatever i even used some omega ones that were ok from what i heard they made in same factory as the other bigger
I recommend this site

Then just pick the article that fits your needs. Like if you're growing in a 5x5 or 4x4 etc.
In the past I used a single fixture 6 inch i think...that was sun system I believe. I thought the bulbs were about $100

Hortilux! That's right! That's one I used to use. Also sun master bulbs I believe

This is super helpful! Thank you
LEDs are not 100% more efficient, not yet.
They are 50% more at best if you have them on full blast.
Maybe some high end systems reach 100% but I haven't seen those at the avg grower tents.

HIDs will disappear at one point or another as it's a sun like light source, which is good for the people, bad for the ones making artificial lights such as LEDs and want to replace everything that's nature like to artificial like.

Stock em while you can, while it's cheap, while it's affordable, HID systems used to cost a fortune, they will again when everyone will miss what organic light can achieve.
It's already begining, don't say I didn't told you ;)
Hps are usually way off the spectrum of normal daylight. Hhhhmmm im sure its very rare Ive gone out and everything is mostly orange. Anyway arnt led chips especially horticultural used ones fine tunned to have
near perfect amounts of all the colours the plant uses to get the best results indoors. Ive been able to get the same yeilds from 300 watt led as a 630wat gavita.
You can put a chart up of normal daylight spectrum compared to led wich is close, hid is normally way off.
I used to grow indoors over 10 years. I used 600w hps. I'm finally in a position to grown again and went to a newer hydro store in the area and one of the guys that works there said they didn't have any 600 watt hps bulbs and probably wouldn't be getting any and had no idea where to get one. He recommended I go with LED. I'm not familiar with led lights so wasn't sure what to get.

I'm curious, did I misunderstand him? I know 10 years is a long time but are 600w hps not as popular as they used to be and in fact no longer being made or soon will be discontinued?

What would be comparable to 600w hps in a led light?

Ther still around, but manufacturers are stopping making them. Too inefficient, led can be made to replicate the same spectrum or any other, in hid large amounts of the electricity going into them goes to waste on heat were as led dont do that no were near as much in comparison to the light amount put out. So you can get way more of the electricity going in being used as actual light. But you can still find good hid kits, look for a good price as you can get them cheep now. Mind you you can get good led lights at fare prices now too, the led tech has moved forward really fast in the last 5-7 years.
Closest HID Bulb, to the Sun, is the Hortilux Blue Daylight 6500k, but as some have already said. Hortilux dont make HID anymore.

But massmedicalstrains, is coming out with a 1/3 more powerful version, of a Hortilux Blue-1000w-600w. It is supposed to be released 4/20. $70-for the 1000w, and $60, for the 600w.
Consider the Hortilux Blue, is $150+usd.
The new MMS bulb, is 6000k. Hortilux blue, and this bulb, both have a spectrum of 280nm-2000+nm.