Well-Known Member
Because it is black with ribs to radiate the heat, looks mean and gives guys the hard on they wish they had.So why is the term "*assault* rifle" leaned into so hard?
Because it is black with ribs to radiate the heat, looks mean and gives guys the hard on they wish they had.So why is the term "*assault* rifle" leaned into so hard?
So you think if we had just Billions, then the mass shootings would decline?... or let's say 500 Million?So the percentage is astronomically low but if you have trillions, well mass shootings (over three) seem to be going on every week. And more people buying guns as they do not feel safe with all the guns out there.
I own enough guns that a quarter of them would still be more than the national average. Way more than I actually need.So, you'd still have a 1/4 of your guns... that's not really helping anything if you sell YOUR guns is it? I mean, are your guns going to kill anybody that you're aware of?.... No?, ...then why sell them?
well, see, i think it can happen, and it can happen in a whole lot less than 100 years.IDK man.. I just don't think it will ever happen. There's just too many of them out there in the US. Private sales happen every day. I just sold my dads Ruger American 9mm last night. This 80ish old looking man drove 45 min in the rain to come pick it up. 17+1 mags, and he paid more than what my dad bought it for. It was just too large and bulky to carry, so he's now picking up a Sig P365 sub compact 9mm. But no paperwork was exchanged, no buyers order, transfer, etc. Just cash and a handshake.
Ok Rog... what would you do? (friendly conversation here bud)well, see, i think it can happen, and it can happen in a whole lot less than 100 years.
republicans are going to start to lose. everyone thinks "drooling, trump loving magat" when you say republican, but they're not the majority of the republican party, they're just the rabid monkey sitting on the steering wheel, alternating between fling poo and biting at everyone who tries to steer the bus away from the rapidly approaching cliff... eventually, someone will grab that monkey by the scruff of the neck and throw it under the tires of the bus.
things in general ARE going to change, one way or the other...i know what side i'm betting on.
there are about 1.1 billion guns on the planet, most of them in the hands of civilians. America has 393 million...which is enough for every single person in the country to have one, new born to about to tumble into the grave, with more than 60 million left over...So the percentage is astronomically low but if you have trillions, well mass shootings (over three) seem to be going on every week. And more people buying guns as they do not feel safe with all the guns out there.
Actually,. I just read that there's an estimated 400 Million privately owned guns in the U.S...... I find this number hard to believe since we've been producing them since the 1700's....From Forbes.....
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I corrected myself. But yea, we're still pumping out 2 million of them a month.there are about 1.1 billion guns on the planet, most of them in the hands of civilians. America has 393 million...which is enough for every single person in the country to have one, new born to about to tumble into the grave, with more than 60 million left over...
you (Ron) were only off by a factor of 1000.....
i've told you repeatedly, at least a couple of times in this thread.Ok Rog... what would you do? (friendly conversation here bud)
I just took the post and put the low percentage multiplied by the high number equals dead people every day.So you think if we had just Billions, then the mass shootings would decline?... or let's say 500 Million?
Ok cool.... lets say we stopped all sales immediately.. would that stop mass shootings with this massive stockpile we have already?i've told you repeatedly, at least a couple of times in this thread.
you don't go door to door collecting weapons.
you do require much more thorough background checks, which go into mental health history, and it takes as long as it fucking takes.
no more person to person sales, anywhere. if you want to sell a weapon you own, you have to do it through a licensed dealer, who has to run the same background check as when someone buys a new weapon.
no more "constitutional carry, anywhere in the country. if you want to carry, get a permit. no permits for frivolous reasons...having a little dick is a frivolous reason.
no more magazines that hold more than 5 rounds. no rounds designed to defeat armor. no more mod kits, of any kind.
all weapons must be registered, and you cannot buy ammo unless it fits the weapons you have registered.
strict controls on the sales of powder and primers for reloading, strict limits on how much can be purchased at one time, and within a certain amount of time.
anyone caught breaking the rules gets an automatic minimum sentence, with strong possibilities of a lot more, in a federal facility.
since you asked.
...and it's not gonna change.I just took the post and put the low percentage multiplied by the high number equals dead people every day.
I own enough guns that a quarter of them would still be more than the national average. Way more than I actually need.
What if my house is broken into and they are stolen? That is how a lot of the guns used in crimes are obtained. A buy back where they are destroyed would keep them off the street and compensate the owners to some degree.
I haven't shot for sport in years. I only use them to kill varmints. I collected for a long time. I bought myself a gun on my birthday for 25 plus years. Just the last ten years or so have I stopped.
Since I have started hiking, many of the things I used to buy no longer appeals to me. You have to ask yourself, how many uses does it have? How much does it weigh? Guns are not multi use and they weigh too much. I carry a can of wasp spray for defense.
IDK man...... it's just out of control.If you look at the recent mass shooters they all seem to be disaffected young incels who just need a good blowjob. This is (IMHO) caused by the fact that you can not live on one salary alone and moms have to work which means kids grow up unsupervised and disconnected from their family and the schools are so understaffed/underfunded that teachers can not reach every kid to help them.
Obama spent billions bailing out the banks who bilked the mortgage markets but did nothing fro the poor saps who got foreclosed on. So the banks were made whole and the saps were fucked over and lost their equity. The Covid support money was sucked off by grifters, who to this day are not prosecuted, and the poor saps who were supposed to be supported got fucked again.
So the old saw, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" is still bullshit.
Maybe, with time, if we got class sizes down to 20 max and taxed the Corp's who pay NO taxes, say 35% of what they report as profits to their shareholders we might change the mental health of our country and pay off the debt the Congress have run up?
Like I said before, the Genie is out of the bottle. There's a 2nd Amendment that's not going away anytime soon.