AR-15 stands for assault rifle 15

Ok cool.... lets say we stopped all sales immediately.. would that stop mass shootings with this massive stockpile we have already?
why do you keep asking me question we both know the answer to? of course it wouldn't stop it immediately...which doesn't invalidate a single thing i don't get instant anwers anywhere, ever, why expect me to pull one out of my ass about this? put all of the things i suggested in place, and the guns in criminals hands will get rarer and rarer, within 5 years there will be less than half as many, in ten yers it will be rare for a gun to be used in a crime, in 20 years it will be a once a year occurence...
do nothing, and the same fucking shit happens on a daily basis that is happening weekly isn't going to get better on its own, and ignoring it is fucking criminal
Like I said before, the Genie is out of the bottle. There's a 2nd Amendment that's not going away anytime soon. Gun store owners have the freedom and the right to sell weapons.. that's not going away. Nobody is going to volunteer to give up or sell thier weapons to the Gubment, unless they are really hard up for money. And believe me, Im tired of hearing about these mass shootings every damn day. It's like our local bank's massive 100ft American Flag stays at half mast most of the time. @Roger A. Shrubber , your plan sounds good in theory, but it's just not plausible. There's too many weapons already out there, and besides that, criminals are gonna be criminals. That's what they do. But why fuck with the average Joe American law abiding citizen when it's our right to conceal carry for protection?... I would never advocate for open carry, even tho it's legal here, but almost nobody does... you'll be the first target in a convenience store robbery. That's why law abiding citizens carry concealed. I won't go to a certain local city without carrying my Glock 9mm, especially if I have Paige with me. We do alot of deliveries, and people see us carrying in a lock box at at Dispensary, and know we're gonna be walking out of there with a fair amount of cash. I don't want the right taken from me. So ... how do you stop mass shootings without infringing on the 2nd Amendment?..... and this guy!... Geez!........and this was just 3 months into his role as Prez.

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But!.... Looks like ol' Joe broke that record...

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are you SERIOUSLY blaming Biden for this fucking horseshit?

WHO is taking money from the NRA? for every one democrat that takes an NRA contribution, there are TEN republicans taking their blood money...and that ratio is fallen...this year it's closer to 1 democrat for every 50 republicans...
if you can seriously look in the mirror and say the words "Biden is responsible for the gun problem." then you are beyond stupid...
are you that stupid? to blame a man who is doing nothing but trying to fix the fucking problem republicans are still making worse?
Did you know that is not a firearm technically?
i'm not really interested in semantics. when someone says assault rifle, they get a lecture about "it's not really an assault rifle"
if they say clip they get a lecture, if they say what the fuck ever, they get a lecture about the fucking semantics...but the dead people don't get to get up and live semantics don't fucking matter to me very much, when we ALL know exactly what we mean
are you SERIOUSLY blaming Biden for this fucking horseshit?

WHO is taking money from the NRA? for every one democrat that takes an NRA contribution, there are TEN republicans taking their blood money...and that ratio is fallen...this year it's closer to 1 democrat for every 50 republicans...
if you can seriously look in the mirror and say the words "Biden is responsible for the gun problem." then you are beyond stupid...
are you that stupid? to blame a man who is doing nothing but trying to fix the fucking problem republicans are still making worse?
I just found it interesting.
@Roger A. Shrubber ... Meh, I just don't like the guy.
Anyways, some points you made could have some validity. It takes about 3 minutes to purchase a weapon from an FFL dealer. I think you're right about having a wait period to check out the purchasers criminal record, thier input into Social Media posts, but with over 2M a month being sold, I don't know that they have those resources to do that.
Maybe being caught with an unregistered weapon (even tho no crime was committed) could lead to confiscation of the weapon?
Training.... I WAS a little disappointed that Oklahoma lifted the Conceal Carry Permit, and allowed anybody to carry concealed, or open without a permit. The training was a joke anyways. It was 3 hours of talking about your boundaries of what's legal to do, and what's not. Then about 10 minutes of firing your weapon in front of the trainer... Some of the people I saw in that class, I wouldn't allow to have a permit. Kinda scary.
We already have a limit on ammo purchases. I hauled 10 boxes to the counter and they said "you're only allowed 1 box per caliber", So that's already in place. Banning private sales is going to be too hard to track, and would infringe on the good guys that abide the law...Maybe also ban online sales? They could be using someone else's info to purchase.. so that may be another good starting point. It's a complicated problem with no real easy solutions.... I was just picking your brain man, so calm down.
@Roger A. Shrubber ... Meh, I just don't like the guy.
Anyways, some points you made could have some validity. It takes about 3 minutes to purchase a weapon from an FFL dealer. I think you're right about having a wait period to check out the purchasers criminal record, thier input into Social Media posts, but with over 2M a month being sold, I don't know that they have those resources to do that.
Maybe being caught with an unregistered weapon (even tho no crime was committed) could lead to confiscation of the weapon?
Training.... I WAS a little disappointed that Oklahoma lifted the Conceal Carry Permit, and allowed anybody to carry concealed, or open without a permit. The training was a joke anyways. It was 3 hours of talking about your boundaries of what's legal to do, and what's not. Then about 10 minutes of firing your weapon in front of the trainer... Some of the people I saw in that class, I wouldn't allow to have a permit. Kinda scary.
We already have a limit on ammo purchases. I hauled 10 boxes to the counter and they said "you're only allowed 1 box per caliber", So that's already in place. Banning private sales is going to be too hard to track, and would infringe on the good guys that abide the law...Maybe also ban online sales? They could be using someone else's info to purchase.. so that may be another good starting point. It's a complicated problem with no real easy solutions.... I was just picking your brain man, so calm down.
Meaningful training for everyone who wants to own a firearm (40 hours of class time) and a practical and written exam would be a huge gain for you all. Perhaps even longer for carry permits. Yes there will still be illegal guns and criminals will still have access but there would be a very distinct line separating them from legal owners at that point. AND you need to start somewhere :roll:.
Meaningful training for everyone who wants to own a firearm (40 hours of class time) and a practical and written exam would be a huge gain for you all. Perhaps even longer for carry permits. Yes there will still be illegal guns and criminals will still have access but there would be a very distinct line separating them from legal owners at that point. AND you need to start somewhere :roll:.
I'd agree with some of that. Maybe not 40 hours, but maybe 20. But the problem lies in the fact that we already have hundreds of millions of them already out there. But, like @Roger A. Shrubber said, it's gonna take a long time to even start putting dent in this problem.
but with over 2M a month being sold, I don't know that they have those resources to do that.
then they have to wait till they get gotten exceptions. that alone could cancel 10-15% of those sales. but you cannot let a customer have a weapon without that check being completed, and you cannot allow the personnel performing those checks to cut corners. a 90 -120 day wait might just illustrate to everyone just how insane this shit is.