AR-15 stands for assault rifle 15

Space freaks with real good drugs, legalizing opioids might solve much of America's gun problems by reducing the number of republican voters...

It's been done but another way- fentanyl lacing on street drugs by cartels..just give it time. + Covid is still a raging pandemic..Colorado has spiked again we just pretend or perhaps normalized it's presence.

No one wants to talk about death, right?

Once again we're proud Americans.


Apparently, we have a new disease, it's call SANDY HOOK SCHOOL SYNDROME and it often affects rural home schooled white 18 year old longer the LEO you need to be wary of but the EMO.
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Figures it was one of those mentally I'll trans who doesnt know the difference between men and women. Not a far leap from chopping off your dick to killing kids apparently
Figures it was one of those mentally I'll trans who doesnt know the difference between men and women. Not a far leap from chopping off your dick to killing kids apparently
Nope, that was fake news and I can post the link, it was made for people like you and it's one of the things that turn you into sheeple, you all bleat the same lines from the same limited sources of rightwing nuttery. He was a kid with problems, one of them being a psycho who was cruel to animals. He had no criminal record like most of these shooters, no screening or permits or training either. Nothing at all, except a fist full of cash.

Any group of Muslim terrorists could walk off a plane and buy all the guns they need, for Muslim terrorists, just like republican domestic terrorists, no ID is required, even to prove citizenship. These gun laws leave America wide open to Muslim terrorists who will impose Shira law on God fearing Christians, they is taken over! Why even illegal immigrants could get guns with no problem and you know how dangerous they are! Why they even had to lock up their toddlers in cages, they were that dangerous.
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"Only the police and military should have guns"

-some stupid fascist
One day robocop will knock on your door and demand your gun. If you don't give it to him or try to shoot him, then robodog will come scurrying out of the ruble of your house holding your gun in his jaw pincers, with your cold dead hand still attached. Technology will solve many problems in the very near future, the ATF agents will be in a van parked down the block watching it all on monitors. Most gun owners will have already turned their firearms in, but there will be holdouts in 2030 and no lives need be lost dealing with them, robots and 50 pound bombs dropped from drones can do the job, in an hour they will be off to the next lunatic on the list. $10,000 rewards like in Texas for abortion, help a lot in nailing these people, plus they get their house, or what's left of it... Those visions of blowing big guberment agents away when they try and take your gun, are just fantasies that robocop and robodog will quickly dispel...
Figures it was one of those mentally I'll trans who doesnt know the difference between men and women. Not a far leap from chopping off your dick to killing kids apparently

Figures it was one of those mentally I'll trans who doesnt know the difference between men and women. Not a far leap from chopping off your dick to killing kids apparently
"It" was what? You say that Salvador Ramos was trans? Wow, tipping your Alex Jones foil hat or just trying to capitalize on the murder of children in order to demonize those you don't like? Were you sorry that his surname made the claim that he was a jew implausible?

I'll just say it - you are a lying piece of shit.
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Guns and opioids and one side has no solutions to either issue, or any other, than grabbing power and holding it.

I saw you and @cannabineer were talking about..I recommend the below.

Dopesick explains how the soon-to-be-dissolved company Purdue Pharma mislabelled the powerful painkiller Oxycontin claiming it was not likely to be abused, with the company's sales team claiming "less than one percent" of users would become addicted.
"It" was what? You say that Salvador Ramos was trans? Wow, tipping your Alex Jones foil hat or just trying to capitalize on the murder of children in order to demonize those you don't like? Were you sorry that his surname made the claim that he was a jew implausible?

I'll just say it - you are a lying piece of shit.
His username says it all, antisocial personality, or some kid with an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex and issues.
22-250 Remington 700 bdl here. Leupold 18x. But the bull barrel would get a bit hot trying to fire more than a couple rounds a minute. I don't really shoot much anymore but I used to load around 3800 fps on a 55 grain boat tail. Coyotes had zero chance at 200 yards.

It's pretty easy to hit a coyote at 200 yds with a 22-250