AR-15 stands for assault rifle 15

I think it should be any adults option, not forced, to practice safely carrying a fire arm at work. Any job. I had to take a gun from a guy before and man do I ever wish i wasn't at work and just had what was in the car.

I was in the back of the store and saw everyone getting lined up against a wall and being told to empty their pockets. The guy was also asking who the manager was. At that point I realized everyone that was listening to the robber was at more danger than me who had not complied at all but also hadn't been seen.

I managed to move closer and got to where there was just a 5 foot empty gaylord between us, collected a nice pair of scissors on the way. At one point right before I came behind him and separated his arms and got control of the gun I though he saw me. His wig and mask cost him dearly as I did not hesitate at that point and quickly took the gun.

People tend to not pick on people that fight back. The bad guys know all to well who can't fight back
and then you banged the burglar and everyone clapped when you came. and that burglar's name? you guessed it - albert einstein
Imma let you go on, but is everyone just aware what the AR in AR-15 means and letting the obvious misstatement slide, or?
For the ones that don't know what AR stands for (wikipedia):

"Although Colt owns the AR-15 trademark, the "AR" in AR-15 stands for "ArmaLite Rifle", not assault rifle."

But people here are too hostile to discuss anything reasonably, or am out.

if either one of you want to go suck a cop's dick i'll tell you a trick for luring two dozen of them into an empty hallway for 40 minutes
Sure are accomplishing a lot talking in a web forum.
Elections change things, until then people talk, work and organize. People can do more than just vote and non voters mostly young are the largest block of non voters, but they age too and with age comes voting. The republicans know and have known for awhile that they must cheat to win, even in red states it appears. This trend will continue, despite ups and downs, the overall trend is very clear to see. If the 2nd was absolute, the gun owners of America should fear nothing from the democrats or anybody else who wants to solve America's gun problem.
The 5.56 bullet is fully jacketed and designed to wound not kill, the premise being it takes two more soldiers to carry the wounded one out. If it makes the general populous feel safer to simply ban AR style rifles then we should ban them or at least require that newly manufactured ARs have fixed 10 round magazines. It won't amount to much of anything unless we address the reasons why so many people wake up in the morning planning on shooting up a school or supermarket. How do you even start to identify mental illness never mind when it's an 18 year old psychopath/sociopath your looking at and what do you do then? The Buffalo Supermarket shooter had a hx of mental illness and I'm betting without support that the majority of mass murderers have a known hx of mental health issues. Here in Massachusetts if you want to buy a firearm you have the be vetted by the state police, FBI but it's the local police department who ultimately decides if your a "suitable" individual. The problem with the local police deciding suitability is reminiscent of the Jim Crow era. One more place for racism to creep in. I'm all for reducing the number of firearm deaths but you can't have my guns because they were lost overboard while fishing. 32% of our population own firearms but only 50% of us vote so things are fucked up for sure. Legitimate gun owners fear the domino effect where giving up the right to own a Mini 14 will lead to giving up all their gun rights.The magazine capacity here tops out at 10 but with a bit of practice you can slap in a fresh mag in a couple of seconds max. There's your 30 rounds and its out of a handgun in less than 30 seconds. The scotus will NEVER constitutionally shoot down 2A so what can we realistically do. The problem is much bigger than black rifles with a bayonet lug, flash suppressor or pistol grip so what do we do? My gun owning friends are as heart broken as anyone over the deaths of these kids but demonizing them you want help. Win them over to your side with logic and good sense and maybe in a couplafew generations things will change
The 5.56 bullet is fully jacketed and designed to wound not kill
Friendly amendment, that is urban legend. It is designed to be as lethal as possible given it's other design goals such as weight, accuracy etc.

I don't disagree that a wounded soldier may require more care and resources but dead ones don't shoot back, ever.