April and Sunni, I wanna sex you. Haaard.

Damn!! Was that Mila Kunis at :45? Cute!! sunni a size 8 is nowhere near fat, more like perfectly healthy. I bet your gorgeous sweetheart.

That is all
That's pretty messed up, sunni. Wanna know the antidote? Stand naked in front of the mirror and smile. cn

lol its just hard when you battled an eating disorder for like 5 years to hear something like that ..it still hurts ya know that mentally of "oh no im getting fat" comes in
lol its just hard when you battled an eating disorder for like 5 years to hear something like that ..it still hurts ya know that mentally of "oh no im getting fat" comes in

In that case, I doublerecommend my proposed antidote. Add a toke, and it'll be two birds one stone. cn
lol its just hard when you battled an eating disorder for like 5 years to hear something like that ..it still hurts ya know that mentally of "oh no im getting fat" comes in

did you not eat enough or you ate too much? even at the skinniest point in my life i still ate like a pig and i still do. i think i will suffer the rest of my life with this problem but what can i do... you should see me when i get stoned, they be thinking our fridge got robbed.

i lost around 50 pounds when i was younger and even when i got to the point that others said i was too skinny it was hard for me to grasp the mentality that i was not the fat person i once was. i learned that the only reason to lose weight was to become healthier. it's a very important lesson to not let others define you based on weight. if you truly think you are overweight, make an effort to change that. but don't do it because somebody else told you that you should.
lol its just hard when you battled an eating disorder for like 5 years to hear something like that ..it still hurts ya know that mentally of "oh no im getting fat" comes in

if i ever needed a haircut and was in canada id definitely try to find you
lol its just hard when you battled an eating disorder for like 5 years to hear something like that ..it still hurts ya know that mentally of "oh no im getting fat" comes in

Consider the source. Take a deep breath. Keep passing the open windows.

did you not eat enough or you ate too much? even at the skinniest point in my life i still ate like a pig and i still do. i think i will suffer the rest of my life with this problem but what can i do... you should see me when i get stoned, they be thinking our fridge got robbed.

i lost around 50 pounds when i was younger and even when i got to the point that others said i was too skinny it was hard for me to grasp the mentality that i was not the fat person i once was. i learned that the only reason to lose weight was to become healthier. it's a very important lesson to not let others define you based on weight. if you truly think you are overweight, make an effort to change that. but don't do it because somebody else told you that you should.

it was a mix of bulima /anerxia....i ate only salad and then threw it up i was like 90lbs.
I remember I saw a girl on Oprah or something, can't remember, but she saved her puke in jars and hid them in her closet. Her parents found them and she had like 30 jars full of puke.
im flattered i guess?...LOL i didnt reply cause i was at work while this all went down, i had a rough day today i was just about to make a thread on how mean people can be towards me in real life, but then i complimented so thanks kodank i kinda needed to hear i was pretty ..LOL

was . . . .what happened as far as i know your pretty, as well as hot

dont let the barbie doll(plastic) world get you down
Because clearly, I am serious. Lol. Not. They are both however sexy, and if given the opportunity I would adequately supersede their needs and expectations.

I am however not hoping to bring these to together for a 3some via the internet. This was indeed a joke. Relax you animals.

Also, picking up hot women on the internet is waaay easier then going to a bar. I can play call of duty and get baked and flirt with bitches. Hate all you want.

I can do it in the bar, why not online lol.
Because online, you can't see the adams apple or the bulge LOL
well she skinda been loosing it mentally within the last few years so she doesnt have a filter anymore, i am curvy theres no doubt in that but im like a size 8..and she asked if she could take me shopping at the plus size store today..and im like..id wouldnt fit in their clothing it just really hurt like why the fuck would she say that, she basically said lets go to the plus size store cause your fat and wont fit into any other clothing
The mother of my kids was like an 8 or 10, something like that, but I didn't trade her in because of that. I traded her in, (ended up getting the compact model) because she turned into a bitch. had nothing to do with her size, unless you count her mouth.
Don't let the comments get to ya, just chalk it up to them getting old.
SMILE. You seem like a real nice gal, and no.. I have not seen any of your pics, so that doesn't sway what I say one way or the other.
lol its just hard when you battled an eating disorder for like 5 years to hear something like that ..it still hurts ya know that mentally of "oh no im getting fat" comes in
The gal that introduced me to the gal I spoke of earlier, won't even send me pics of her below the eyes, because she is diabetic, gained weight and says I would hate to see her now, compared to what I remember her as back last time I saw her, in early 1990's, when before and after her first child, she was a 42-24-34.
I know this, because she had me do the measuring to squash the rumors when she was in high school.
She was a year younger than me, and I stuck up for her like the big brother to the little sis that she thought she was. (as did I)
The gal that introduced me to the gal I spoke of earlier, won't even send me pics of her below the eyes, because she is diabetic, gained weight and says I would hate to see her now, compared to what I remember her as back last time I saw her, in early 1990's, when before and after her first child, she was a 42-24-34.
I know this, because she had me do the measuring to squash the rumors when she was in high school.
She was a year younger than me, and I stuck up for her like the big brother to the little sis that she thought she was. (as did I)

Wait.... which one of us is too high? I don't get it.