Appreciate any constructive feedback


New Member
“Let’s say day 14 cuz I haven’t been keeping track.
First time growing, unless u wanna count that one time in 8th grade and I drowned it to death...

Anyway, yesterday I transplanted 7 of my 8 plants into a bigger pot due to roots growing out the drain hole.
I think I’m overwatering them rn cuz some of the plants are curling up on the tips.
ph is higher than I’d like, 7-7.5. (Soil)
One question is if I wanna lower my soil ph, should the water be lower to average out the soil? Meaning if I want the soil to reach 6.5 should I water it with 5.5?

also giving very minimal amounts of ff liquid plant food and big grow.
recently modified my tent today cuz friend donated his light so now I’m running 130w overhead, 2 30w on left and right side.
Anyway, gonna let the soil dry completely before I flush it for the first time and use 6.5ph water doing so. While I wait, need to get a humidifier cuz I wanna be in the vpd range so rn it’s 80-85F but 55-60rh. I don’t want to get new/bigger fans because I’m already way over budget...
Excited to see how they react to the new lights!



Well-Known Member
Your ph is fine. And yes your over watering them. put some plastic around the top of the pot and cover the dirt so you dont lose as much water to evaporation. Based on your light set up you may want to think about topping them now. Otherwise looking good.


New Member
Your ph is fine. And yes your over watering them. put some plastic around the top of the pot and cover the dirt so you dont lose as much water to evaporation. Based on your light set up you may want to think about topping them now. Otherwise looking good.
Do u mean cover the pot with something like a dome?
And I’m still a newbie. Should I just cut the very top leaf from the stem?
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Well-Known Member
no take like some plastic sheeting, or cardboard and cover the top of the pot. Like around the base of the plant but the soil.
No dont cut the top leaf. Google topping cannabis and there are several guides on topping.


New Member
Day 15: 930am
Woke up and found one of my plants curlinf upward a lot. Im just gonna say its from overwatering. Or perhaps it could be too much light?
Im gonna mess with the water and see if that helps and if that doesnt help, most likely take out the side lights. Since its only 1 of 8 thats doing that.

Rh is still low considering the temp is hovering 80-87 with the new light setup. Put a bowl of water in one corner and a frozen sponge in front of the fan but it didnt really do much.

I guess it would help if I got reflective material rather than foil. But i have a mini usb humidifier coming and hopefully thatll put me in the prime vpd range. Lights are gonna turn off in about an hr and the soil looks and feels dry so i will flush the plants that seem fine and others that look overwatered, I will wait another day or 2

Oh and i transplanted my last plant and flushed it right after. Before i went to sleep it was drooping. Checking in this morning and it looks like its on its way to recovery. This one i tested the wet soil and was at 6.5 PH which i was happy with. So i answered my own question from the first post haha.



Well-Known Member
Your ph is fine. And yes your over watering them. put some plastic around the top of the pot and cover the dirt so you dont lose as much water to evaporation. Based on your light set up you may want to think about topping them now. Otherwise looking good.
Way too early to top, wait till between fifth and sixth node otherwise you will stunt it.


New Member
Day 15. 8pm. I wanna top already.

Soil is dry so I watered all but the one I transplanted last (smallest one) and the one that looks overwatered.
Vpd is not in range. I bought a humidifier and thought about making the intake whole bigger. If those don’t solve my issue then I may just get rid of the side lights.
ph after water 6.5-7
Minimal amount of ff big grow and liquid plant food.
Can’t wait til I can start topping!
A few are leaning sideways, I corrected one to see how it will end up. First time growing so it’s interesting how I can experiment with each one.



New Member
Day 16 830am
Topped 2 plants last night. One looks good with what i think is nute burn? The other looks okay.
It does seem like some leaves are getting pm but i have neem oil spray. Just dont know if its too soon to be giving my plants.
Also noticed a tear in one of my leaves and deformation on another one. Input/advice? 15868782092428111856741836208856.jpg15868782455603825145091471233091.jpg15868782961077643500312574497291.jpg


Well-Known Member
Plants are lookin good, nice color. Yes give it a good correction on ph to get it down as mentioned by another member here. I'd give it a drink of ph 4 and see how that corrects soil ph.


New Member
Plants are lookin good, nice color. Yes give it a good correction on ph to get it down as mentioned by another member here. I'd give it a drink of ph 4 and see how that corrects soil ph.
Ill try that next time i need to water



New Member
Day 17. 7pm.
Just came home and opened the tent.
Is it normal for them to smell a bit skunky already? Not like musky but skunky.
Anyway, plants are looking great.
I accidentally damaged a leaf when i was topping. Noticed it wasnt growing as well as the others so i cut it.
Last pic of plant, it looks overwatered/nute toxicity. Flushed it with 5ph water (soil was close to 8ph) and waiting for a reaction from the plant.

Moved the intake fan and using that as an exhaust fan now. So i have 2 exhaust fans now. Shortly after already noticed slightly better temp/humidity.
Just got a humidifier so it can be even better.

And my home made carbon filter is working wonders!



New Member
Day 18, 945pm
Plants are getting more bushy. Small leafs coming out from nodes. Some growing faster than others so I’ve been switching positions around. Also noticing tiny amounts of yellowing and.. my leafs are partially eating itself?? I don’t think I have bugs...

Humidifier helped but wasn’t as much as expected.
Went from 82-84F/50-55% without humidifier to 78-80F/55-58% with humidifier.
To help even more, I turned off my 30w side lights (1 on each side)and only using my overhead 130w for now. Since doing so it’s been at 77-80F/68-75%

