Apocolypse Now And This Ain't Your Uncles 'Nam..

Do you honestly think Obama Administration is offering jobs or a jobs creation project to ISIS? Do you honestly believe that?

If so, I have a bridge I can sell you.
wow,whats so stunning is it came right out of the mouth of a state department spokes womans mouth on national TV, and you call me ignorant for believing what she said?Thats what the dumb bitch said, what they need are jobs opportunity's.
most normal people of average intelligence wouldn't even admit to voting for this slug they would be so ashamed of being that damn stupid,
but not you guys, you defend these morons by saying,,you don't really believe what they said do it?
lol,well if you don't believe them I have some free health insurance ill sale you,no really, it will be cheaper better and cover more people,,and you can keep your doctor too, drink up the cool aid dude,if you drink enough of it it will turn your hair red too
Do you honestly think Obama Administration is offering jobs or a jobs creation project to ISIS? Do you honestly believe that?

If so, I have a bridge I can sell you.
WOW!,,,,, a war on Middle Eastern unemployment. Should we wage It for 50 yrs. like the Cold War?....100 yrs like the Drug War?...Surely It will be multi-generational....We do have one phase ready to go,Oklahoma can run the Madrasas....Islamic exceptionalism anyone?
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