apartment closet grow electricty bill?


Well-Known Member
I live in an apartment and was wondering how noticable on the electricty bill would a 400 watt hps with a few cfls and fans be?

and i was thinking about growing blueberry around 6-8 plants, but will the smell be hella potent? as long as no one can smell it outside its all good...

ty for help


Well-Known Member
ya money is no problem, if its only 20 more a month that isnt bad...no way they could know.


Well-Known Member
damn elect is so expensive in other aera :(

yea a carbon filter is needed, along with some plug-ins couldnt hurt:)


Well-Known Member
ight sounds good, and what is ur favorite to grow indoor that isnt to hard for a nooby?
im into the sweet stuff.


Well-Known Member
In my area a 400 watt will run me about $10/month. Skunk #1 is one of the easiest strains to grow.

The power company will not raise an eyebrow unless your bill suddenly increases 1000%, then there might be issues.


Well-Known Member
:fire:just got my electric bill. this was the first whole month i was running 400 watt hid 6 ich duct fan and a floor fan. HA! i saved 25 dollars than more than i did the month before with no light. hilarious. i was real worried to see and that made my frickin day lolbongsmilie I SPENT SO MUCH EFFORT TURNING EVERYTHING ELSE OFF AND NOT USING OTHER S items that i saved. sey bout the bold, stoned


Well-Known Member
Damn you start growing and your bill goes down? thats an accomplishment now!
so with a 600 watt inline fan and a pump for a hydro setup that wouldnt even be noticable would it?


Well-Known Member
what sort of climate do you live in? if it gets real cold in the winter for you (im in michigan), then that will be perfect. i started my grow during the summer during 85 degree heat though, i turned on my AC, my bill jumped up like an extra $40. granted, its a shitty old AC, but remember, you arent just paying to power the lights, you need to keep that shit cool!


Well-Known Member
ya well shit we pay 90 a month in this apartment...air conditioner is on over half the day lol
house stays between 70 and 78 at all times....
i live in california so it gets pretty hot outside.
but i figure a couple months bill will even out during winter


Well-Known Member
aight guys been thinking for some time on how imma do my set up (soil vs hydro)..i gave some serious thought to my life...we gone grow to have fun and dont have to worry bout buying bud ?(live in nyc,prices are ridiculous for that fire) or are we gone grow to make some cash and still never worry bout my heavy smoke habit?..what ive decided is to bring back my days of running bud (the middle man,buying over priced weight and selling anything from dimes and up),but this time out on my own...heres my ideal set up tell me what you think:

i have a closet bout 3 feet in depth and a guesstimate of 9 or 10 ft in width
i was gonna get a bubbleponics set up (8 or 10 gallon set up where i can run two 6 plant bubbleponic systems from 1 resovoir.was thinking to put 1 on each side of the closets (im going to mylar the closet of course) and get 2 hps lights that also take mh as well for a complete grow from seed to smoke.what i wanted was someone to tell me do they think thats enough space for 12 plants in total and how crazy would my elec. bill be??...any info will help thanks


Well-Known Member
Well 3x10 gives you 30 square feet, which means in theory you could manage to fit about 30 plants in there if you wanted. I'd say with that setup you could easily fit 12. Even 15 would still give you 1 per every 2 sq feet. I don't think you'll have to worry about the elec bill much at all, probably 40 bucks more a month at most (assuming you're using both lights).


Well-Known Member
thanx dk, dont seem like i can get that many in there,maybe my measurements are off,did the old fasioned "heel to toe" (cant find tape),but imma go with ya judgement..and measure twice to make sure thnx alot


Well-Known Member
Sure thing. It all depends on how big you want your plants to get really. 30 small, 20 medium, or 10 big something along those lines I would say.