apartment closet grow electricty bill?


Well-Known Member
which way do you think is best,cuz i need to get the biggest yeild for what im tryna do..hopefully the demand wont outgrow production until i can step it up..feel me??...and whats a good place to get bulbs? or better yet whats a good price for 2 400 watt joints..and i need the one that can hold both bulbs (hps & mh)..is that possible? or am i way out of my league...got the money..all i want to do is feed them and watch em take off!!


Well-Known Member
You'll probably want to get 2 MH/HPS fixtures that can hold one or the other. You want to use the MH for vegging and the HPS for flowering. You can get them online (eBay, craigslist, etc.), probably run you 200 each. I would try around 15 plants if you have 30 sq feet. Make sure you measure!


Well-Known Member
16 sq feet... I'd go with 8, but you could still get away with 12 if you wanted to. How high is it? Also, I doubt you'd need two lights in there then. A single 400w or 600w MH/HPS would be fine.


Well-Known Member
Well a general rule is 1 plant per sq foot. So, techniquely you could get away with 16. I'm growing 8 in a 3X5 space, roughly 2 sq feet each. It's really up to you, and like I said how big of plants you want. You would be fine with growing them to about 4 or 5 feet though with that much space, leaving a few feet in between your light and tops of the plants. Oh and a 400w light will cover a 4x4 area so yes, but a 600w would be better obviously. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
damn im so glad i met you..thanx for all ya help btw...so how much would the 600 watt run me about so i know what price range to look for on ebay?...and how do you think i can set up 2 bubbleponics systems in there?..(was thinking plants on 1 side of closet and resevoir on other side of closet..damn i wish i knew you as a friend..none of my dumb ass friends no nothing abouth this..and i know professional rappers


Well-Known Member
man i have grown in my closet "not with a HPS with 2 T-8's noone noticed the increase in the usage.
for the smell just keep your windows open when they are in flowering my bud is nice ;)


Well-Known Member
damn im so glad i met you..thanx for all ya help btw...so how much would the 600 watt run me about so i know what price range to look for on ebay?...and how do you think i can set up 2 bubbleponics systems in there?..(was thinking plants on 1 side of closet and resevoir on other side of closet..damn i wish i knew you as a friend..none of my dumb ass friends no nothing abouth this..and i know professional rappers
I'd say you'd be able to get one for somewhere around $200-$250. Check eBay, or craigslist and see if there's anywhere near you with one so you won't have to pay $100 for shipping. As for the bubbleponics, I couldn't really tell you as I've never tried it before. But I would say you'd be fine with two of them in there under one light. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
ahhh man thanx a bunch homie..i was up till 8 this morn researching and pricing...AND IM GOING ALL OUT!!! (WELL AT LEAST I THINK I AM)imma either get the dual spectrum 800 or 1000 watter!..i dont have to do shit!..my time is valuable at this point,trying to hustle up the tail end of this money for this lovely setup (my mind on my money,money on my mind!!)..imma give my self till next mon. or tues. then by everything..now last question and ill leave you alone.the dual spectrum hps/mh comes with 2 diff. volt cords..is that an important factor??..how do i maintain this situation?..and sorry 1 more ?...my girl was remembering in winter that closet get very cold at night..what can i do if this problem occurs?


Well-Known Member
don't know about different volt cords but if you have a 1000w in a closet it will keep it plenty heated, more likely you'll have temps too high than too low

those duel spectrum 1000w lights look amazing.. you should be in for a good grow good luck


Well-Known Member
Well, If you're going to go with a higher watt system than a 600, I would definetly make sure you get one that is air cooled. A 1000w fixture in that small a space will torch your plants without proper ventilation. You'd be fine with a 600w in my opinion. As for the volt cords that's just 120/240 right? Just make sure you're using the right one for where you have it plugged in. If it gets too cold at night, especially when you start flowering and the lights are off, I would suggest getting some kind of heater to keep in there. As long as the temp doesn't drop below like 65 you'll be fine anyway. My closet stays around 80 throughout the night, that's depending on what the temp is where you live of course.