Apartment building has no smoking rule, how can I get around it


New Member
New apartment building I moved in in nyc has no smoking rule. The lease says you can't smoke cigarettes, cannabis, e- cigarettes vape pens and hookahs. They said its breaking the lease if you do. You cant smoke in your own apartment or anywhere near the building. Can anyone help me find a way to get around this? I have air vents in my apartment in the ceiling which means the smoke could travel up to my neighbors if I do decide to smoke.

There are 30 apartments on my floor. neighbors recently complianed to management of the hallways smelling like weed or cigarettes but it wasn't me though. How can I get around this and still smoke

I have two solutions for you.

01. Being a Medical Marijuana Patient (if you aren't already) may make this part of the lease not apply to you, but you would have to ask a lawyer about that.

02. THC inhaler
I think there is only one company that makes them, Vapen Clear, and I have no idea how much they cost. But you can get high all day long and no one would smell a thing...
I mean you could literally stand next to your building manager, take a puff and he would never know...

I cannot believe they are banning vapes, you cannot really smell vapes and the smell goes away so quickly, plus you mostly smell the flavor anyway.

Match your vape flavor to an incense scent and burn a shit load of incense...
If you make it some sickly sweet smell like a berry or grape scent and flavor or something like that, everyone with just think it's the incense.

If you mix your own vape liquid, then mix up scents like vanilla or cookies, if anyone smells anything, they will think you're baking, which you will be, but not with an oven.

I hope you find a way around it....

I have two solutions for you.

01. Being a Medical Marijuana Patient (if you aren't already) may make this part of the lease not apply to you, but you would have to ask a lawyer about that.

02. THC inhaler
I think there is only one company that makes them, Vapen Clear, and I have no idea how much they cost. But you can get high all day long and no one would smell a thing...
I mean you could literally stand next to your building manager, take a puff and he would never know...

I cannot believe they are banning vapes, you cannot really smell vapes and the smell goes away so quickly, plus you mostly smell the flavor anyway.

Match your vape flavor to an incense scent and burn a shit load of incense...
If you make it some sickly sweet smell like a berry or grape scent and flavor or something like that, everyone with just think it's the incense.

If you mix your own vape liquid, then mix up scents like vanilla or cookies, if anyone smells anything, they will think you're baking, which you will be, but not with an oven.

I hope you find a way around it....

"But not with an oven"

That's gold ha!
I would think if they are pissy about vaping they wouldnt like you burning incense all day either. That's also a pretty juvenile way to cover stuff. No one just burns patchouli because it smells nice. I'm with the other poster. You should just start doing edibles. Or seriously just be careful and vape and only take a rip or two at a time in the bathroom or out a window. Sheesh. Like you've never stayed in a no smoking hotel and hit a lil bowl in the bathroom with a towel under the door. What a crappy way to live though.
I cant claim to know anything about housing in NYC but why sign a lease you want to brake? is there somewhere else you could rent that will allow smoking? chances are they wont catch you vaping if they cant see it, there are all sort of scent blockers, smoke eaters, carbon filters, etc.
reminds me of being a kid hiding in my bedroom to smoke, wait until everyone is asleep, crack a window, turn on fan, maybe even seal the door better, oh and ozium. or having to go for a walk to smoke.
hope they never catch you.
I would think if they are pissy about vaping they wouldnt like you burning incense all day either. That's also a pretty juvenile way to cover stuff. No one just burns patchouli because it smells nice. I'm with the other poster. You should just start doing edibles. Or seriously just be careful and vape and only take a rip or two at a time in the bathroom or out a window. Sheesh. Like you've never stayed in a no smoking hotel and hit a lil bowl in the bathroom with a towel under the door. What a crappy way to live though.

Yeah burning incense is probably juvenile, but so is having to smoke in your bathroom with a towel under the door and a window open...
This is why I suggested using a fruity or vanilla scent. If you use patchouli or some heavy musky scent like that (sandalwood, nag champa, etc...), you might as well put a sign on your front door....
If incense isn't listed in the lease, all they can do is ask you to stop, to actually get you to stop they will have to get others in the building to sign a petition, and that isn't going to happen over some incense smell unless it's one of those perfumy, musky scents...
If you use a room spray or one of those plug-in jobbies they can't get you on it being a fire hazard.
This is why I suggested a scent that is reminiscent of cooking, like cookies or vanilla, or bacon even...
I am sure your neighbors cook shit that reeks all the time, I know when I lived in an apartment, around dinner time the whole place would range in smell from pleasant to warmed dog food.
So if your house smells like bacon, what are they going to do?
Kick you out because of suspected high cholesterol?

I can understand why cigarettes or joints are not allowed, they are a fire hazard, they smell, and it makes re-painting the walls more difficult. But I cannot see why they are against vapes, unless the building owner/manager just quit and it's a personal issue....

Just get a cheap disposable, single use vape pen and give it a try, you'll see that unless your super is sniffing under your door or you become a "cloud chaser", they'll never know...

To be clear I am talking about oil vaping not dry herb vaporizers, the pen type dry herb vaporizer units smell exactly like you smoked a joint and you get the terrible aftertaste of the element wire in your mouth, yeah!!!
With oil vaping, unless the cartridge is crap, all you'll taste are the terpenes of the cannabis and the flavor that was added and the scent dissipates quickly, like seconds...

Later when you get into mixing your own vape liquids, cut back on the VG (vegetable glycerin) and there won't be anywhere near as much smoke produced.
If you use a pre-mixed liquidizer like WAX to mix your extracts, this produces a little smoke but nothing like a 50:50 VG:PG mix.
Apparently I believe it is some type of charcoal style filter ... I have the original , but understand they expanded their line to a mega model too.

Bad thing is you can't really change filter , so you toss it out. But you can use either opening. I got for like 10.00 bucks Amazon compared to website which is about double.

Website has fancy looking ones , but they look more " pot graphic " but I like it plain ..
I would think if they are pissy about vaping they wouldnt like you burning incense all day either. That's also a pretty juvenile way to cover stuff. No one just burns patchouli because it smells nice. I'm with the other poster. You should just start doing edibles. Or seriously just be careful and vape and only take a rip or two at a time in the bathroom or out a window. Sheesh. Like you've never stayed in a no smoking hotel and hit a lil bowl in the bathroom with a towel under the door. What a crappy way to live though.

Disagree, I burn incense sticks regularly because me and aerosols are not friends (aerosols trigger a form of asthma) so to freshen the air I have a choice of around 40 different smells to play with. Plus the odour lingers longer so, when I was working, I would come home to a pleasant pong instead of the smell of traffic fumes, especially diesel fumes, everywhere.

And IF someone ever says something about "strange" smells I just have to show them all the packs of joss sticks and ask them which ones they smell as they won't be able to say I'm off my face on weed given the pharmaceuticals I take...
I guess vaping would be the best idea. Only thing is there’s a air vent in my bathroom and one in my room. If I decide to smoke I can’t smoke out the window cause my window faces other apartments and other residents could easily see. Maybe I try the bacon and febreze automatic sprays and may look into that smoke buddy thing. If I do decide to smoke or vape should it be in my bathroom or my room? I live in a studio. My bathroom door is by my apartment door. Check this out vaping is also in the lease too. Look below I posted the pic

Yeah burning incense is probably juvenile, but so is having to smoke in your bathroom with a towel under the door and a window open...
This is why I suggested using a fruity or vanilla scent. If you use patchouli or some heavy musky scent like that (sandalwood, nag champa, etc...), you might as well put a sign on your front door....
If incense isn't listed in the lease, all they can do is ask you to stop, to actually get you to stop they will have to get others in the building to sign a petition, and that isn't going to happen over some incense smell unless it's one of those perfumy, musky scents...
If you use a room spray or one of those plug-in jobbies they can't get you on it being a fire hazard.
This is why I suggested a scent that is reminiscent of cooking, like cookies or vanilla, or bacon even...
I am sure your neighbors cook shit that reeks all the time, I know when I lived in an apartment, around dinner time the whole place would range in smell from pleasant to warmed dog food.
So if your house smells like bacon, what are they going to do?
Kick you out because of suspected high cholesterol?

I can understand why cigarettes or joints are not allowed, they are a fire hazard, they smell, and it makes re-painting the walls more difficult. But I cannot see why they are against vapes, unless the building owner/manager just quit and it's a personal issue....

Just get a cheap disposable, single use vape pen and give it a try, you'll see that unless your super is sniffing under your door or you become a "cloud chaser", they'll never know...

To be clear I am talking about oil vaping not dry herb vaporizers, the pen type dry herb vaporizer units smell exactly like you smoked a joint and you get the terrible aftertaste of the element wire in your mouth, yeah!!!
With oil vaping, unless the cartridge is crap, all you'll taste are the terpenes of the cannabis and the flavor that was added and the scent dissipates quickly, like seconds...

Later when you get into mixing your own vape liquids, cut back on the VG (vegetable glycerin) and there won't be anywhere near as much smoke produced.
If you use a pre-mixed liquidizer like WAX to mix your extracts, this produces a little smoke but nothing like a 50:50 VG:PG mix.
Yeah burning incense is probably juvenile, but so is having to smoke in your bathroom with a towel under the door and a window open...
This is why I suggested using a fruity or vanilla scent. If you use patchouli or some heavy musky scent like that (sandalwood, nag champa, etc...), you might as well put a sign on your front door....
If incense isn't listed in the lease, all they can do is ask you to stop, to actually get you to stop they will have to get others in the building to sign a petition, and that isn't going to happen over some incense smell unless it's one of those perfumy, musky scents...
If you use a room spray or one of those plug-in jobbies they can't get you on it being a fire hazard.
This is why I suggested a scent that is reminiscent of cooking, like cookies or vanilla, or bacon even...
I am sure your neighbors cook shit that reeks all the time, I know when I lived in an apartment, around dinner time the whole place would range in smell from pleasant to warmed dog food.
So if your house smells like bacon, what are they going to do?
Kick you out because of suspected high cholesterol?

I can understand why cigarettes or joints are not allowed, they are a fire hazard, they smell, and it makes re-painting the walls more difficult. But I cannot see why they are against vapes, unless the building owner/manager just quit and it's a personal issue....

Just get a cheap disposable, single use vape pen and give it a try, you'll see that unless your super is sniffing under your door or you become a "cloud chaser", they'll never know...

To be clear I am talking about oil vaping not dry herb vaporizers, the pen type dry herb vaporizer units smell exactly like you smoked a joint and you get the terrible aftertaste of the element wire in your mouth, yeah!!!
With oil vaping, unless the cartridge is crap, all you'll taste are the terpenes of the cannabis and the flavor that was added and the scent dissipates quickly, like seconds...

Later when you get into mixing your own vape liquids, cut back on the VG (vegetable glycerin) and there won't be anywhere near as much smoke produced.
If you use a pre-mixed liquidizer like WAX to mix your extracts, this produces a little smoke but nothing like a 50:50 VG:PG mix.