Apartment building has no smoking rule, how can I get around it

Go to Nordic Pure's site and order odor absorbing charcoal furnace filters and change them every 3 weeks max. Avoid using the heater when cleaning the air, use the furnace fan only.
Order some Nag Champa insence sticks and burn them a couple of minutes before lighting up.
Buy some Air Wick replacement cannisters that are used in their auto misting units. Use them without the unit. They put out a very good burst of spray (Fabreeze has a wimpy spray) that is odor neutralizing (Fresh Waters scent is a good one). Use all of these and you'll be fine.


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Are you a medical cannabis patient or a recreational one?
The reason I ask is because you may be able to side step this if you smoke cannabis for medical reasons.
Hint, hint, if you can, become a medical cannabis patient.

Similar to how people with guide animals can have "pets" in a pet-free building.
But you would need to speak to a lawyer about this and be prepared for some push back from your building manager and their parent company...
At the very least this may keep them from evicting you, but will probably not stop them from not renewing your lease.
So if I were you, I wouldn't unpack too much and I would begin looking for a more friendly building.

I would suggest edibles, but they can be tricky.

This is why I suggested the inhaler.
It’s inconspicuous, takes a second to use and has no smell.
No one will say shit about an inhaler.
But I have no idea where to get one and I am sure they are quite expensive.

If you go with edibles, be careful..
I mean you have to be precise about how much you add and even then there can be potent pockets in edibles where you eat one piece, feel nothing and then eat another and wish you hadn't...
Plus it can take as much as 2 hours for the high to kick in and until you are used to it, you may get impatient and eat more and this just ends up with you in trouble.

The only logical way around this would be to dissolve X amount of decarbed cannabis into X amount of butter and then dispense it out on pieces of toast.
Or dissolve X amount of decarbed cannabis oil into X amount of vegetable glycerin and dose it drop-wise onto your tongue or a small amount of water.

But you will need to work out the dosing or you can get into trouble very easily…

For instance “they” say 10mg of THC will get your plenty high.
An ounce of 18% THC cannabis contains 5,040mg of THC, or 504 ten milligram doses.
So, depending on what gets your high, you will need to dilute this into butter or vegetable glycerin so you are getting a comfortable dose.

This way you know you're getting X amount of cannabis.

When it comes to edibles, I would suggest taking it easy, go slow and figure out what works by working up to a certain amount.

Then when you know what you are comfortable with, you can adjust it how you like.

For example:
If you make canna-butter and you do the usual 2 ounces per 1 pound of butter, you will be getting like 105mg per teaspoon of finished butter which is a huge amount of THC and frankly more than a bit dangerous because doses over 20+mg can cause paranoia…

You can get around it, but you will have to work at it a little…

Good luck, let us know how it goes…
A thought just struck me, iirc burning a candle tends to kill off the smell and smoke from cigarettes so, in theory, a scented candle might do the same for weed and if you use citronella candles you can claim it's to keep things like mosquitoes away.

Can't see anything in the bit of the lease agreement you signed that bans candles so it's one thing you could use to mask any smell
...vape pens? Those produce no detectable smoke though, right? I've used a CBD e-cig & the only thing that came out was essentially mildly scented steam that disappeared into the air. Those cheap 510-thread type e-cig vapes are pretty discreet. I don't know much about those fancy Arizer vapes that cost like $300+ but I know you can buy liquid cannabis cartridges where weed is legal that don't produce any smoke or smell.

As for actual smoking, I do it in my closet every night in my parents' house without their knowledge. I take one hit from my small pipe & blow it into a pillow, then shut the closet door. The room stinks a bit but they never come back here so it's not an issue. If you could risk getting thrown out though you should really think hard about whether it's worth risking it. Maybe look into edibles or drinkables if vaping won't work for some reason.
You’d be foolish to combust and perhaps vaporize in that environment as both are lease violations. Medical may help you, but in NY that is only oils and edibles, no flower. Personally I’d pickup a convection based vape, like an Arizer Air, Herbalizer, etc. Condcution based vapes like a Pax or Davinci IQ work well, but tend to smell enough after use that it could be a problem. Vapes like the DynaVap VapCap are excellent, but there is a risk of combustion with them, so I would stick with temperature regulated vapes that can be tucked away quickly and do not require cool down. I would add in NY each piece of paraphernalia may result in a $1,000 fine. (8 vapes = $8k fine). Perhaps overly paranoid, but better to know the law as claiming ignorance is not bliss.
There are 30 apartments on my floor. neighbors recently complianed to management of the hallways smelling like weed or cigarettes but it wasn't me though. How can I get around this and still smoke

This is to your advantage...you need to freak out on the manager about someone on your floor smoking....as you had specifically chosen this building because it was non-smoking, but now you are having to live in a contaminated environment and are considering legal action if they don't evict the offender.

Be persistent and very vocal in condemning any type of smoke or vapes.....you will soon be labeled as that "militant anti-smoker" and will be overlooked on any investigation concerning smoking.

If anyone should accuse you of smoking, just flip out of them and deny any involvement and act completely insulted that they have accused you a person with a hatred for smoke and even threaten to sue them for defamation of character if they don't STFU.......no matter what, always deny it, it's up to them to prove it in a court of law.
Don't call attention to yourself. I know how difficult it can be trying to find a suitable apt in NY. The best thing is to just go for a walk. Don't jeopardize what you have for a 'home' over weed. I'm sure once in a while would be fine, especially if you get one of those Smoker Buddies Budz recommended (which I'm going to check out now because nonsmoking hotels suck) The last thing a renter needs is an eviction popping up when they submit their rental app for a new place. Poor references /credit checks could keep you from finding an even better home.

Just try to hang in there until your lease is up.

Sadly, I think renters will see this rule/clause pop up in leases more and more as the cannabis culture evolves.

Good luck. Hopefully your lease will be up soon and you can find something a little more "toker" friendly.
From what I’m hearing the smoke buddy doesn’t work for joints or blunts. You can only use it with vapes. That’s what the guy at the smoke shop told me. I already smoked 2 times in my apartment so far. I just spray air freshener.

The main thing I’m trying to do is hide the smell when I’m smoking and prevent it from going into the vents in my room. I live in a studio. Don’t want it traveling to neighbors
Setup a 4 inch inline fan and carbon filter in your smoking area. It will suck the smoke up and filter it.

It works.

Preferably with a speed controller to slow it down a bit. If you can run an oversized filter. I run an 8 inch filter on a 4 inch fan in my grow area with a standard 4-8 inch adapter from the hardware store.
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I've lived in 4 different apartments the last 5 years. All were no smoking. All of them I would smoke a joint, take bong rips or smoke any other type of bowl. I consume about an ounce a month (all inside my place). Never had any issues.

Usually something else is what gets you busted for the smell. Like not paying rent, having loud parties, getting in trouble with the law, etc.
As for actual smoking, I do it in my closet every night in my parents' house without their knowledge. I take one hit from my small pipe & blow it into a pillow, then shut the closet door. The room stinks a bit but they never come back here so it's not an issue.

I thought so to, until years later they joke with me about it. They used to make fake coughing sounds in their room if they smelled it. Looking back, i'm sure that made me paranoid as hell. They were probably laughing in their pillow between fake coughs. They may not say or act like they smell it, but if you are smoking weed in your parents house, THEY SMELL IT.