Anyone use "Hi Grade THC analyzing scope"?.

The same as "mold resistant strain". When has anyone ever advertised a strain as "mold susceptible" in the marketing blurb, lol?

OP: if you want anything you can believe in get Purpl or tCheck real thc meters for end consumers. Not the best but at least its not some AI crap, you cannot see thc. And even if you could, some low thc strains have awesome highs for some reason.
RSC says “ . A weakness is its susceptibility to botrytis.” in its description of deep chunk.

Is your T Check accurate? How much $?
I can't remember how much now, about £300 - ish?
it was a group buy, I think I gave ~ £70 towards it.
There's no legal testing to cross reference the results as it's illegal here.
They say it's within + - 4mg/ml accurate
Waterfall/buckets... I said good bye to them years ago, throat infection inducers, xould never go in on mondays, lol. But likely to get you high from pretty much anything, lol. We used to get a bong head and a bottle and just go down to the lake and smoke it in our swim shorts. Nostalgia :)

Edit: oh, another favorite of hours were the hot knives! Heat them up until almost red and then just grab and squeeze the bud/hash and freebase it.
Lungs :o

Which is a carrier bag in a 2ltr bottle for those not familiar :shock:
Lungs :o

Which is a carrier bag in a 2ltr bottle for those not familiar :shock:
Shotgun blowbacks was another insane favorite of ours: put the business end of the joint inside your mouth carefully without burning yourself, and blowback over your partners cupped hands while they take a deep breath. Kicks like 12 gauge. In general anything which is smoking with 2 man operation is a blast. I remember seeing Cypress Hill in Roskilde festival 96: they recently shed all gangbanging references and were only into smoking, finished their concert urging everyone to go and see Sex pistols comeback concert; very nice touch. In any case i met a danish group handling a 2 man operated 4 foot bong which they were preparing for I want to get high. I wonder how they were able to get it in cause you couldnt even being in glass bottles. Terrific concert, when the tune eventually went on the whole front of orange stage got clouded in smoke like the smoke machines from the techno concerts, all from stoners. Lovely memories from that year, possibly the best line up of any festival i ever seen worldwide, including the ones i missed.

Never tried lungs but our buckets where sometimes done using 3 liter strong bow bottles, with mandatory presence in every round or suffer the jibes of the Scottish, which are very very serious when it come to drugs as being on of the main forming activities for the creation of manliness and character. I love all thise days but getting the thread derailed. Will have a look at Lungs; you basicly put the deflated bag over the water and then vaccum pull the bong head thru the top? Sounds like a nasty treat :)
Shotgun blowbacks was another insane favorite of ours: put the business end of the joint inside your mouth carefully without burning yourself, and blowback over your partners cupped hands while they take a deep breath. Kicks like 12 gauge. In general anything which is smoking with 2 man operation is a blast. I remember seeing Cypress Hill in Roskilde festival 96: they recently shed all gangbanging references and were only into smoking, finished their concert urging everyone to go and see Sex pistols comeback concert; very nice touch. In any case i met a danish group handling a 2 man operated 4 foot bong which they were preparing for I want to get high. I wonder how they were able to get it in cause you couldnt even being in glass bottles. Terrific concert, when the tune eventually went on the whole front of orange stage got clouded in smoke like the smoke machines from the techno concerts, all from stoners. Lovely memories from that year, possibly the best line up of any festival i ever seen worldwide, including the ones i missed.

Never tried lungs but our buckets where sometimes done using 3 liter strong bow bottles, with mandatory presence in every round or suffer the jibes of the Scottish, which are very very serious when it come to drugs as being on of the main forming activities for the creation of manliness and character. I love all thise days but getting the thread derailed. Will have a look at Lungs; you basicly put the deflated bag over the water and then vaccum pull the bong head thru the top? Sounds like a nasty treat :)
Ah the good old days ey..

A lung is like a bucket but without water.
So instead of water as the vacuum sucking in the smoke to the bottle, it's a bread bag taped around the inner of the bottle and you put your hand in and slowly draw out the bag while lighting the weed, or mostly resin back then.

Just reminded me of depth chargers too.
Which is a blow back but at the end someone performs a manoeuvre like the hiemlick on you..

Though thinking about it now I'm not sure it makes any logical sense.. and I've known a few break a rib doing it.
Ah the good old days ey..

A lung is like a bucket but without water.
So instead of water as the vacuum sucking in the smoke to the bottle, it's a bread bag taped around the inner of the bottle and you put your hand in and slowly draw out the bag while lighting the weed, or mostly resin back then.

Just reminded me of depth chargers too.
Which is a blow back but at the end someone performs a manoeuvre like the hiemlick on you..

Though thinking about it now I'm not sure it makes any logical sense.. and I've known a few break a rib doing it.
Back then no logical sense and added danger of physical harm was the feature, not a bug,