Anyone up for a GOOD debate?


New Member
You have to admit, Obama did less of this than most politicians. For instance, in that half-hour infomercial thing he did, he didn't mention McCain once. And most of Obama's supporters were actually pro-Obama, not just anti-McCain or anti-Republican. McCain's supporters seemed to just hate "liberals" in general and Obama in particular. While I won't deny the existence of negative campaigning, he was a step in the right direction.

Like every other candidate?

What's wrong with Obama? People have a negative opinion of him because he's been attacked for months by Republicans. But any other person in his position would find themselves in the same situation.
No, not like every other Candidate. Voting isnt about who is "the best" anymore. It hasn't been for a long time. Marketing, advertising and just plain over-compulsive-campaigning have fried people into voting one way or another. Tactics and manipulation.

Im not saying anything is wrong with Obama. But i don't personally think he can deliver the change needed to turn the country around.


New Member
I don't think he can change everything that is needed in 4 years, I doubt anyone could. I do believe that he can at least get something started that will pull us closer to being out of this mess.


Well-Known Member
I think we the ppl should be able to write in our own names. Can you imagine if more votes were cast by ppl for themselves than for any party. It would show that we still want to be involved but don't want to support any of the parties instead of the lesser of two evils. They would have to come back to the table with some "better" options.
Most probably don't even know that we had an election 1-2 weeks before the U.S did. and I heard alot of the same stuff up here. Mostly vote ABC "anything but conservative". It wasn't about voting FOR someone but NOT voting for someone.
Our leader Stephan Harper was saying how he cannot lead this country under a minority gov. So we had elections and nothing has changed. Does anyone think he will step down and let another conservative have a go? NOT? So now our county is being run by someone who has admitted he cannot do the job! WTF?


New Member
I wonder if the pendulum thing is correct. You know, we've just been through a tense right wing 8 years, wars, loss of freedom, huge debt and loss of jobs. rich getting super rich etc, Maybe now I'll get a raise in my benefits,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
am i the only one who read the blog post earlier? lol just wondering. prison is not rehab, its incarceration. putting humans in a cage dosent make them better people when they get out. stop putting people in jail for stupid shit, like smoking. i kinda feel that the death penalty is good, like someone said earlier, for pre-meditated crimes. and child molesters. but that last part is just my two cents. harm a child and you die. and the stem cell thing, isnt that like cord blood times infinity?


Well-Known Member
as far as Obama the mans skin color shouldn't matter he is a well educated man and I want to believe that he will do us more good than harm but he also wants to take our guns away so that sucks... I just hope that he does a good job.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
as far as Obama the mans skin color shouldn't matter he is a well educated man and I want to believe that he will do us more good than harm but he also wants to take our guns away so that sucks... I just hope that he does a good job.
He doesn't want to take away your guns, one of his staffers filled out a survey saying he supported a handgun ban back in 1996, but he's said since then that he didn't actually support that and the staffer made a mistake. He hasn't talked much about guns other than to say law-abiding gun owners have nothing to fear from him, or something to that effect.