Anyone up for a GOOD debate?


Well-Known Member
first of all i donno where this info is coming from that it is more expensive to execute someone than keep em in prison.. thats just illogical.. you cant tell me even with the exquisite killing techniques that we use in prisons now a days that its more expensive than keeping them in jail for 50 years. that brings me to my second point. i dont understand why we think we should make it painless and humane for someone who killed a bunch of people cut them into pieces and put them in a deep freezer. let them sit on death row for a year to think about what they did and then do it old school with a guillotine or a noose. cheap, quick, relatively painless.

i think they should have like a death island where they just put all the violent criminals and mass murderers to fend for themselves and have nothing but a huge barbed wire fence around the island. who knows maybe they will rehabilitate themselves and turn into a semi productive country like austraillia did? just a thought..

we waste too much money on this prison bullshit. we are the land of the free yet have the largest prison population on the planet. why does that not make sense? i wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that cheap labor can be had in prisons now like having innmates handle customer service calls? no bs

Article | The American Prospect
Prison Work . . . Just How Much Do Inmates Know About You? - Associated Content

and for those of you who dont believe in anything but mainstream media
Township Ties Economic Hopes to New Prison - New York Times

welcome to Amerika folks!


Well-Known Member
agree but with this statement. The murder/killing they have done should equal how they are sentenced to death. more deaths they caused or the more messed they killed them just make their more fucked up


Well-Known Member
i think they should have like a death island where they just put all the violent criminals and mass murderers to fend for themselves and have nothing but a huge barbed wire fence around the island.
Snake Pliskin escaped.


New Member
first of all i donno where this info is coming from that it is more expensive to execute someone than keep em in prison.. thats just illogical..
I had my doubts on when a user said that citing no reference. I didnt say anything because it doesnt matter to me. Money is not the issue, the life and death of a human is the issue.

i dont understand why we think we should make it painless and humane for someone who killed a bunch of people cut them into pieces and put them in a deep freezer.
I dont think we neccesarily need to make it painless. But humane and uncruel yes. Definitely. We are a humane and civilized species there is no reason we would have to "stoop" to the low of a criminal.
If it needs to be done than it needs to be done. Do it professionally with dignity and have all the just cause.

i think they should have like a death island where they just put all the violent criminals and mass murderers to fend for themselves and have nothing but a huge barbed wire fence around the island. who knows maybe they will rehabilitate themselves and turn into a semi productive country like austraillia did? just a thought..
Throwing away problems never solves them for long. You cant just keep throwing people on an island like a damn fool. Thats not solving the problem thats just sweeping the mess up under the rug.

we waste too much money on this prison bullshit. we are the land of the free yet have the largest prison population on the planet. why does that not make sense? i wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that cheap labor can be had in prisons now like having innmates handle customer service calls? no bs
One step away from slavery.

And the majority of people in prison are:

poor people

I will agree that there is a massive problem with overpacked prisons. But i dont think the sure-fire solution is a guillotine.

I think we need to identify restitution, rehabilitation and revenge a little more clearly. I believe that all of these threes things can be used for punishment of felonies, but more emphasis on a proper examination of the accused rather than a trial where a lawyer is paid (and if you are rich you get better legal protection????:-?) way too much to bullshit people into believing yo are innocent.
I still believe a trial is necessary, but should not be the only aspect to the accused's fate.

This takes money and everyone groans when they have to give up their precious cash. But this is a very pertinent part of society. People fuck up and we need to start figuring out why instead of putting them in prison in hopes to "set an example". We should not have to set examples. we are an intelligent race that CAN distinguish right from wrong. But for SOME REASON more and more people are either not properly distinguishing the two, or are choosing to do the wrong thing. either way I think something more needs to be done about it.

Its like we are "cutting the cancer" out of society. No matter how much you cut it will always come back until a "cure" is found.


New Member
here is a good one.

Who thinks Obama is going to save America and how?

Who here just voted him to make sure McSame didn't win?

Personally I would have voted anyone BUT McCain just to make sure he didn't win. I dont like any of the parties so it would just be a mercy vote.


New Member
Death Island should have video cameras installed, it'd make a hell of a TV show. I'd tune in for that.

Murders should be killed in the same fashion they killed their victim.

Do you think child molestors should get the death penalty? I think yes, that can't be rehabilitated. It also does life long harm to the victim.

I don't know if Obama can "save" America. It's pretty far in the hole, but I think he can get the turn around started and progressing somewhat.


Well-Known Member
obama will do nothing but continue our path down fascism.. he is run by the same peeps as everyone else and owes his soul to the banks. end of story


New Member
No it's not the end. I know the American political machine is a disaster but if we all throw in the towel they win. Can't you see that? I think he will try to change things, for the better. The people are behind him and I think for once big government is feeling some pressure.


Well-Known Member
next election go the right way Let Nader in. lol he never gets a chance

edit: Or just write in Mike Gravel


New Member
next election go the right way Let Nader in. lol he never gets a chance

edit: Or just write in Mike Gravel
Although I can agree with their platforms, I seriously doubt either candidate has the political clout to pull it off. Nader would be killed by Corporations, and Gravel would trip over his dick.


Well-Known Member
Although I can agree with their platforms, I seriously doubt either candidate has the political clout to pull it off. Nader would be killed by Corporations, and Gravel would trip over his dick.

agree! the US politics are so shit anyway


New Member
agree! the US politics are so shit anyway
id rather vote for the next american idol:roll:

yea, i love how everyones platform has turned into "Every other party sucks"
Its a bash fest.
If I were to run I would state my views and proposed changes. If the people are ready for it they will vote for it.. and if theyre not, well then they wont.
I think both parties were trying to buy votes by bringing "minorites" in to the presidential elections.. Never before have there been so many "Non-white-male" faces in the presidential elections

I mean come on. Hilary or Obama? Democrats need some better candidates godamnit! Either that or the libs need to pull up thier socks and get in the game. Liberals did great for a while here in Canada until they gave a bunch of money to those fucking quebec separtists.


New Member
I wonder, can a person run as a citizen? Do you have to possess a party affiliation? I want to run as Jane Citizen. If I'm not connected to a party, I'll have no puppet strings.


Well-Known Member
Here is one point of view.

"I think the death penalty will help eliminate bad genes from the gene pool and am all for it. Why waste resources on them for 60 some odd years? Just kill them and save everyone the trouble."
As the son of a convicted serial killer, I would have to strongly disagree with you.
I can only hope you say this out of ignorance, not understanding the full implications of this statement.


New Member
I wonder, can a person run as a citizen? Do you have to possess a party affiliation? I want to run as Jane Citizen. If I'm not connected to a party, I'll have no puppet strings.
We have them. they are just called "Independent". Sometimes municipal elections will turn out independents but you dont hear much about them federally. unfortunately they do not have the funding for you to hear about them. No wonder politicians are greedy.:wall:


New Member
As the son of a convicted serial killer, I would have to strongly disagree with you.
I can only hope you say this out of ignorance, not understanding the full implications of this statement.
Some people have never endured the tortures of your own mind. They can't understand.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
yea, i love how everyones platform has turned into "Every other party sucks"
Its a bash fest.
You have to admit, Obama did less of this than most politicians. For instance, in that half-hour infomercial thing he did, he didn't mention McCain once. And most of Obama's supporters were actually pro-Obama, not just anti-McCain or anti-Republican. McCain's supporters seemed to just hate "liberals" in general and Obama in particular. While I won't deny the existence of negative campaigning, he was a step in the right direction.

If I were to run I would state my views and proposed changes. If the people are ready for it they will vote for it.. and if theyre not, well then they wont.
Like every other candidate?

I mean come on. Hilary or Obama? Democrats need some better candidates godamnit! Either that or the libs need to pull up thier socks and get in the game. Liberals did great for a while here in Canada until they gave a bunch of money to those fucking quebec separtists.
What's wrong with Obama? People have a negative opinion of him because he's been attacked for months by Republicans. But any other person in his position would find themselves in the same situation.


New Member
As the son of a convicted serial killer, I would have to strongly disagree with you.
I can only hope you say this out of ignorance, not understanding the full implications of this statement.
Ouch, that's a pretty bad start in life, but remind me to never let you know where I live. My father was a bomber pilot in WWII, so I guess in a way, he was a serial killer also.