Anyone make music?? musicians??


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I own an indie hip hop label but dont make the music.I just put the shit together make the tours,get the pressing and distribution together and plan the advertising and in between spend a ton of time in the studio lolI luv underground hip hop get my head noddin, nice jazzy horn some piano and a simple chop and sample with so good vernacular laid over it..nothing better...can't do rap though that shit on the radio today is pur garbage and sattelite radio is just as bad support the indie stations and colege stations..


Well-Known Member
I've played drums for 40 years . Lots of rock & blues . I just heard on the radio Zep was to start touring in sept. but since then I've heard its all crap . BUMMER :(


Well-Known Member
I own an indie hip hop label but dont make the music.I just put the shit together make the tours,get the pressing and distribution together and plan the advertising and in between spend a ton of time in the studio lolI luv underground hip hop get my head noddin, nice jazzy horn some piano and a simple chop and sample with so good vernacular laid over it..nothing better...can't do rap though that shit on the radio today is pur garbage and sattelite radio is just as bad support the indie stations and colege stations..
Your a busy man fletch..between runnin a label and designing aeroponic systems lol..I actually made your small aero unit, but I've just been doin bubblers now


Well-Known Member
I play guitar, I've been playing for 4 years. I'm self taught and I'll go to the music academy next fall
which academy? I was lookin inot berklee school of music in boston for a summer session. Wish I could do the whole music production program


Well-Known Member
I play guitar, and some rocking bass, and took piano lessons for 8 years. I'm going next fall to school for audio recording technology.


Well-Known Member
not hating on fullsail or anything, but its REAL expensive and plus, they're curriculum doesn't include a lot of interesting things about recording, and also they don't require hardly any musical talent/knowledge.

I'm going to unc asheville. AMAZING audio program. Amazing music department also.


Well-Known Member
mad people hate on it for those reasons, but its because they have no idea of the prerequisites you HAVE to have before you get on the board. i got my associates in recording arts there and for the first few months every one's like wheres the recording shit at, but once you sit in one of their several 2 million dollar suites you know why you didnt see it for so long. there is soooo much to learn that if you were in the studio from the beginning it'd be like a virgin trying to pull a ron jeremy. musical talent and knowledge really dont mean shit if your going to school to be an engineer. i am a very talented musician and had been recording on a digital 8 track for a few years before going, and i can honestly tell you everything i knew before hand meant nothing once i was there. in the span of one year i went from using a 300 dollar digital 8 track to running close to a 10,000 dollar home studio. i can tell that youve looked into unc but i would definitely say regardless of the school, your going to go through a few months of bullshit before you start getting your feet wet. im definitely not trying to recruit for fullsail, orlando is the biggest asshole on the face of the planet. it was the worst year of my life, except when we were actually recording, but you have lots and lots to learn.


Well-Known Member
dude that shit was the worst, 3am or 1 am labs that are 4 hours long. only thing that was kinda cool about it was the 5 am blunt session after labs to get us all sleepy. you feel cracked out after looking at all those faders and knobs for four hours in the middle of the night.