A DEFINITE thumbs up!!!!!
It came all packaged nicely with a laminated 8x10 sheet of paper with the easiest instructions ever-you can follow them no matter how high you are! LOL!!! I grabed a bit more bud than I pack in my bong, ground it up, turned on the machine, it took about 4-5 minutes to warm up and the light to go off, indicating it was ready. We had it set at 5 and filled the balloon almost all the up way and went and got comfy on the couch. We both took turns and got 3 really big hits each.
Hubby was BAKED!

I was high, gave it 10 minutes and decided to have another go around. I've been smoking the same weed all week so I know the buzz. This time I filled it up just over half and had another 4 hits. Snuggled up in the recliner to watch the news.
About 5 minutes into the news, we looked at each other and decided we were too stoned to pay attention so flipped the boob tube to cartoons!
A good hour later, we had come down enough to communicate again! YES, the vaporizer still gives you cotton mouth and the munchies! Hehe. I decided on a nice big bowl of cold, fresh grapes, yum!
A bit later, around 9, I decided to sample a bit more to ensure a good nights sleep. I did another 3 tokes and slept like the dead!
I think tonight I will turn it up to six and see how that does and increase just a little bit each day until I find the perfect setting.
Although i did read that more sativa dominent strains burn at a higher temp so the temp setting might be strain dependant!
Overall the taste was good, it was a very clean buzz-it did alter the buzz a bit say copared to smoking the same weed in my bong but in a good way. I had no coughing or chest tightness.
Do I think its worth the money, ABSOLUTELY!