Anyone had weed that taste like perfume

Joint, i use tobacco too
But i made a raw one too to test if maybe its the tobacco, it was actually worse

Some dead ass stardog not worth the bag its in
Can try pressing into oil, or making edibles if you cant smoke or vape it.
Just as a last resort instead of throwing it away.
is this something you grew or bought off of someone? If you bought it off of someone i would toss it and find a new connect . Dealers do all type of shady stuff.. roach spray for example, just know who you are buying stuff off of.
is this something you grew or bought off of someone? If you bought it off of someone i would toss it and find a new connect . Dealers do all type of shady stuff.. roach spray for example, just know who you are buying stuff off of.
Bought, my own still got awhile
Ive tried 2 friends in 2 days, yday friend 1 superlemon haze(perfume), friend 2 stardog same result
Ona Gel in your grow room will do this to your buds. I made the mistake of keeping a small tub in one of my first tent grows and it ruined the flavor of everything.
Old thread but wanted to add my 2 cents. I have been growing a strain called chempie by ripper seeds. It's the best tasting and smelling weed I've ever had. It's smell is so interesting it's hard to stop smelling it. Like someone mixed diesel fuel with really good cologne. The high is fantastic. It gets my brain going but my body doesn't want to move. But just saying some weed will smell like cologne depending on the strain. It's a cross of chemdawg, cherry pie, and dos si dos. Also produces a lot of rosin when heat pressed.
I've been dry vaping lately, and the first puff is always PURE FLAVOR & has the most amazing floral, almost soapy/perfumey taste to it, no matter what strain. Even my Collie Man Kush which is a sour funky plant, the dry vape tastes like flowers.
Stories like the OP was a big reason I got into growing my own medicine. Too many possibilities of foul growing and storing practices (pesticides, mildew, oils, chemicals etc) can be on your buds. No thank you.
I've had that perfume smell, maybe 3 times in the past 5-ish years. It taste just like it smells and will give you a headache if you smoke a lot. Can almost taste it now just thinking about iit. Gross. Only at one op, too. There's no dryer sheets, Ona gels, nada. There is a some empty boxes in the closet next to it.

I want to know the cause of this rare phenomena.
We got a lb. many many years ago that had a very familiar smell. Couldn't place it till one day I was taking a piss in the urinals at school when it hit me. Our weed smelled like those soap cakes they put in the urinals. It had been smuggled in with a shipment of urinal cakes.
Reminds of those early days when some growers tried to mask weed smell with Febreze and dryer sheets.

Or worse - paper tube ( toilet paper roll ) with dryer sheet rubber banded at end so you could exhale your weed thru it to cover room smell during a sesh.

This is from people spraying a deodorizer in the room (likely "bomb" or "ozium") either where the weed is stored, or bringing weed into the room directly after.
I’m super new here.
been lurking

I’m a new grower. First grow was some ILGM Northern lights photos.
Made lots of mistakes.
The buds ave been jarred for a few months.

licorice/perfume taste and a really sleepy high
