Anyone had a colonic or used anything to rid...


Well-Known Member
Themselves of unwanted waste. I can feel the shit accumulating. Anything you've taken to achieve this?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
LOL... well if you don't have to leave the house then EX-LAX.

If you don't want to be chained to the toilet and would like something that actually scrapes the colon to get the gunk out try Psyllium Seed Husk. Takes a couple of days but it does a good job at cleaning out the pipes ;)


Well-Known Member
LOL... well if you don't have to leave the house then EX-LAX.

If you don't want to be chained to the toilet and would like something that actually scrapes the colon to get the gunk out try Psyllium Seed Husk. Takes a couple of days but it does a good job at cleaning out the pipes ;)

Thanks. I've been eating like ass the last year or so, and I can really feel it.
I wont mind being chained to the toilet if it actually get's rid of this crap.


Well-Known Member
Shit i a pain patient. Constipation! Rofl, jesus i gonna crap yself now. After a few days i gotta scream one out. Drink your meta mucil and your v8. My doctors proscribe meta muscil, or milk of magnesia i think, something like that. I a dude, so i usually learn the hard way! I found myself contmeplating a coffe enema once, i ate the wrong dosage. lol, no probs just breathe foucsed for a few hours! I hope no chicks read this. i'm under the impression they dont hit the shitter.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Thanks. I've been eating like ass the last year or so, and I can really feel it.
I wont mind being chained to the toilet if it actually get's rid of this crap.

Try something like this: Colon Cleanse (Colon Cleansing) Regular 12 oz powder from Health Plus

These types of colon cleansers do not give you the runs.... the Psyllium in them works to scrape the colon and pull out the garbage. You will be disgusted at what comes out... but glad to have it out of your colon.

Go to GNC (usually they have them in the mall)... they carry many Psyllium colon cleanse products.


Well-Known Member
Shit i a pain patient. Constipation! Rofl, jesus i gonna crap yself now. After a few days i gotta scream one out. Drink your meta mucil and your v8. My doctors proscribe meta muscil, or milk of magnesia i think, something like that. I a dude, so i usually learn the hard way! I found myself contmeplating a coffe enema once, i ate the wrong dosage. lol, no probs just breathe foucsed for a few hours! I hope no chicks read this. i'm under the impression they dont hit the shitter.
We hit the shitter. Pull my finger. :-P

Gravy, is it that you can't go, or you just want to shit your head off?


Well-Known Member
At my age I've had a couple of colonoscopy's (sp)..Once they gave me X-prep...DO NOT TAKE THIS>>>YOU"LL KILL YOURSELF... now they have this water like shit you drink all day long... No pain..No strain...Just sit and drain... clean as a whistle...go to pharmacy and say your having colon costs about $12........ errrr,.. stay home ALL day.....


Well-Known Member
At my age I've had a couple of colonoscopy's (sp)..Once they gave me X-prep...DO NOT TAKE THIS>>>YOU"LL KILL YOURSELF... now they have this water like shit you drink all day long... No pain..No strain...Just sit and drain... clean as a whistle...go to pharmacy and say your having colon costs about $12........ errrr,.. stay home ALL day.....

sounds like exactly what I need. I'll roll a few and grab a good book and just sit there and shit the day away.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's all fair sailing until someone says someone says something funny....then you're a big wet spot..... :o
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