Anyone Else Here Grow For Their Own Use And Don't Sell?


Well-Known Member
Anybody else out there grow Cannabis but don't ever sell it? I feel like i'm the only one who doesn't associate growing with money.

There are advantages to not selling your Marijuana. First off I always have medicine to smoke. Second I can seed my plants with males and have new crosses of quality strains! Also I don't have to work out what i'm spending vs what i'm making, instead I can grow in the most beneficial and expensive way because I don't have to make it economical. Fourth it really makes me care more about the plant because I know either I or the person who I caretake for will get the best quality. That and I don't charge the person I care for, I enjoy being able to grow mulitple strains.

THe way I do this, I'm not getting anything out of it but the highest quality pot I can grow.

Am I the only one or are there other people out there who share my love of weed over money?

EDIT: Oh yeah! Most important benefit is that I don't have to pick high yielding strains! I can pick the higher quality pot with low yield because I dont' have to have so much excess, and would rather better medical and enjoyable qualities.

Like Spacebomb, I love it, and never would have grown something so low yielding if I had to make a profit.


Well-Known Member
Im all about the money :twisted:
And bless the dealers, because without them I never would have gotten to smoke Cannabis before. I only have been growing for little over a year now but I work hard at it since I need the medicine so I can eat properly.

Also I was thinking about what I said about keeping economics out of it. In the end I just like to know i'm under the $400 every 10 days I used to have to spend on quality medicine. Now its as good as I put work into it. As long as my costs are less then what I was spending i'm happy. It just occured to me late that I do look at it as saving money instead of spending money.

The part that sucks is friends always beg me to sell them weed, and I have to tell them No and then be told how paranoid i'm being. Then I show them its seeded and they get all pissy. Bro, its my weed for me, grow it yourself!

I have to admit though, if you told me in 2009 i'd be growing some amazing Cannabis I'd think you were a liar.

My story that led to this.

I went with 5 friends to get my medical license cause I wanted to be legal treating my stomach. They all said not to worry they would grow it for me. Then when crunch time came they started talking money and how they would be making money and I said "Woah, I want mine in weed NOT money. They said "Don't worry we'll hook you up with a couple quarters every month. I said "fuck that, i'm growing my own!" they laughed and said "Good luck with that!"

So I went and vented how pissed I was at another friend, who when he comes over and sees my plant laughs because in 2010 I said "What the fuck am I supposed to do, i'm not a fucking Farmer!" and now he says I have the greatest weed he's ever smoked (Granted I try to pay for the best genetics, because a $100 pack of 10 seeds is much cheaper than a $400 ounce.

I do admit tho, I am losing money since I now collect seeds but can only grow 14 plants at a time. But I love knowing that when its time to start a new grow I can have choices and plant them that day.

But I figure that there HAS to be more people growing just for personal smoke out there. Like I said I got love for the dealers, but I just don't like living in risky legal problems now that i'm in my mid 30's. I like to not play cops or robbers, just chill with a bowl and a movie. :)

Happy 4th of July everybody!


Well-Known Member
shiaaatt I use all my own or I share with company.. never money even when offered.
I've had many friends try to give me money after smoking at my house (card carriers as well). I always refuse it no matter how much they push until I say its a slippery slope and not to offer me money again. Like I said, I NEED to use Cannabis to eat,so i'm a little more paranoid in ensuring I don't lose my ability to stay alive.


Well-Known Member
damn i wish i wouldnt eat when i smoke hahaha
I had a vertical gastrectomy because i had a heart attack at 350 pounds. Lost 190 pounds in just over a year because of how painful and nauseas i'd get out of eating anything. It was aliving hell, and I went from 350 pounds down to 155 and had zero energy. Now as time goes on and i'm healing thanks to weed i'm up to 180. However when I don't eat enough through the day I lose around 7 pounds in 3 days.

Course the blessing is I learned how to grow organic Cannabis that surpasses anything I could by (mainly because I get to choose the strain). I'm still a newbie grower, but i'm a newbie grower who discovered he loves growing for himself! I love every minute of it, and I come from a long line of agriculturalists so perhaps thats where I get it from. Granted most people on this site grow much better than I do, but for my needs I do fantastic!

Thanks to Medical Marijuana I can keep my weight in a safe zone. All my friends said I was the live version of the movie Thinner by Stephen King. There are advantages to being good looking and skinny, and there are disadvantages as well.

Anyway thats my story. When people hear I grow pot they all think i'm a dealer and I have to explain no, i'm not a dealer i'm a pothead.


Well-Known Member
users should donate rather than buy from growers
I live in Hawaii where people on Maui who took donations wound up in prison. Hawaii cracks down on that loophole much differently than Cali or other places. I like to ensure I stay alive eating with a wider range of healthy foods than to risk recieving "donations"
Also with all I spend on a 1000w light on veg (electric costs are insane here), and the nutrients the seeds etc, i'd never get profitable. So forget profit, I win with having variety of Cannabis based strains so tolerance doesn't become an issue.
When I want income i'm going to get a job.


King Tut
I had a vertical gastrectomy because i had a heart attack at 350 pounds. Lost 190 pounds in just over a year because of how painful and nauseas i'd get out of eating anything. It was aliving hell, and I went from 350 pounds down to 155 and had zero energy. Now as time goes on and i'm healing thanks to weed i'm up to 180. However when I don't eat enough through the day I lose around 7 pounds in 3 days.

Course the blessing is I learned how to grow organic Cannabis that surpasses anything I could by (mainly because I get to choose the strain). I'm still a newbie grower, but i'm a newbie grower who discovered he loves growing for himself! I love every minute of it, and I come from a long line of agriculturalists so perhaps thats where I get it from. Granted most people on this site grow much better than I do, but for my needs I do fantastic!

Thanks to Medical Marijuana I can keep my weight in a safe zone. All my friends said I was the live version of the movie Thinner by Stephen King. There are advantages to being good looking and skinny, and there are disadvantages as well.

Anyway thats my story. When people hear I grow pot they all think i'm a dealer and I have to explain no, i'm not a dealer i'm a pothead.
You are at about the same stage as a grower as i. i medicate for fibro and add and have been having severe GI problems after being on the cocktail of drugs i WAS taking. i've lost 60 lbs in 9 months now. Even my Dr. couldn't believe it after i told her i was medicating with mj. "How can you lose weight? What about the munchies?" LOL! But it HAS been a help in many ways. Even on the rare occasion that all it does is allow me to not worry about it for a few hours.


bud bootlegger
users should donate rather than buy from growers
that's just some crappy semantics imo... what is the difference honestly between a donation and a payment?? nothing if you ask me, unless of course your handing over nutrients or seeds or paying for the growers electricity, which i've hardly heard of..


King Tut
that's just some crappy semantics imo... what is the difference honestly between a donation and a payment?? nothing if you ask me, unless of course your handing over nutrients or seeds or paying for the growers electricity, which i've hardly heard of..
The difference is between being offered or being required/expected. Look at our government programs to see the misinterpretation.


Well-Known Member
yeah you donate to me then please.......
If i get over my legal limit of marijuana I'm gonna donate it to a dying person (with license) who doesn't have the money to buy it or the ability to grow it. That way the real dealers out there don't get mad at me for frakking up their sales. I'm in it for the weed, cause thats all I need, I start from a seed, and now starting to breed.

Happy 4th of July