Anyone else grow "old school" - i.e weaker strains

Hey that's a good idea I'm going to get myself a nice Beach Rock if it ever warms up a little or maybe two and make it mortar and pestle Style, and see how it turns out
Don't get the rock too hot or yah kief turns too oil, the way i make hash is similiar to making rosin. Just alot lower temps, top quality kief, golden colour return, pull and snap hash, butter knives work well aswell
Yes I know that (you learn that at your first beach bonfire around here), I was trying to make a joke but it's still early here, I'll drink more coffee before I attempt any more humor

.. although I was wondering how much you would heat the rock? I was thinking no more than 200 degrees? Is that about right or not enough?
Around 65 degree celcius
Place kief on parchment paper, double layer the parchment, fold over kief, rub over the kief for about a 30 seconds with heated rock, hash is made. Safest way possible

How much of the plant material can you add to the sifted trichs before it dosent heat and press into hash? :-)
How much of the plant material can you add to the sifted trichs before it dosent heat and press into hash? :-)

Why in the world would you add the plant material back to the trichomes? That seems really counterproductive if you want a good quality hash.

What passes for “Old School” these days amazes the shit out of me.

I generally tend to think of it all a bit like music or cars. After about 25 years it's considered classic. That doesn't always mean it is/was good, but at that point they are pretty old school. I wasn't alive in the 70s, and wasn't smoking weed in the 80s or 90s. I started smoking about 2003 but then started growing in 2004. Sadly I missed out on most of the REALLY old school genes, but I would love to see more of them and get to have those experiences.
Hindu Kush

Had to second on this. Jager and regular Hindu Kush is some of the greatest overall flower I've smoked. Such a heavy, full-bodied indica high that seems to immediately eliminate any pain. Great flavor too. I don't really base quality of effects from how potent it is in one or another certain chemical. To me, feeling that full-bodied indica high come on actually triggers an exciting and energetic feeling. I feel the same about taste and smell. The sheer euphoria I feel from tasting a great exhale results in a strong enough effect to be considered its own brief high.
Skunk #1, Hashplant, Northern Lights, Afghani, Haze, the simple crosses and inbreeds and selections for growing under lights but not the legendary landraces for the most part.
Why in the world would you add the plant material back to the trichomes? That seems really counterproductive if you want a good quality hash.

I generally tend to think of it all a bit like music or cars. After about 25 years it's considered classic. That doesn't always mean it is/was good, but at that point they are pretty old school. I wasn't alive in the 70s, and wasn't smoking weed in the 80s or 90s. I started smoking about 2003 but then started growing in 2004. Sadly I missed out on most of the REALLY old school genes, but I would love to see more of them and get to have those experiences.

Recently whilst i was away on business snoopy dreamt of becoming a hash dealer so he put on his red baron out fit and took off in his biplane. Along the way he stopped at a forest and picked up the big bad wolf before proceeding onto a lab that had all the relevant hash making equipment.

At the lab they emptied their pockets of all the grade a bud they had been carrying which came to about an ounce. Snoopy wanted to do a simple water extraction but the big bad wolf showed him this new dry sift method and then said they could press and heat the product after to make hash for snoopy's new hash venture.

About an hour later when they had finished sifting snoopy weighed the trichs up on a set of scales.... four fucking grams - said the big bad wolf to snoopy who replied - theres no way i can make any money growing bud to make hash.

So i simply wondered if snoops can use a larger micron sieve to obtain more yeild of less grade and will that still press into a nice block of brown tasty heat pressed hash or not.

Snoops said if he could cut his trichs three to one with plant material he might just make a profit and some smokable old school hash peeps round here would love to see back.

Recently whilst i was away on business snoopy dreamt of becoming a hash dealer so he put on his red baron out fit and took off in his biplane. Along the way he stopped at a forest and picked up the big bad wolf before proceeding onto a lab that had all the relevant hash making equipment.

At the lab they emptied their pockets of all the grade a bud they had been carrying which came to about an ounce. Snoopy wanted to do a simple water extraction but the big bad wolf showed him this new dry sift method and then said they could press and heat the product after to make hash for snoopy's new hash venture.

About an hour later when they had finished sifting snoopy weighed the trichs up on a set of scales.... four fucking grams - said the big bad wolf to snoopy who replied - theres no way i can make any money growing bud to make hash.

So i simply wondered if snoops can use a larger micron sieve to obtain more yeild of less grade and will that still press into a nice block of brown tasty heat pressed hash or not.

Snoops said if he could cut his trichs three to one with plant material he might just make a profit and some smokable old school hash peeps round here would love to see back.


Lol great story man. I was afraid commercial production was gonna be the answer you gave me :(. If snoopy and his clients are cool with adding weight at the expense of quality that's up to them, I won't harp on it to much. I don't know snoopy, but me and the other Thundercats ALWAYS take quality over quantity. Making hash with premium bud would be a tough business to start unless you were really growing hash oriented genetics. I've seen videos from the grows in morraco with hills covered in little plants that hardly have any bud on them, but are just caked with trichomes to turn into hash. Even then growing hash instead of bud isn't usually as profitable, I'm confident that's why we don't see more hash around :).
Lol great story man. I was afraid commercial production was gonna be the answer you gave me :(. If snoopy and his clients are cool with adding weight at the expense of quality that's up to them, I won't harp on it to much. I don't know snoopy, but me and the other Thundercats ALWAYS take quality over quantity. Making hash with premium bud would be a tough business to start unless you were really growing hash oriented genetics. I've seen videos from the grows in morraco with hills covered in little plants that hardly have any bud on them, but are just caked with trichomes to turn into hash. Even then growing hash instead of bud isn't usually as profitable, I'm confident that's why we don't see more hash around :).

Snoopy thinks that hash farmers have browner plants and dry for months to degrade most of the green as well as harvest very late. Snoopys plants seem too green and feels if he bulks up the hash it will look green not brown once processed.

Snoopy also smoked that four grams of dry sift and thinks even at a 3-1 ratio of leaf to trich he would still be super baked and enough that peeps would be happy. Those farmers must have had way less strength in their trichs :-)

Sorry consider snoopy is me and ive read way too many clandestine lab boards where they talk like this to not incriminate their illegal activities. Im not sure who the big bad wolf was but he wasnt anyone that clever that i can remember :-)

Commercially bulking weed i wouldnt touch, the art of weqkening your hash with the bud and leaf seems qcceptable to me like first second and third runs cant all be the same strength :-)
Snoopy thinks that hash farmers have browner plants and dry for months to degrade most of the green as well as harvest very late. Snoopys plants seem too green and feels if he bulks up the hash it will look green not brown once processed.

Snoopy also smoked that four grams of dry sift and thinks even at a 3-1 ratio of leaf to trich he would still be super baked and enough that peeps would be happy. Those farmers must have had way less strength in their trichs :-)

Sorry consider snoopy is me and ive read way too many clandestine lab boards where they talk like this to not incriminate their illegal activities. Im not sure who the big bad wolf was but he wasnt anyone that clever that i can remember :-)

Commercially bulking weed i wouldnt touch, the art of weqkening your hash with the bud and leaf seems qcceptable to me like first second and third runs cant all be the same strength :-)

No first second and third runs are not the same, and should be sold as different grades in my opinion. That being said nothing you get comercially is going to be first run quality. I get where your coming from man, and I even assumed you were talking about yourself like "SWIM". I bet if you gave people the option to pay more for better quality they would rather do that then buy lower quality..... Just saying. Otherwise I get it, that's why I said I wouldn't harp about it.