Anyone else grow "old school" - i.e weaker strains

I grow Old School. I'm focused on landrace strains. Check out some of ACE Seeds strains. Some really good stuff. So many people are all caught up with the latest pollen chucks. Super Tootie Fruity Sour Purple Haze Sherbet Punch Gorilla Chocolate Cotton Candy yuck yuck Yuck or whatever is currently the so called go to strain. Most of that stuff all tastes the same but people will swear they taste notes of cherry, cantaloupe, banana, or smelly socks. I find the current state of cannabis seeds hilarious. $30 for someones pollen chuck of unstable genetics.

Give me a Panama, Durban, Columbian Gold, Pakistani Chitral Kush, etc... any day over all the hyped up nonsense out there. Some guy in another thread even had the nerve to call landrace strains garbage. The garbage is those crosses of crosses crossed with another cross of a cross. and selling for $20 - $30 a seed. I can make my own crosses as good or better than much of the stuff out there and I do.

The cannabis industry is full of hype and marketing. People used to brag about using some ridiculous "Lines" from companies like AN called Connoisseur or expert. Then that fad died down and we were inundated with shills for the LED industry trying to convince anyone that would listen that without a $1000 LED you couldn't grow weed despite decades of successful growers using HID's. We now have anyone and everyone chucking pollen and chasing the gravy train and targeting the naive with ridiculous named strains you need to take out a loan to buy a pack of. Well I don't fall for the hype and they are not getting my money. The cannabis growing industry is mostly just marketing and misinformation.

These companies are agressively bad mouthing anything but their newest stuff..... its becoming unbearable and ridiculous and therecseems still no end in sight uggghhh :-)
Preach it! I can pollen chuck(and have lol) but I have never charged for seeds.

I'm not opposed to people making a business from genetics, buts it's important how it's done. If the lines aren't getting worked and breed with intent/direction I don't really consider it breeding. It's very disappointing to me seeing so many companies with good reps just spitting out hype crosses as fast as possible. I dont even need to name names because so many are doing it lol. Crossing as many strains as possible with very hype cut out there doesn't excite me. It doesn't show real breeding or intention, it's just marketing.

When I see companies that are working strains out to f4+ it's far more interesting. We can assume if that amount of work is happening they are doing it mindfully and with intention. That impresses me. There is a company called cannsbis afficianado that has insane prices and very limited seed releases. If I was able to money wise I would spend it because their genetics have been worked in their family since the 70s. They are landrace based genetics that haven't been polluted, and everyone that reports on it says they are absolute fire.
Been round the uk and never had good hash just that horrible contaminated stuff that dosent get you high and probably has some organic chemistry you dont want to know like a toulene attempt at whatever the modern idiot does with that stuff to make it seem realish.

If i could get that stuff id be a main guy in my town so many would buy it but if we ever get it it was just a few oz trip to amsterdam thatsome one makes never in bulk and tenner a gram which is a rippoff.

Idk i get a lot of peeps showing me hash, one burn and smell of tbe smoke and its more likely this horrible uk fake stuff crapola lung killer.

Whats the price? :-)

Last time I saw a chap, who knows a chap (think famous motorbike gang), I was shown 12 different types, varying prices. From sensible, to quite/very expensive (buying in "proper" quantities) . Bought three different types. One sent me to sleep. One was MAD, and one, quite lovely. No soap, or slate. 2 were brown and powdery, a bit like slate. Was told they were pollen and.. can't remember. The black squidgey was the one that made me sleep.

I don't smoke tobacco and hash is a pain to vape. Me & the mrs smoke reefers. So weed works well. She has Fibromyalgia - hence the need for a fair bit of weed :-)
Peak Seeds BC for potent and stable F1s and several great IBLs. Excellent service and solid over the years.
No but them old school farmers knew how to make amazing hash. They stored the plants for six months at least then sieved pressed and heated before adding their stamp and probably another long storage before turning up in my town for £15 per 3.5grams.

I aim to make some soon been storing up my small amounts of trim for a few grams, looks simple really :-)
Hash is easy to make all i use is a heated rock and kief
When I got started back growing after an 11 year break, I was using actual old school seeds. f1's from a cross made in 1988. They were a sativa heavy cross of two local strains. Tall, lanky with smallish buds, but tough as hell in the Florida summers. And has that sweet sativa smell. my Chicken pen #1 and Too Slo are from that line. {and I have 7 or 8 crosses i haven't grown out}

I have a ton of strains with much better head now, but i still try to keep a few of those old ones in the mix.
Hey that's a good idea I'm going to get myself a nice Beach Rock if it ever warms up a little or maybe two and make it mortar and pestle Style, and see how it turns out

I saw a video of an old school weed farmer with a big pestle and mortar going - never worked out why but then you mention it - what have i missed or dont know here? :-)
He means let them dry out for a week or so. If you heat a rock with to much moisture in it, too quickly, it can explode. Throw a wet rock in a fire and see what happens.
Yes I know that (you learn that at your first beach bonfire around here), I was trying to make a joke but it's still early here, I'll drink more coffee before I attempt any more humor

.. although I was wondering how much you would heat the rock? I was thinking no more than 200 degrees? Is that about right or not enough?
I saw a video of an old school weed farmer with a big pestle and mortar going - never worked out why but then you mention it - what have i missed or dont know here? :-)
It was purple Berry Kush that mentioned it but I also think it's a pretty good idea, at least definitely worth a try
Well i be damn.. I thought it was just me with this thc shit!!
The whole time I’m trying to figure out why this shit my friends would smoke would be ok but it never made me feel like I felt when I began. I refused to hear this shit about matter what I did just wasn’t the same.

I take a trip out to Irvine, California stop by a dispensary
Canna concierge (check the site)
They have all these strain names ,I see a favorite Acapulco Gold.. reads top shelf...

So all I want now,, going back in time is that fire ass skunk ,
Acapulco Gold, white widow,
Maui ... I’m tired of this critical berry lemon gelato mint hi- thc% low to no cbd shit ...

Skunk pine ses... I hate this lazy ass Indica

Breed my own shit...white widow from Seedsman x Acapulco Gold Barney farms
Well i be damn.. I thought it was just me with this thc shit!!
The whole time I’m trying to figure out why this shit my friends would smoke would be ok but it never made me feel like I felt when I began. I refused to hear this shit about matter what I did just wasn’t the same.

I take a trip out to Irvine, California stop by a dispensary
Canna concierge (check the site)
They have all these strain names ,I see a favorite Acapulco Gold.. reads top shelf...

So all I want now,, going back in time is that fire ass skunk ,
Acapulco Gold, white widow,
Maui ... I’m tired of this critical berry lemon gelato mint hi- thc% low to no cbd shit ...

Skunk pine ses... I hate this lazy ass Indica

Breed my own shit...white widow from Seedsman x Acapulco Gold Barney farms

White widow is awesome weed :-)
I grow Old School. I'm focused on landrace strains. Check out some of ACE Seeds strains. Some really good stuff. So many people are all caught up with the latest pollen chucks. Super Tootie Fruity Sour Purple Haze Sherbet Punch Gorilla Chocolate Cotton Candy yuck yuck Yuck or whatever is currently the so called go to strain. Most of that stuff all tastes the same but people will swear they taste notes of cherry, cantaloupe, banana, or smelly socks. I find the current state of cannabis seeds hilarious. $30 for someones pollen chuck of unstable genetics.

Give me a Panama, Durban, Columbian Gold, Pakistani Chitral Kush, etc... any day over all the hyped up nonsense out there. Some guy in another thread even had the nerve to call landrace strains garbage. The garbage is those crosses of crosses crossed with another cross of a cross. and selling for $20 - $30 a seed. I can make my own crosses as good or better than much of the stuff out there and I do.

The cannabis industry is full of hype and marketing. People used to brag about using some ridiculous "Lines" from companies like AN called Connoisseur or expert. Then that fad died down and we were inundated with shills for the LED industry trying to convince anyone that would listen that without a $1000 LED you couldn't grow weed despite decades of successful growers using HID's. We now have anyone and everyone chucking pollen and chasing the gravy train and targeting the naive with ridiculous named strains you need to take out a loan to buy a pack of. Well I don't fall for the hype and they are not getting my money. The cannabis growing industry is mostly just marketing and misinformation.

Grown a pack of ACE PCK and Panama. They were OK, but I have no urge to grow them again.
I have a killer american kush clone which isn't the strongest but killer terps and mellow buzz. I still have a ton of afpak, gdp x cheese, ssh, ect seeds in the fridge.