anyone else addicted to american ninja warrior?

there are a few gyms around denver with warped walls and other ninja obstacles.

i wanna see just how much i am overestimating myself.

That may be a hard dose of reality, please post pics/video of your ninja adventures. I would never make it up that wall, I'd keep the medical staff really busy. From time to time, they should have funny episodes of fat losers that have NO chance of finishing a course. They could seriously injure themselves while we laugh our asses off...
That may be a hard dose of reality, please post pics/video of your ninja adventures. I would never make it up that wall, I'd keep the medical staff really busy. From time to time, they should have funny episodes of fat losers that have NO chance of finishing a course. They could seriously injure themselves while we laugh our asses off...

i could probably do the wall since i'm 6'2''. easily the quintuple steps and one or two others too, but probably none of the upper body ones. i'm in good shape but not good enough for how much i weigh, about 205.
i could probably do the wall since i'm 6'2''. easily the quintuple steps and one or two others too, but probably none of the upper body ones. i'm in good shape but not good enough for how much i weigh, about 205.
Im sure you would have an awesome fluff story

Next up "UncleBuck" a cannabis advocate and anti bigot from Denver Co. who loves little chickens..
I was actually surprised to see it still on (that summer programming again). Saw the first guy do it with ridiculous ease and figured it was all downhill from there. The guy made the Hamm twins look like amateurs. Turned on Takeshi's Castle instead.

While I am on the subject... Three is this atrocity of a television show called "what would you do?" that engineers awkward social situations in order to test the moral terpitude of innocent people. It is on at the same time as ANW. I would like to follow the producers of this show around and get all up in their orifii for a while.
Just finished Houston's episode of 2 weeks ago. Too bad Kacy Catanzaro went out so soon, that second obstacle of the sliding rail onto the hanging rope has proven to statistically be the most difficult in round 1 in all of ANW history (took out 51 contestants!) Heartbroken at the Black Panther dude's water mis-step, just like last year, and impressed with the opera dude with Michael Bolton hair. Got last week's episode to watch tonight...