Anyone clone with peat?

I took some cuttings last night and woke up this morning and now they're all slumped over, the stems on all of them just went limp. I have them in pure peat, I did not use the humidity dome, and I really loaded the rooting powder. Anyone have any ideas why they're limp, is this normal? Also the light was on all night that's the normal light period I'm about to shut it off now.
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Sup Dude, Your light is fine. If anything I would use a daytime florescent.
Peat is an OK choice, but it does break down into soil later and sometimes compacts causing root suffocation. Also the acidity of peat is high, (4.5-5.0) Raise to about 5.5-5.8.
Heating pad, soil should be raised to 70-72, use a fan to keep air cooler and mist once a day.
They most likely went into transplant shock and should stand at attention in a day or 2.

Hope the Best. Much Love
One of the things i do , is starve my plant a week or so (straight water) then take clippings
This might be Bro-science but after taking clippings i feed the plant, i feel i get faster roots

Another thing you can do is root them on a windowsill this time of year,
It lets you keep growing in your box
Great info I actually did feed them just the night before I cut I figured that it would be good to have some nutes already there for the duration. And ya i was thinking how i would use the box i think I'll put the potted plants in the window sill and keep the new cuttings in water inside the dome.
Sup Dude, Your light is fine. If anything I would use a daytime florescent.
Peat is an OK choice, but it does break down into soil later and sometimes compacts causing root suffocation. Also the acidity of peat is high, (4.5-5.0) Raise to about 5.5-5.8.
Heating pad, soil should be raised to 70-72, use a fan to keep air cooler and mist once a day.
They most likely went into transplant shock and should stand at attention in a day or 2.

Hope the Best. Much Love
Thanks brother, I hope they do come back
Ok so I watched a video and they put there cuttings in 2 inch cubes but it was soil not hydro, and they put the pots n a tray and filled it up with water until it gets to the level of the base of the cuttings, do you think I should fill the tray up to that level?
@Herb & Suds @hotrodharley
Ok so I watched a video and they put there cuttings in 2 inch cubes but it was soil not hydro, and they put the pots n a tray and filled it up with water until it gets to the level of the base of the cuttings, do you think I should fill the tray up to that level?
@Herb & Suds @hotrodharley

Basically a wick theory way of cloning. I wouldn’t. I would most in the morning and at night. There is such a thing as too much water. And if they dome those clones will probably die/rot.
Basically a wick theory way of cloning. I wouldn’t. I would most in the morning and at night. There is such a thing as too much water. And if they dome those clones will probably die/rot.
Ok no they had them in open air and they d8dnt use powder or gel they added rooting hormones right to the water
There is no way pure peat moss will not kill those cutlings. If you don't get them out of that they are going to die no matter what. Chances a clone will live if not covered with something clear are very slim. The only lights that have given me problems in cloning are LEDS.
There is no way pure peat moss will not kill those cutlings. If you don't get them out of that they are going to die no matter what. Chances a clone will live if not covered with something clear are very slim. The only lights that have given me problems in cloning are LEDS.
Ok thanks for your opinion if they dont spring up by 10 or 11 tonight I'll take them out and put these in water
Ok thanks for your opinion if they dont spring up by 10 or 11 tonight I'll take them out and put these in water
I am no expert. When I clone, all I do is put a cutling in regular growing soil, with rooting hormones of course, put it under a dome and lights. I spray the leaves constantly and keep the soil wet. There might be an angle to peat that I don't know about but peat is way too acid to grow in as far as I know. As for the pictures, I have had plants look that bad and live a lot of times. I am cloning some right now and I am not even using lights. I have them outside under a dome.
I am no expert. When I clone, all I do is put a cutling in regular growing soil, with rooting hormones of course, put it under a dome and lights. I spray the leaves constantly and keep the soil wet. There might be an angle to peat that I don't know about but peat is way too acid to grow in as far as I know. As for the pictures, I have had plants look that bad and live a lot of times. I am cloning some right now and I am not even using lights. I have them outside under a dome.
Ok I have used this same peat nothing added no PH adjustments with great success a few times with seedlings, i got some garden mix but its supposed to be mixed 5050 with existing soil outdoors, i was thinking of mixing it with the peat and transplanting
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I am no expert. When I clone, all I do is put a cutling in regular growing soil, with rooting hormones of course, put it under a dome and lights. I spray the leaves constantly and keep the soil wet. There might be an angle to peat that I don't know about but peat is way too acid to grow in as far as I know. As for the pictures, I have had plants look that bad and live a lot of times. I am cloning some right now and I am not even using lights. I have them outside under a dome.
If you put them outside in a shady area you do not need a dome
I have done flats of them that way
Basically a wick theory way of cloning. I wouldn’t. I would most in the morning and at night. There is such a thing as too much water. And if they dome those clones will probably die/rot.
Agree. A good misting bottle or 5 are great. Misting seedlings and cuttings. Applying foliar feeds.
Overwatering kills more plants kept by man than any other reason. Except maybe newbies and nutes. But medium that stays wet encourages damping off and root problems. Especially with seedlings and cuttings.
Ok that's all I did and 4 of the 6 appear to be straightening up, I didn't wanna PH more water cuz I soaked them last night, maybe the soak was too much for them, lights been on for 3 hrs
Yes all 6 are standing up theres a little curve where they were bent and started straightening so there a little s shape to each cutting
The first few days keeping clone leaf humidity high is important, especially if your cloning area is in a grow room with low humidity . Also, I differentiate between the air humidity around the leaves and soil dampness. They are not the same thing.

If you don't have a humidity dome, you can take a small freezer bag (slightly bigger than a sandwich baggie) and cut a top corner for an airhole. Place bag over a beer cup that has your clone in it. Raise baggie so that it looks like a mini dome over your clone and use a rubber band (or hair tie if you're a long haired hippi freak) at the top of the cup to hold the baggie in place.

You can spray water in thru the baggie cut to create a mist on the inside surface of the baggie and keep the air humidity high, while keeping the soil damp, but not soaked.

About 10 days and they're rooted. I get lazy and use pro mix with a bit of organic soil mixed in for the cloning soil.
You guys are sitting around here talking about cloning like it’s hard. It’s basic. :)