Anyone carry a knife daily?

And get charged with grievous bodily harm?, attack with a deadly weapon? attempted murder/manslaughter? etc, etc. No thanks.
You proved my point. Its a diff culture.. Maybe we don't have the violence that you guys do or are not as scared of the unknown, maybe it comes from the gun culture and the whole "its for defence" argument. For it to be defence you must have some fear of attack from something or someone. Maybe the media and the movies help to feed that unrational fear.

We grow up being told pulling a knife in a fight is not only unmanly, its un Australian. Don't get me wrong some people carry pocket knives to be used as pocket knives but not as a weapon to be used in a fight. I've seen a hell of a lot of pub fights (aussies like to have a drink and a blue) but ive never ever seen someone pull a knife.
it's not my go to, but it's there for when shit gets out of control. a black eye is one thing, curb stompings and broken bones are another. once things go past the black eye stage, someone is getting a puncture wound or two
In case of emergency requiring it.
hacking a trail to flee on? holding vicious dust bunnies at bay? encountering a large wheel of cheese that has to be cut in one stroke?

i carry a pocket knife, and have only ever had to cut one person with it, and they had a 2x4 and were trying to rob me. i don't get in fights often, and have never had to cut anyone yet. perhaps knowing Wado Ryu helps with that. but i'm here to tell you, if and when i think it's necessary, someone is going to need some stitches, and i couldn't give a fuck less what other cultures think of it.
Only pussies carry knives.
Or bushwalkers, and campers.
Only pussies carry knives in public here.
Only pussies carry knives here too! Everyone is packing nowdays, it's back in fashion.
My EDC knife, 5' SOG arc lock up the sleeve in the city, deathly silent opener.
I'm looking at a PC carbine for the truck as well, in .45.
Start talking knives and Americans pull their guns, typical. lol


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Only pussies carry knives here too! Everyone is packing nowdays, it's back in fashion.
My EDC knife, 5' SOG arc lock up the sleeve in the city, deathly silent opener.
I'm looking at a PC carbine for the truck as well, in .45.
Start talking knives and Americans pull their guns, typical. lol
View attachment 4199586
Agreed man. I've always meant to have a large knife, bushwalking, and camping. Because it's such a great survival tool. Though always carry a small knife in my pack. Same reason i believe guns should be legal for many people for practical reasons.

But what doesn't sit well with me at all if i'm being honest, is being able to carry in public. It's a good feeling, being comfortable to be safe enough, to not have to feel the need to carry, for protection in public. Let alone possibly a home.
I think that feeling of security, is a right we are all entitled to. Unfortunately though there are people who want to take everyones rights away. These people shouldn't have guns.

But what doesn't sit well with me at all if i'm being honest, is being able to carry in public. It's a good feeling, being comfortable to be safe enough, to not have to feel the need to carry, for protection in public. Let alone possibly a home.
I think that feeling of security, is a right we are all entitled to. Unfortunately though there are people who want to take everyones rights away. These people shouldn't have guns.
It used to be that way. Now once a week in the area, some fool waves their gun over traffic disputes instead of their finger.
Which is why I'm carrying now. My temper has actually gotten better carrying, I don't sweat the fools'. I'll just knife their tires in the parking lot later:finger:
Once you get over the adrenaline and fear of carrying loaded with a smooth breaking, fast reset 4lb trigger pull ( I like twitchy gunfighter triggers), you don't even notice it any more.
It's just a tool like the keys and wallet
Agreed man. I've always meant to have a large knife, bushwalking, and camping. Because it's such a great survival tool. Though always carry a small knife in my pack. Same reason i believe guns should be legal for many people for practical reasons.

But what doesn't sit well with me at all if i'm being honest, is being able to carry in public. It's a good feeling, being comfortable to be safe enough, to not have to feel the need to carry, for protection in public. Let alone possibly a home.
I think that feeling of security, is a right we are all entitled to. Unfortunately though there are people who want to take everyones rights away. These people shouldn't have guns.


Id much rather have it and not need it than the other way around, i never flash it on anyone like an idiot.

Only pussies carry knives here too! Everyone is packing nowdays, it's back in fashion.
My EDC knife, 5' SOG arc lock up the sleeve in the city, deathly silent opener.
I'm looking at a PC carbine for the truck as well, in .45.
Start talking knives and Americans pull their guns, typical. lol
View attachment 4199586

Carbines are nice truck guns, i used to keep a 10mm Hi Point in mine, this is my truck gun now

Carbines are nice truck guns, i used to keep a 10mm Hi Point in mine, this is my truck gun now
That's a beauty, really nice receiver. Who makes that? I was looking at the AK micros and CZ Scorpions with folding stocks as well.
19" folded is my goal.
Trail knife and 1st aid kit for day hiking, keep it simple as possible. The bayonet is for overnight trips
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Umm, Americans still pulling truck guns and bayonets out on our other visitors to the Knife thread. Sorry guys, we can't help it. :twisted: Knives and guns are like salt and pepper, they just go together in our brains.
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That's a beauty, really nice receiver. Who makes that? I was looking at the AK micros and CZ Scorpions with folding stocks as well.
19" folded is my goal.
Trail knife and 1st aid kit for day hiking, keep it simple as possible. The bayonet is for overnight trips
View attachment 4199679 View attachment 4199682
Umm, Americans still pulling truck guns and bayonets out on our other visitors to the Knife thread. Sorry guys, we can't help it. :twisted: Knives and guns are like salt and pepper, they just go together in our brains.

Its a Century C39 with a 75 round Russian drum, Vermont Maple stock. I suppose since this is supposed to be knives heres mine haha