Anyone carry a knife daily?

I carry a Kabar Old Timers pocket knife that I've had since 1974....
Knife crime in England is really bad a fourteen year old was stabbed the other day, such a waste of a life.
I know the states are a lot different to England but are knives really needed if someone pisses you off and you carry a knife then you will likely use it whereas a punch would suffice then two lives are over and it could have been avoided.
Just a thought.
Knife crime in England is really bad a fourteen year old was stabbed the other day, such a waste of a life.
I know the states are a lot different to England but are knives really needed if someone pisses you off and you carry a knife then you will likely use it whereas a punch would suffice then two lives are over and it could have been avoided.
Just a thought.
A lot different. They have guns. Knives result in fewer drive bys.
Knife crime in England is really bad a fourteen year old was stabbed the other day, such a waste of a life.
I know the states are a lot different to England but are knives really needed if someone pisses you off and you carry a knife then you will likely use it whereas a punch would suffice then two lives are over and it could have been avoided.
Just a thought.
A lot different. They have guns. Knives result in fewer drive bys.
Shootings are common in America. Extremely rare in England and Australia. People don't pull knives on other people in Australia and England- its considered weak. Totally different culture to our ones.
Truth is though I use to carry a knife in my teens. I lived in a fairly rough town, and we were on the rough side of the tracks. Carried a 7" spring assisted China special. Looked like one of those switchblades from the old Godfather movies.

Only had to show it off twice. Wasn't for anything more than to deter junkies from trying to steal my shoes.

Nowadays I don't go into those areas often, and when I do I'm in my truck. Chipping hammer under the seat, fillet knife in the drivers side rear door along with an assortment of lures and fishing line. Got a cast iron frying pan under the seat too on the passenger side too.

I don't go out looking for problems though so luckily I've been in very few situations where I've had to keep them nearby.

At home is where the fun begins. I may be Canadian and not have any laws to protect myself or my property, but if someone comes through that door uninvited, they get 1 warning and after that it's me or them. About a 99% chance I come out on top.
Knife crime in England is really bad a fourteen year old was stabbed the other day, such a waste of a life.
I know the states are a lot different to England but are knives really needed if someone pisses you off and you carry a knife then you will likely use it whereas a punch would suffice then two lives are over and it could have been avoided.
Just a thought.

Heard the mayor was trying to outlaw knives in London proper due to the recent rash of stabbings?
they can consider it whatever they want, while they're holding a severed artery closed with one hand and dialing for an ambulance with the other
And get charged with grievous bodily harm?, attack with a deadly weapon? attempted murder/manslaughter? etc, etc. No thanks.
You proved my point. Its a diff culture.. Maybe we don't have the violence that you guys do or are not as scared of the unknown, maybe it comes from the gun culture and the whole "its for defence" argument. For it to be defence you must have some fear of attack from something or someone. Maybe the media and the movies help to feed that unrational fear.

We grow up being told pulling a knife in a fight is not only unmanly, its un Australian. Don't get me wrong some people carry pocket knives to be used as pocket knives but not as a weapon to be used in a fight. I've seen a hell of a lot of pub fights (aussies like to have a drink and a blue) but ive never ever seen someone pull a knife.
And get charged with grievous bodily harm?, attack with a deadly weapon? attempted murder/manslaughter? etc, etc. No thanks.
You proved my point. Its a diff culture.. Maybe we don't have the violence that you guys do or are not as scared of the unknown, maybe it comes from the gun culture and the whole "its for defence" argument. For it to be defence you must have some fear of attack from something or someone. Maybe the media and the movies help to feed that unrational fear.

We grow up being told pulling a knife in a fight is not only unmanly, its un Australian. Don't get me wrong some people carry pocket knives to be used as pocket knives but not as a weapon to be used in a fight. I've seen a hell of a lot of pub fights (aussies like to have a drink and a blue) but ive never ever seen someone pull a knife.
And get charged with grievous bodily harm?, attack with a deadly weapon? attempted murder/manslaughter? etc, etc. No thanks.
You proved my point. Its a diff culture.. Maybe we don't have the violence that you guys do or are not as scared of the unknown, maybe it comes from the gun culture and the whole "its for defence" argument. For it to be defence you must have some fear of attack from something or someone. Maybe the media and the movies help to feed that unrational fear.

We grow up being told pulling a knife in a fight is not only unmanly, its un Australian. Don't get me wrong some people carry pocket knives to be used as pocket knives but not as a weapon to be used in a fight. I've seen a hell of a lot of pub fights (aussies like to have a drink and a blue) but ive never ever seen someone pull a knife.
I'm an ozzie too. I can whole heartedly agree on this.
Only pussies carry knives.
Or bushwalkers, and campers.
Only pussies carry knives in public here.
It doesn't appear to be as bad in England as some might suggest.

Although knife crime is on the increase, it should be seen in context. It's relatively unusual for a violent incident to involve a knife, and rarer still for someone to need hospital treatment.

Most violence is caused by people hitting, kicking, shoving or slapping someone, sometimes during a fight and often when they're drunk; the police figures on violence also include crimes of harassment and stalking.

The Crime Survey for England and Wales, which includes offences that aren't reported to police, indicates that overall levels of violence have fallen by 25% since 2013.

Until I started hiking I always carried a pocket knife. I have three of the Kershaws. I really like the little spring assisted one. I carried it for years. But now I want nothing in my pockets that I can't eat.

When around the home place or on short trails, I carry this. . . . {this is a Google picture. I changed out that heavy ass cord for a lighter one}

On longer trails I have a mini Swiss Army in my pack. {it was free, an advert for a body shop} Cutting the plastic wrap on your summer sausage is what you will be using it for.