Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

thanks. i've had good luck with keeping my RH in the room pretty constant. i gotta work on my temps next.

what temps should i be shooting for as far as finishing quicker?

It has been said that the slower the fruit grows the stronger they are. I have done a few tests but can't really evaluate that claim. Others say that they grow Hollow if grown "too fast". I THINK that maybe they are more Hollow but that probably doesn't affect final weight.

I believe that 78 degrees is a good balance between good growth and limiting trich. Above 85 and the mycelium begins to weaken and exude metabolites that invite contamination

I have run sterile mycelium at 84 and fruiting at 80 HOWEVER, the organism will likely do well in a large range, don't get too anal.
think i just answered my own ?

The Optimal Temperature Range For Monotub Fruiting Is 68-75°F. The Optimal Humidity Range For Monotub Fruiting Is 90-95%

so my temps are actually good but i need to get my RH up.

I take issue here. These are tropical mushrooms, note the areas they come from, Florida, Texas, Thailand, the Amazon, all quite hot and surely beyond even the high sixties. I hold that 75 is about the lowest one should go. Although it won't hurt them to go into even the 40's. Just be careful of condensation. Condensation will collect bad spores and drip them all over your substrate.
Exactly. As you know I'm on the opposite end of things with really high RH. It's about 70% right now and my boxes are in a zipped up grow tent. So I use big holes and never mist any more not even the top "casing" layer, if I do it's slows things down and sometimes Would get contaminated. So field capacity gets me through a few flushes.
i live in a high humidity enviro myself
There’s no cubes native to Hawaii I’m pretty sure which is weird.

80F is the absolute warmest I’ll let the room get, Texas types were the only kinds I tried that did ok above 80. Although as long as it cools off at night they can take crazy heat, I had some tubs hitting 115 on the inside during the afternoons but only for a few hours. Then at night it would go back to the 70s.

I also tried growing in the cold, fruiting spawned tubs was fine down to the mid 40s but jars and plates completely shut down.
There’s no cubes native to Hawaii I’m pretty sure which is weird.

80F is the absolute warmest I’ll let the room get, Texas types were the only kinds I tried that did ok above 80. Although as long as it cools off at night they can take crazy heat, I had some tubs hitting 115 on the inside during the afternoons but only for a few hours. Then at night it would go back to the 70s.

I also tried growing in the cold, fruiting spawned tubs was fine down to the mid 40s but jars and plates completely shut down.
Well I know that on the Big Island you can pick em. Just about all the time. I would send my buddy sheets of acid and he would send me back jars of shroom honey. He made it sound like they could pick them just about any morning while he was down in Hilo going to school.
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Oh I’m sure people spread spores all over by now. I’d hope so at least. There may be other species too just not cubes. I think it’s just one of those weird island things like having no native snakes
Thinking I may do a winter grow just for shits and giggles, and some more experience. Kinda wanting to grow something a little more on the odd side this time around. Any recommendations between these 2 strains, especially which might be better for a beginner?
Thinking I may do a winter grow just for shits and giggles, and some more experience. Kinda wanting to grow something a little more on the odd side this time around. Any recommendations between these 2 strains, especially which might be better for a beginner?
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i'm guessing waht they call intermediate or expert strains require precise temps and or humidity?
Here in the extreme northern part of the state we have actual seasons. I have a closet in the spare bathroom that stays at/below 70 even with the furnace running. RH spikes up to around 40 in winter, so the occasional misting should keep the tubs where they need to be.

Assuming they don't require absolute perfect conditions, I'm more concerned with the possibility of just being generally touchy; known for slow growth or possibly unusually susceptible to contamination - potential strain specific issues.
Thinking I may do a winter grow just for shits and giggles, and some more experience. Kinda wanting to grow something a little more on the odd side this time around. Any recommendations between these 2 strains, especially which might be better for a beginner?
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Jack Frost is a good one, very fast and easy. Anemone can be pretty finicky and doesn’t yield much it’s more just that it looks cool.
it looks cool.
Stupid as it sounds, that's much of the draw for me. They look weird. I have ounces in the freezer I'll probably never eat, so I'm not really in it for monster yields. Could you point me towards any similar strains that also look drastically atypical, yet relatively novice-friendly to grow?
Honestly all cubes are pretty similar as far as growing.

The Shakti Blue Brains were 3rd on my wish list. Several years ago, I remember see people putting up pics of some mutant cubes that grew to look like actual mini brains. I thought they were kinda wicked looking. Wouldn't mind growing some of whatever they were.
Thinking I may do a winter grow just for shits and giggles, and some more experience. Kinda wanting to grow something a little more on the odd side this time around. Any recommendations between these 2 strains, especially which might be better for a beginner?
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Jack frost has been one of my favorite strains to grow from them. Moves really fast, yields high, and they're pretty potent.
How long would you expect spore syringes to stay usable? Had these in the fridge since last January. Hate to throw away something that might not need it. How do these look?
How long would you expect spore syringes to stay usable? Had these in the fridge since last January. Hate to throw away something that might not need it. How do these look?
View attachment 5328101View attachment 5328102View attachment 5328103
i innoculated 2 more grain bags sept 3. nothing going on. i bought the syringes in january when they became legal here. so 9 months??? they were in a cool, dry dark box. maybe the fridge would have been better??

and have you ever seen albino penis envy? the spore place i used has a "rare" strain page of choices.
I assumed refrigeration was pretty much mandatory for keeping spore solution viable. Kinda figured any serious contamination would me fairly obvious to experienced people, which I'm not. They look fine as far as I can tell. Can't remember exactly, but I'm thinking it was a good month before I noticed much going on after inoculation.

Never seen APE in person, just pics from spore sellers. At one point I wanted to grow PE just for the lulz, nut now I seem to be determined to grow something more weird. So far I've only used Sporestore, but Skeleton Crew looks promising so I'll try them next. They seem to have a decent selection of oddball stuff.