Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

If I'm not mistaken fungi are the largest organism on earth and cover more of the planet than animals and plants combined. Fungus is everywhere and more of them means predators! There are many fungus enemies, especially in an ideal growing condition and the enemy is small...micro...and it will not only kill your harvest but maybe hurt you too! So measure it twice and cut it once and don't forget to wash your hands!
Man I finally found something that truly helps me. Growing and smoking weed has been therapeutic and has got me off almost all of my meds. I love it and I love the hobby. So I didn't eat mushrooms for like 10 years. I struggle with anxiety depression PTSD the whole nine yards. I got an eighth of mushrooms a couple months ago and I slowly ate it microdosing throughout a week. I don't know how or why but it helped me immensely. I really can't even put it in words. So I bought a couple syringes immediately without doing much research just followed the p.f. Tek instructions. I'm going to definitely continue with it and get into other teks but I need these things to work out. I definitely believe in these things now as a medicine and truly have magical healing powers LOL I believe these can help heal me permanently. That's why I've been so persistent bugging everybody everywhere trying to talk to me about this stuff and the shroomery is really hard to navigate and some of the conversations I've had on there have just been counterproductive and it's very hard to get along with highly intelligent trolls LOL I thought I had good s*** to say and they hit me with riddles that I have no comeback for LOL you guys are pretty much the only ones talking to me and helping me with this so any advice any input any conversation is much appreciated. I'm very sorry for this book I just wrote I just smoked a 2 gram cone of heatlocker
i must agree on the change of train of thought
If I'm not mistaken fungi are the largest organism on earth and cover more of the planet than animals and plants combined. Fungus is everywhere and more of them means predators! There are many fungus enemies, especially in an ideal growing condition and the enemy is small...micro...and it will not only kill your harvest but maybe hurt you too! So measure it twice and cut it once and don't forget to wash your hands!
Fungus mites. I had such a bad case that after I sprayed I had a good half cup of them dead on the floor. Just like spider mites but they like mushrooms

Phorid flies.

Fungus gnats

STABLE FLIES! if you work with horse manure eventually you will encounter them. They are small flies that have tiny scissors as mouth parts. They like to find your legs, snip a bit of flesh and lap up your blood. It hurts.

Growing mushrooms is fun.

Contamination is usually a puzzle. There is a black mold, aspergillis Niger. It is capable of germinating through tivek and other air filters. It drives its mycelium through the filter and then breaks off into your substrate. You think you got a good bag, you shake it one last time and in a day or so you have a bag of inky mush. Took a long time to figure that one out.

Bad grain

Popcorn is sometimes sprayed with fungicide, not a damn thing will grow on it. Organic rye often is teaming with cysts that require days of moist time and 4 hours of autoclave in order to kill every last one. And you had better kill them all.

It's a nasty microscopic world.
Checked my cake graveyard this morning and amongst all the bird seed that's been sprouting I have mushrooms. Looks like a few different kinds popped up too, but due to all the poisonous ones that grow here in the Midwest that look similar to cubes that are poisonous ill probably hold off on eating them though. I've found some that look almost identical to these before I buried cakes, Plus I have plenty, but man do they look cool growing outside!!! Looks like some TAT, GT, and PF Leucistic. Just like we were talking about, they don't seem to give a shit about contams Once they get going. I dug a big hole and dumped a few shoe boxes in it and then dumped some compost made up of yard waste on top and waited for the magic to happen. They showed up after a couple days of rain.
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I believe I've seen Amanita Muscaria alot around here too, red caps with the white dots. Never knew you can eat them up until recently. Someone pointed them out to me the other day but still afraid to try any growing outside simply because I'm not confident when trying to identify them. The only ones I've ate from the wild were white morels, I've found garbage bags full at a time, love em sauteed in butter they taste like lobster, but even then, there's false morels so still gotta be cautious.
If they bruise blue, they are your specimines. The aminitas you are talking about don't. In North America, no mushroom thar bruises blue AND leaves a purple brown spore print is poisonous. But of course look it up for yourself.
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I believe I've seen Amanita Muscaria alot around here too, red caps with the white dots. Never knew you can eat them up until recently. Someone pointed them out to me the other day but still afraid to try any growing outside simply because I'm not confident when trying to identify them. The only ones I've ate from the wild were white morels, I've found garbage bags full at a time, love em sauteed in butter they taste like lobster, but even then, there's false morels so still gotta be cautious.

yeah Amanitas are a deliriant/dissociative, more Alice in wonderland-like (shrinking/enlargement of body parts) and lucid-dreamlike but are toxic and lethal at higher doses with strong physical side can actually cook it and once it’s cooked you can eat it without any effects, people say it has a good taste..Amanita Muscaria Var Guesowii grows up here in the northeast, same species just a different variety that is a yellow-orange instead of red

I believe I've seen Amanita Muscaria alot around here too, red caps with the white dots. Never knew you can eat them up until recently. Someone pointed them out to me the other day but still afraid to try any growing outside simply because I'm not confident when trying to identify them. The only ones I've ate from the wild were white morels, I've found garbage bags full at a time, love em sauteed in butter they taste like lobster, but even then, there's false morels so still gotta be cautious.
I used to forage for morels and sell them to high end restaurants. It was cool because I would meet the chefs in the kitchens where they would inspect and weigh the mushrooms, and then we would haggle a price and they would pay me in cash. It always felt like a Lifetime Channel movie drug deal. Morels are pretty hard to mistake. There are beefhearts which don't look like something you would want to eat, and half-free morels which are still edible. I never pick them, but my friend's family does and they have been foraging for longer than I've been alive.
I used to forage for morels and sell them to high end restaurants. It was cool because I would meet the chefs in the kitchens where they would inspect and weigh the mushrooms, and then we would haggle a price and they would pay me in cash. It always felt like a Lifetime Channel movie drug deal. Morels are pretty hard to mistake. There are beefhearts which don't look like something you would want to eat, and half-free morels which are still edible. I never pick them, but my friend's family does and they have been foraging for longer than I've been alive.
Hell yeah. They're the only ones I've aten from the wild.
Yeah amanita has to be baked first I think. The trip description for them sounds pretty awesome, the couple I read the people got tired and started daydreaming and then became part of the dream until they snapped out of it and it would start over with a new one.

they actually sell them at a smoke shop here, never seen that anywhere else.
One time me and a group of friends went hiking around up in the mountains, and found 100s of large amanita's growing in the woods.

Took a full grocery sack of them back to my buddies place, and made a huge pot of tea. I remember reading you can cook the bad stuff out.. Every one was kind of scared and only drank a teaspoon, and it didn't taste the best that's for sure. I drank a whole cup though.

The only way i've been able to describe the trip, was that I lost a week of my life/memory, and faded in and out like the guy that's coming down off NZT pill on the movie Limiteless, with the same tunnel vision and everything. I got stuck in weird time loops, like the same thing happened over and over for 2 days, then I would come to in some other location. Then it would happen again, and a day would go by, like a CD thats scratched and keeps skipping or something. IDK how to describe it.

It was only a few years back that I discovered those more orange/beigeish looking muscaria's we found 20 years ago were actually pantherina's!

I guess pantherina's are better anyway, and way more potent too, after learning more about them.
So I was about to start noccing some bags up, when I discovered one of my spore syringes liquid turned a yellowish tint, and has floaty globs (not black like some pics show of spores, more like milky looking bacteria or something funky). Its the rusty whyte one, and I don't remember it looking that way at all, they were all clear looking. All stored inside in dark location, etc, never messed with other than taking that pic recently.

I haven't ever opened the ziplock bag containing it, and its only been over a year since I bought them.

Is it contaminated?
So I was about to start noccing some bags up, when I discovered one of my spore syringes liquid turned a yellowish tint, and has floaty globs (not black like some pics show of spores, more like milky looking bacteria or something funky). Its the rusty whyte one, and I don't remember it looking that way at all, they were all clear looking. All stored inside in dark location, etc, never messed with other than taking that pic recently.

I haven't ever opened the ziplock bag containing it, and its only been over a year since I bought them.

Is it contaminated?
Likely yes.