Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

He is full of it. Repeating things he has heard or read. A dose that large of PE would surely have you experience an "ego death"....Go read his southeast lights thread he just recently posted up and tell me why someone would need so much ego stroking after the kinds of trips he claims. Some people need attention and will tell tales to get it.
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He is full of it. Repeating things he has heard or read. A does that large of PE would surely have you experience an "ego death"....Go read his southeast lights thread he just recently posted up and tell me why someone would need so much ego stroking after the kinds of trips he claims. Some people need attention and will tell tales to get it.
Wheres this southeast lights thread at?
Wow, 5 g? Is there less of a body load than B+?
With only 1.5 g of B+ there was little visuals compared to a heavy intoxicating body buzz.

Kinda opposite of peyote and acid I've done plenty of in my past. I wouldn't want much more intoxication feeling.

I want something with more visuals and less heavy body load.
5g is a lot if they are strong. 5g is not much if they weren't. Body load seems to be the price of admission. The things you mention are not tryptamines.

This may help you out in what you are looking for. I just ran across it the other day and was skimming over it but think this may assist you.

Wow, 5 g? Is there less of a body load than B+?
With only 1.5 g of B+ there was little visuals compared to a heavy intoxicating body buzz.

Hadn't done any cubies since picking them wild in cow paddies in Davie FL over 30 years ago. Luckily, I don't get nausea, vomiting, etc. with mushrooms. I do have quite a bit of experience with 25, both small and large quantities, see here:

Down where the music is made

Was recently gifted 10g of albino A+ and 10g of PE, so can't speak to the B+ specifically but like you, mushrooms were always more physical for me as well. Got my "sky legs" back with a couple of 2.5g trips that were fun and entertaining but not really cosmic or visual. Did notice the PE's were more powerful but not dramatically so. That's why I doubled up the dosage to get my "space legs", sat in my most comfortable chair, turned off all lights, music, etc. and closed my eyes for 5+ hours. Pretty nice visuals, fractals transforming with trails, but nothing like 200+ mics of 25.

Mostly mental exploration and examination, like when I queried one of the "processes" (I can't describe it any better using words) going on in my body if it would help cure me if I had cancer and received a... "I don't know, I'm too busy being purple right now, if I stop you'll never see purple again" response. That's when I understood how Stamets stopped stuttering.

As things were winding down, the phrase "Attitude of Gratitude" came to mind.

I want something with more visuals and less heavy body load.

Stick with 25 and as you feel more comfortable with what's revealed, increase the dose. :D
I always had the most intense visual trips on liberty caps (semilanceata), and other wild psilocybes up here in the PNW. Baeo's (blue ringers), and cyanescens (wood lover varieties), etc.. Libs were most intense though.. I used to pick grocery bags full back in the days. I've seen the devil himself.

Its not just psilocybin, there is baeocystin and other active compounds too, psilocyn, etc... some types contain more of the other compounds than other types do. I dunno, there is something spiritual about consuming wild foraged mushrooms, and the way the were connected to the earth, and it alters everything about it for me.
Yeah there’s absolutely different stuff going on with different species. For a long time I just figured psilocybin is psilocybin so who cares, but was so stoked when I realized each species has a different trip. I wish more advanced testing was available to try and figure out what does it.
He is full of it. Repeating things he has heard or read. A dose that large of PE would surely have you experience an "ego death"....Go read his southeast lights thread he just recently posted up and tell me why someone would need so much ego stroking after the kinds of trips he claims. Some people need attention and will tell tales to get it.
Lol its pretty good size too!
That's what she said
Just wanted to have a simple discussion on mushroom cultivation with people that have ANY experience I inoculated 6 pf tek jars 3 weeks ago and have alot to talk about. Any input would be much appreciated.
You folks got it so good these days... I first grew back in 1992 with one of those Homestead Mushroom Growers Kit you could buy out of High Times Magazine. Talk about a pain in the ass! Plus, you didn't get all you need to grow. Oh hell no, I had to by a $150.00 pressure cooker (these days over $200.00.) and you grew from Malt Extract Agar in petri dishes, which you had to inoculate with spores. So you had to handle many more steps that are rife with complications. Starting where you are, it is a hop skip and a jump to shrooms.
From the pics you have provided, I'd say all is good, so long as you can control, light, heat, humidity, and especially any contaminants, you will prosper. There is a an older but very good book called "The Mushroom Cultivator," it is well worth the price, and they may have updated it. It has one of the best chapters on contaminants with detailed pics of each contaminant and any health risk it may have, e.g. Fusarium, nasty stuff, too many spores in the air could kill you. So, please, though the risks using your method are very low, exercise due diligence at all times. If you see something that don't look right then it isn't. You can always remove what shouldn't be there... very carefully. note:: did you know that some molds are used in nerve gas?
I wish I had a hand full of these. My last trip was three Penis Envy Cubensis, Very powerful, but they weren't as good as the natural culture I use to have in my flower bed of Cyanescens. Sometimes we find shrooms that bring the mushroom God right over from the other side...
Enjoy your shrooms... and thanks for posting
Grew them a long time ago. Tried being as sterile as possible but still had some infections, grew great mycelium but had trouble getting them to flush. Still tripped balls plenty though
me too, had my days with contaminants in the 90's, but got ripped year-round nonetheless! I was determined to get 12 jars of rye grain flushing with shrooms and finally isolated a strain that fruited well under the conditions I provided and then I shared them with the Greater Seattle Area... I swear you could hear laughter from both sides of Lake Washington. LMAO
peace, love, and light
LOL, no, but I wish I would've... I spent thousands of hours caring from my High Times kit shrooms. Hell, at one point, I started adding grain and bird seed right into the malt agar prior to sterilization then I just transfer, transfer, and transfer the outgrown mycelium from dish to dish to dish then the miracle happened. I had Bonsai shrooms growing out of the damn petri dishes. Wild! Once the lids popped off it was time to partake...
I remember picking rotten looking cyans from a spot near freeway park back in 2001, full of gravel and grit. Went to a rave that happened like the day after 9/11, and had no idea while everyone was holding hands in a huge candle light circle, because I don't even remember how I got there or anything once they kicked in. That's literally when I found out i event happened, and that 1000s of people died.. It was the weirdest experience, like I walked into a cult, and I actually seen demons coming from the circle. Immediately went to one of the worst trips of my life, and started vomiting all over everyone, and must have got kicked out. I was gone for like 10 hours. Something changed, and it seems like life was so different before then..
outdoor patch is still fruiting up here..i’d say a successful experiment. Pretty much buried brf cakes in cow manure after the first flush and topped it off with straw/hay and watered very thoroughly to mimic a ‘dunk’ and let nature handle the rest...gonna see if i can get a patch to last all summer next season....


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Thanks to my vendor and guru, since I started making shoeboxes what was it a Couple months ago, I've had harvests every morning since. My dehydrator still hasnt stopped running since I got it.
Not only that, man they work!!! I was skeptical about using them for my reasons at 1st but they've truly helped me a lot. Still have my issues but seems like theyve been cut in half. Highly recommend for people dealing with mental health problems or if youre just trying to have great time(:o_O:peace: