anybody ever do this?

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
this has happened to me quite a few times. right, so I'll go to bed, but I'll be thinkin about stuff instead of sleeping. then after awhile, I'll start to think it's really happening, and right before I actually move I'll open my eyes and be suprised as HELL that I'm really in bed, instead of doing whatever I was imagining.

anybody else ever do this or is it just me?


Well-Known Member
all the fuckin time, sometimes ill be dreaming and someone will through something at me in the dream and ill wake up and "dodge" the object and fall out of bed.


Well-Known Member
lmao interesting

ever waken up hitting a bowl/joint/bong then come too find it isnt really their lol


Well-Known Member
Ya man. I think your having lucid dreams. I have been alllllmost asleep on a couch and I started having this falling dream and right before I hit the ground I woke up, jerked like I had hid the ground and almost fell off the couch.

Google lucid dreaming. Very interesting stuff. Whatever you can imagine you can do it in the dream world.

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
lucid dreams? for way.... Idk.....can you induce your own dreams, cause I conciously start thinking about whatever


Well-Known Member
one of the tripiest things that has ever happened to me when I was dreaming was I was having a nightmare that I had when I was younger and in my head I was like "Wait I've had this dream before, I don't want to have it again!" I woke up and was like What the fuck! then smoked a bowl and fell asleep.


Well-Known Member
A couple of weeks ago when I was sleeping I rolled over and felt someone elses hand touch my face. I jumped out of bed so fucking fast in panic. Well it turns out it was my own hand and my arm was asleep to the point there was no feeling in it at all. It's kind of embarrassing. I got a good laugh out of it afterwards though.