Any stoner Day Traders out there?


Active Member
I would invest in some oil right now if I knew how.... because PetRiL's Law of Common Sense says............ oil will get jacked up in at least one year =)

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
second wave of mortgage failure coming---60 minutes last night---some hedge fund dude talking about two other types of mortgages resetting over the next three years---said his firm is long on the stock market ????? Because it's forward leaning--thinks it's already priced in---I won't go that far. He thinks we are less than 1/2 through.

If obama pushes his broadband policy the optical sector will move sooner than later. I think BKHM is going to merge with someone.


Well-Known Member
second wave of mortgage failure coming---60 minutes last night---some hedge fund dude talking about two other types of mortgages resetting over the next three years---said his firm is long on the stock market ????? Because it's forward leaning--thinks it's already priced in---I won't go that far. He thinks we are less than 1/2 through.

If obama pushes his broadband policy the optical sector will move sooner than later. I think BKHM is going to merge with someone.
That was a good piece - here it is

[YOUTUBE] <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

I don't think this is going to be as bad as this piece describes. The fed is doing everything in its power to stop foreclosures and bring down mortgage rates. Hell, pretty soon they might dip below %5. AND THERE AINT NO WAY ANYONE IS GONNA LOSE THEIR HOUSE WHEN BARRY IS PREZ.

So, even though this guy makes a great point, what they never talk about is intervention. Which we know is going to take place...

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
a bunch of fuckers in the hardest hit markets are missing payments on purpose thinking the government will pick up the tab.

I'm going to buy something pimp down in florida before the rates kick up like 87.


Well-Known Member
What I failed to say above, is those option arms - people will be able to refi those. The banks won't want to let them, but the feds will back stop those new originations.

I don't think rates are going appreciably higher for a while - at least a year. And then, they won't move up that much.

I don't know............I gotta get back to work.....

I'm got long DTO before I joined this conversation this morning. Need to move my stop up.


Well-Known Member
You scum bags make me sick to the stomach.

It's people like you, taking more than your fair share, while contributing NO WORK, that are destabalizing the world financial system.

Do the world a favor by choking and dying.