Any opinion on this new Cirrus 10 COB light - 1000 watt?

"Here, let's replace that $450 HPS with this $1000 light that pulls the exact same amount of power and has about the same efficiency...." Yeeaahhh.
Except my cost is less than 450 and I don't have to replace bulbs. WAY less heat.. Rite there should be enough.. Even if it performed exactly the same.
Sweet! Where did you get one at that price? I would be all over that
I know a guy who is the proud owner of an out of business hydro shop.. Legalization has recked havoc on a lot of businesses out here in CA..The bright side is there is so much cheap gear to be had..I call it cashing in on others shattered dreams
First off no I haven't checked the wattage atthe wall..But it's not equivalent wattage..They are a US company so I doubt they would do some crap like advertising 1000w and have it pull anything not close to it. Radient heat off the face isn't even hardly warm..The heat sinks seem to throw off air around 85 degrees...My smallest 400watt HID warms the room way quicker...
Let me just say this too. I knew dang well the roaches would come out of the eall and troll this..I'm curious at what price point does it take to make it a good deal then ? Free ? I'm sure there would be smack talking even then. The real question is does it grow the weed? Does it do so at least as good as 1000w HID? At least these guys haven't made all that crazy of a claim by saying it's 1k at the wall but 1.5k equivalent...I don't believe that...But it's no China 100w at the wall 600 equivalent claim either. So given the choice of basically 100bucks for a used digital ballast and hood, 300$ for a gavita, or 400$ for said Cirrus 1k...What would you choose?
Let me just say this too. I knew dang well the roaches would come out of the eall and troll this..I'm curious at what price point does it take to make it a good deal then ? Free ? I'm sure there would be smack talking even then. The real question is does it grow the weed? Does it do so at least as good as 1000w HID? At least these guys haven't made all that crazy of a claim by saying it's 1k at the wall but 1.5k equivalent...I don't believe that...But it's no China 100w at the wall 600 equivalent claim either. So given the choice of basically 100bucks for a used digital ballast and hood, 300$ for a gavita, or 400$ for said Cirrus 1k...What would you choose?
Between just those two? If I had the headroom, Gavita.
I'm curious at what price point does it take to make it a good deal then ?
Here's the thing - what YOU paid for it just isn't relevant. You are asking the community "what they think of it" and what they are going to evaluate is the lights performance numbers versus its price if THEY bought it - which would cost them $1000 to do. Whatever discount or deal you managed to find just doesn't factor in.
Let me just say this too. I knew dang well the roaches would come out of the eall and troll this..I'm curious at what price point does it take to make it a good deal then ? Free ?
i personally wouldnt take an inefficient light for free... electricity is too expensive. At $1000 for unknown efficiency its not really in the conversation

i would be interested in actual measurements if you do any (like measuring actual power draw at the wall, and measuring actual temperature increase in a sealed room vs an HID of known wattage). I'd be leery to trust any 'spec' they provide base on rest of the site

The real question is does it grow the weed?

thats not the real question, any light starting at a $19 shop light can grow great product

Does it do so at least as good as 1000w HID?

for 1000W and $1000 it should be greatly exceeding the production of a 1000W HID or its a loss. matching yield of 1000W HID at 3-4X the price is no bargain. Glad you got a deal on it but again people need to evaluate it on what it would cost them
wow youre at 250V inside your house with a loaded circuit? whats your voltage at the service entrance?
Technically in the detached garage, but yeah, i know right? I was shocked (figuratively!) to see it higher than the expected 240v. Standard north american split-phase power.
I might open up the main panel tomorrow and measure, kind of curious.
So given the choice of basically 100bucks for a used digital ballast and hood, 300$ for a gavita, or 400$ for said Cirrus 1k...What would you choose?
I just did a quick google search for the 1000 watt cirrus, and most of the results I got put this light in the $700 to $1000 range.

Try being realistic when making comparisons. It might help your case.

I guess I'm one of the roaches or trolls you referred to earlier?
Yikes .... Somebody said was supposed to be a " white light " .

It looks like it throws hot spots and targets only what is directly under.

Yikes .... Somebody said was supposed to be a " white light " .

It looks like it throws hot spots and targets only what is directly under.

If it's supposed to be white, then ours is definitely defective!

It is a rather narrow beam. We're considering replacing it with an HPS for this round because we're REALLY height-limited and the beam is just too narrow. I'd love to take the lenses off, that might help.
If it's supposed to be white, then ours is definitely defective!

It is a rather narrow beam. We're considering replacing it with an HPS for this round because we're REALLY height-limited and the beam is just too narrow. I'd love to take the lenses off, that might help.
I would see if you can take that whole bottom panel off, it looks like that would increase your spread. But I dont have the light in front of me, and really cant tell if that's a feasible option. Just from looking at it though.