any one got a good pic of a finished bud?


i would like to see a pic of a finished bud. something i can compare to.
i think i keep picking too early does this look ready?



thanks fdd just what i was looking for.

so i kind of want it to look like it's on it's last leg. will this give it a better taste? it smells incredable but after curing it still smells great but tastes "green" is this because i pick too early?


Active Member
The usual "harvest" rule of thumb is as follows:

A lot of people like to harvest when 75% of the pistils (white hairs) have turned brown. However, this isn't always the most accurate of methods.

A better method is to get one of those small hand-magnifiers from Radio-Shack (or wherever..) so you can see the trichomes (the "crystals" on the buds...) clearly.

When you look at a bud up close, it will have little 'stalk' looking things on it, with round 'heads' on top of the stalks. (I'm sure there's a picture in the image gallery somewhere...) Most folks I know like to harvest when most of the heads have turned cloudy.

If you harvest when the heads are clear, you will have a more cerebral buzz to the high, but obviously your yield will be diminished. You can wait until you see amber heads as well.

Amber heads mean some of the THC is starting to degrade/break down and the high will be a very STONY, couch-lock stone.

Obviously the type of high is influenced more by the GENETICS of your particular plant, than it is by changing when you harvest. But, it can give your knockout indica strain that extra 'boost' if you harvest a little later.

Just a little something there fore you to "smoke on." (And by "smoke on" i mean "think about.")



Well-Known Member
Yeah man, your plant looks like what I was at at day 20, Im now at 40 and going strong. Wait Wait Wait.... Mine has doubled in size, no joke at all. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
thats one of the healthiest plants ive seen, keep up th good work what hid light are you using metal hid how many watts?


thats one of the healthiest plants ive seen, keep up th good work what hid light are you using metal hid how many watts?
I'm using a 400w metal halide. and a few cfl's just for the fuck of it.
also using composted pig poop/perlite for soil this is what i've always used for soil.i dont fertilize but i dont think i need it. the plant is from clones i've been growing this strain outdoors for like 10 years but just recently started trying a little indoor. but i think i always pick too early. as per everyones comments i'll let em go a while longer. and post when closer for more opinions. thanks