Any NHL fans in here?

all of the O 6 needs to be good year in and year out. it's good for the league and hockey in general. i think the league is too big in my opinion. and they are adding 2 more teams preobably which will further diminish the talent level league wide. but money talks.

I flip flop on that point, I think that the smaller players have gotten a chance since the league expanded
other than in Montreal. Seems the Canadiens like the speedy water bug exciting players that are hard to
catch. The rest of the league is catching on now. Not that their wasn't some speedier players but most
teams used to like the knuckle dragging club wielding forwards that were hell to go into the corner with.
I would imagine it will be a big contract but I forgot about the Horton contract and Robidas.
You think Phanuf will be back? Could bring a decent prospect close to the deadline. What
about Van Reimsdike(sp?) and Khadri?

phaneuf is there til he dies i think.
van riemsdyk is pretty fucking good. i'd keep him for sure.
stamkos if he could bring YYZ a top 3 in the division and serious playoff talke would be worth his weight in gold
I flip flop on that point, I think that the smaller players have gotten a chance since the league expanded
other than in Montreal. Seems the Canadiens like the speedy water bug exciting players that are hard to
catch. The rest of the league is catching on now. Not that their wasn't some speedier players but most
teams used to like the knuckle dragging club wielding forwards that were hell to go into the corner with.

i hate to say this but make our rinks like Europe. let the speedy, good skaters have a chance. but its not a popular view.
i hate to say this but make our rinks like Europe. let the speedy, good skaters have a chance. but its not a popular view.

I agree with the European rinks as long as they don't have car's behind the boards like a
certain new rink this year. I hate that... Enough with the money grabbing NHL!
I agree with the European rinks as long as they don't have car's behind the boards like a
certain new rink this year. I hate that... Enough with the money grabbing NHL!

i'm with ya! the islanders look like they are playing in Slovenia or something. All they need is a Skoda in the corner and you couldn't tell the difference.
supposedly a done deal! straight up trade for Vinny and a bag of cheesteaks. lmao.
Lol would you give up the cheesesteaks for a couple months of stammer?
A friend of mine is a caddy at a gta golf course and he said stamkos told him point blank he will listen to the leafs offer and if it's long enough he will retire a leaf with babcock
shit, with our cap space, i don''t think we could afford to pay a zamboni driver let alone Stamkos.

i wouldn't blame him a bit for choosing to retire a leaf. i know it's part of the game, but if i were a player, i think settling down close to "home" and staying there until your are done would be a huge plus in choosing a team.
To me that's been something the team and the league should be promoting.
Some players are just motivated by the biggest contract regardless who offers it. Like grinke in baseball, I say Fuk that guy he deserves to have his era and win loss get destroyed.
I want players that want to play and are motivated.
Some ridiculous percentage of nhl players are born and raised watching the leafs get shit on.
i hate to say it but hockey was finally corrupted by "big money". baseball was first, then nfl, then nba and finally hockey is more about the bottom line than anything else.

oh well, i'd still rather watch a random hockey game versus any other sport on TV.
hey torontoke, maybe you can explain it to me since you from CAN. do players on canadian teams get paid in canadian dollars? it seems like i used to hear about some issues of players not wanting to be paid in canadian because of the exchange rate or maybe the taxes are much higher in canada? do you think that could be a negative of why some players don't want to come up to YYZ?

i know a lot of formula 1 drivers claim Monaco as their residence since they don't have income tax there.
hey torontoke, maybe you can explain it to me since you from CAN. do players on canadian teams get paid in canadian dollars? it seems like i used to hear about some issues of players not wanting to be paid in canadian because of the exchange rate or maybe the taxes are much higher in canada? do you think that could be a negative of why some players don't want to come up to YYZ?

i know a lot of formula 1 drivers claim Monaco as their residence since they don't have income tax there.
Every player in the nhl gets paid in U.S. Currency.
That's why for the last couple yrs the Canadian teams were actually making money but now that the exchange has gone to shit again soon the weaker can markets will b whining again

The greedy players choose teams like Florida if the money is equal because they don't have personal taxes or a much lower rate.
Certain states have unfair advantages.
Toronto has a high tax rate but the teams eat some and endorsements here would put them over the top.
Most players egos can't handle the pressure of playing here.