Any news regarding clones online? Anybody use seems fishy

That farmerjoe Is a total tool. I had a horrible experience with that blowhard. Was asking questions about his cuts and dude basically told me to fuck off because I was bothering him with questions and wasn’t buying a clone yet. I think he said he “ ain’t got time for no fucking window shoppers”. There’s plenty of vendors with his cuts that are a pleasure to work with, GMO being the best I’ve worked with.
LOL I had a horrible experience from him too and it was for the opposite reason. He took his sweet ass time to respond and asked some stupid questions like he was dragging the sale. I had asked him repeatedly to give me his info so I could pay and his last reply was ok lets do it..with no info.. Then I got a bit mad and told him..give me the info would you. He called me names and was a total dick about it and basically told me to fuck off. Dudes a prick
I've dealt with GMO, Mr. Kaka Dookie, and a well-known member and my experiences were A+ across the board. Good cuts, overnight shipping. I definitely plan on picking up a few more. I'd also have no problem ordering from some of the other guys on there like rarebuyer, zepilot, etc. Never dealt w/farmerjoe but he isn't on the discord anymore.