• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Any lightworkers?


Ursus marijanus
admittedly I don't have interest in this type of time wasting tom foolery.

but one question that does pertain is pads statement.

what are your thoughts on a "scorched earth policy"?
Lokie, I am curious what you mean by that. Elaborate please? cn

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I am confounded by the amount of people who insist that if something can't be proven physically, it just can't be 'real'. I'm not talking down about these people, please do not take it that way.

Why can't an answer transcend our limited perception? Why does it have to make sense? Why can't an answer be both true AND false? Why is 'science' above all else, instead of equal to all else?

The term 'logical' is not an objective term. It is based on how one views 'logic'. What is logical to one may be illogical to another, and humanity's view of 'logic' has changed since forever and will continue to do so.

Part of my journey was realizing that some things defy the human mind. Things that 'logically' can't be real or 'proven'. Because 'proof' is just as subjective as logic.

All truths are half-truths any way. So no matter what anyone says that is right, it is always and without question equally wrong, depending on the perspective of the participant.
First time seeing you taking a more aggressive approach, I think it is impossible not to when talking with these guys lol. Im sure as I read on there will be a few of the protectors of reason disagreeing with a "Nuh Uh!" mentality.


Well-Known Member
this is information is relative to those travelling linearly. i can assure you most extraterrestrials don't travel this way. einstein said both space and time are only relative to the observer, both can be warped. he stated that when travelling the speed of light to the observer travelling vast distances would feel like a matter of seconds and on the physical level it would take the literal amount of time relative to the distance travelled. if you travel faster then you can work around this ration to essentially arrive there at the same time as you left or even earlier or later. as to the answer, many extraterrestrials have stayed (been trapped on earth) but don't interact with us for the initial reason our planet was quarantined, to give us a freedom of choice and civilizational development. the beings who created us (a new species at the time), did so without permission from their superiors. initially they were told to leave and the earth would be flooded in order to get rid of all of us. enki and enlil came back to earth to warn some of us because they had grown attached to a certain humans. those that showed character traits similar to the ones they desired were much more loved and respected. for this reason enkei went back and warned noah. i think we all know what noah did.when the alliance (Interstellare Alliance or Galacic Federation of light, i imagine they're a similar group if not different names for the same one) found out that many of us were still alive, they shut down access to the planet for anyone entering, also know as "the quarantine". this was done in order for our natural development. when technology is given to a species primitively they will not understand how truly powerful high technologies can be therefore they must be allowed to develop naturally if they wish to survive. the story depicted in the bible (when the angels rebelled) was because they wanted to simply teach us the technology wheras the fedaration knows this is unethical. "god" didn't want to give us such technology because many times in the past primitive civilizations have wiped each other out. if you look at stories, even today there are ufos that have been shutting down certain nuclear missiles at launching site.on the 21st of december, the quarantine will be lifted and those who are ready will grasp the threshold energy and ride it up and resonate higher and higher. this doesn't mean there will be mass landings the next day, but the level of interaction between us will not be so limited. remember that we are the brave ones, we chose to be in the front lines of the experience while our brothers and sisters watch from other frequencies.
i am not saying you are incorrect only that i am shocked as i thought all that was part of the disinformation to make the truth look kooky so was this something you have 1st hand on? or something i can go look to if i can? :peace:
it's a mere story i was told by what i consider a credible source. i feel nothing but positive energy send my way from the source and so i choose to believe it. it made the most sense to me because it incorporates everything i have learned throughout my life about our origins. it incorporates our evolution, the universal messages (and story of origin) all religions attempt to preach and the reason we have not been visited. i have no memory of myself or any first person memory of anything i have stated. like i said when the time is ready you will know all, perhaps even nothing like i stated. my source was credible in itself and if you'd like i can send you the video where i recieved this information. i didn't post the video because not everyone is here to recieve.
Yes please do I did watch an interesting one very similar that made a lot of sense to me as well I just remember it being more that we are young and then a red planet (I think) needed to be evacuated something about water and lol I see how it makes senses something along those lines happening because of all the similar myths or religions and such all over the world are too similar to not be a cultural version of some even imo but the story part of it all isn't really that interesting to me so I will take your word. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I don't know them off hand but Chief is correct and so is ganga most likely i can verify that it is very possible they were built 30,000 years ago from scientists mainstream ones they just don't play those ones on mainstream tv you gotta go find them like hidden archaeology stuff try youtube -i don't worry on weather they are credible before i watch i like to take them in as a presentation of their theory and then if it seems plausible go and research their claims

You have just written instructions on how to abandon critical thought, and maximize the chances of falling for a fraud. Is it coincidence that Youtube is the bastion and fortress of untested and untestable ideas? It is the current premier refuge of scoundrels, of outright liars who seek the appearance of legitimacy with glossily produced poison. The old saying is incorrect ... one can indeed polish a turd,and Youtube is loaded with them.

My countersuggestion is to find a good library, such as at a major university, gain privileges and read. cn
I LOVE libraries I wish they still had them open more than a few days a week and longer than a few hours. I lived in them when I was a kid and yes I did have to be in bed before the street lights came on but I don't think I am exaggerating here on the contrast.

I view youtube videos and all documentaries the same as if I were sitting in an auditorium or a classroom or a boardroom where a presentation is being made to support a theory or cause. I usually stop watching 90% of them about 5 min but I try to give them all a fair chance and if they seem to have made a convincing argument I THEN go and research what they are using as facts and evidence. How do you weed through them all? I trust the ones they allow on mainstream tv much much less don't you?


Well-Known Member
No worries Mellow.I'm just trying to find the cut-off.From when you believe ancient aliens ended pyramid construction and when the ancient Egyptians would have picked it up.
And if you can verify the pyramids as being built 30,000 yrs ago,please do tell.I'm very interested.
If I bother to dig it out of all the youtube videos will you promise to watch it? Actually Mr Mellow was watching one on National Geographic even it isn't that hidden of archaeological finds they just aren't paid any attention but it seems the latest theory around these finds is we were very advanced and then we had an ice age and a flood and I can't remember if it was all at once but not many of us survived. I think it is called Hidden Archaeology lol I already believe it and I don't have the time. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
A doctrine or process based on untruth cannot be in the service of light. cn
cn you are mistaking us with those folks who are so arrogant as to insist upon saving everyone who doesn't believe their truth. If you haven't noticed we have been doing the opposite and asking those who are not interested to leave. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
[h=1]When Spiritual Awakening Begins[/h]
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
What was your spiritual awakening like? Do you remember the differences in your life before your spiritual awakening began? How has your spiritual path since becoming spiritually awakened?Children often ask spiritual awakening questions that often begin with who, what, where, how and why. We questioned everything! My questions centered on religion because innately, it never made sense to me. Specifically, I questioned the creation myth, the timelines and the need to kill someone in the name of god. I never received an adequate answer from the clergy that fulfilled my quest for knowledge, so I put my questions on hold and let my spiritual path lead me to a time later on in life when the answers would appear.In essence, my spiritual awakening began as a child and was continued in full force as an adult. There is a defining moment in your spiritual journey when everything seems to come together and it all makes complete sense. You feel complete, whole and do not fear anything in life.Your spiritual awakening also means that you will continue to make mistakes in life, but you’ll reflect differently on these mistakes. You will realize that every obstacle that appears in your life is an opportunity to overcome that obstacle and it will benefit your spiritual evolution. So, instead of being frustrated when an obstacle surfaces, you reflect on why this obstacle appeared in your life and you realize that you chose this incident knowing that it will help you to become spiritually evolved. through meditation or dream analysis, you may also find closure to certain issues.When spiritual awakening begins, you no longer fear death, but view it as a temporary reprieve and an integral part of your spiritual evolution. Death provides an opportunity to reconnect with Source and deceased loved ones, as well as our soul groupsand those people who we made soul contracts with, and allows us to reflect on our accomplishments during our previous incarnation as well as our faults. We realize that we are spiritual beings on a human journey and that the most important things we can do in this incarnation is to experience as much of life as possible while fulfilling our soul contracts.When spiritual awakening begins, you may lose some long-time friends who have not begun their spiritual journey and do not understand your spiritual evolution. While initially, this may be hurtful, you eventually realize that these people have already played an important role in your spiritual evolution, so you become grateful for the time they were in your life, knowing that some people come to us for a reason, a season or a lifetime.When spiritual awakening begins, your perspective on life drastically changes. You don’t really ‘hate’ anyone, including your ex-spouse, former enemies or even politicians who work against the greater good for humanity. Once again, you’re grateful for how they’ve helped you to become the person you are today.When spiritual awakening begins, you view things differently. If a world leader incites a war against another country, you realize that this leader’s actions will only help to awaken even more people to the atrocities and corruption of world governments and banking systems. You become inoculated against all forms of propaganda and no longer buy into the fear factor.When spiritual awakening begins, you realize that this is only the beginning of a long journey that encompasses many lifetimes and dimensions. You are grateful that you incarnated to this planet at this particular time, despite knowing how much tyranny and oppression is going on. When spiritual awakening begins, you know that your presence is helping to counteract the negativity and you realize the importance of how your thoughts contribute to global consciousness, and how global consciousness creates reality. This is why timelines have changed. There has been talk about the creation of the North American Union under the Bush administration, along with the creation of the ‘Amero’ monetary unit. There has been talk of the ‘New World Order’, ‘Codex Alimentarius’ and Project Bluebeam but none of these have ever come to fruition. Despite the Fukishima nuclear meltdown in Japan, and the massive dumping of Corexit in the Gulf of Mexico, we are still healthy. The timeline has changed and part of that is due to our collective conscious but we must also acknowledge our galactic friends for helping us, too.When spiritual awakening begins, you lose your connection with ego and materialism. You realize that you would be much happier living in a tent than to be rich, living in a mansion and stressed out 7 days a week. You appreciate all of the simple things in life, such as when an animal crosses your path and you ponder on the animal symbolism and its significance. You marvel at the majesty of trees and think of their relation to alchemy with their limbs reaching toward the sky while their roots are firmly planted in the ground. You begin to see sacred geometry in everything. Fear in your dreams subsides or becomes non-existent. Your dreams will also become more futuristic when ego, fear and materialism are no longer part of your life.When spiritual awakening begins, you feel a deeper connection to all of life, including every living and non-living thing on our planet and in our universe. In the past, you may have stepped on an ant, but now, you don’t because you realize that his life is just as important as yours. You learn many things from the ant, such as architecture, how they work together as a team, perseverance, work ethic, patience and delegation of work responsibilities. You feel a greater connection with the cosmos and might find yourself looking at a certain star for no particular reason, but wondering if your star family is from that star or area of the sky.Once your spiritual awakening has begun, there’s no turning back. Your life is forever changed in a positive way. Enjoy the ride!


Ursus marijanus
I LOVE libraries I wish they still had them open more than a few days a week and longer than a few hours. I lived in them when I was a kid and yes I did have to be in bed before the street lights came on but I don't think I am exaggerating here on the contrast.

I view youtube videos and all documentaries the same as if I were sitting in an auditorium or a classroom or a boardroom where a presentation is being made to support a theory or cause. I usually stop watching 90% of them about 5 min but I try to give them all a fair chance and if they seem to have made a convincing argument I THEN go and research what they are using as facts and evidence. How do you weed through them all? I trust the ones they allow on mainstream tv much much less don't you?
Mellow, please understand that my difficulties getting Ganja man to communicate shouldn't be confused with a dismissal of the whole lightwork idea. I find the idea of wanting to focus one's energies into a serene and helpful space to be ... engaging, even beautiful.

As to the bolded, consider that TV has some editorial filters in place, while Youtube has none at all. that means that Youtube will have all manner of garbage that wouldn't even make it onto TV. Now, TV is rife with brain parasites like reality shows and pseudodocumentary shows on paranormal themes, and just between you and me, that's part of a greater disease. But the 'Tube is a mosh pit, a completely uncontrolled environment. I automatically mistrust a 'Tube video that claims to be documentary.

As for how do I weed through them, it comes back to a lifetime spent in libraries, which had a much lower proportion of outright nonsense than the visual media or the sensational press. (But I still found a book in the nonfiction section blithely recommending Immanuel Velikovsky's theories, which include such diverting imagery as planets bouncing off each other in human prehistory!) What that did was give me a grounding in natural philosophy and in its history, including the means used to test an idea for goodness. I'll cut to the chase and tell you my four alert subjects:


It's my considered opinion that the interlocking sets of Tube vids out there describing these things are a pathogen, a meme. That word didn't originally mean a visual Net joke, but something bigger, more sinister: an idea that spreads itself "because it can", like any other disease or parasite. There are people pouring remarkably high production values into these vids which are designed to hook folks who do just what you say ... assume an auditorium "teach me" attitude. But I suspect the motives of the documentarians.
I feel about their products the exact same way you feel about GMOs and Big Pharma: they are immoral as hell and doing massive damage. Because they are designed to hook into our thought-processes and exploit our very human weakness for finding new patterns and meanings. make no mistake, mellow: I think the producers of vids on these four topics are evil. They are promoting corrosive ideas and legitimizing them using the Himmler method: repeat, repeat (and if challenged, don't explain, simply) repeat. They say they're promoting the ethereal, sublime, ascendant ... horsepoop. They are pandering to the human animal. With the same community spirit as ADM and Monsanto and DelMonte, and for the same reasons: personal aggrandizement.

I have nothing against the honest, careful pursuit of spiritual ideas. And I see real value and beauty in pursuing a Tao of gentleness. But this modern confabulation of prophecy and transformative events and razzledazzle and general escape from the dreariness of real actual gritty existence ... i think this is bad in a way that might really harm our species during the next century. Jmo. cn

<add> I see those ideologies to be the born enemy of real lightwork. Untruth is a deadly foundation for any way of life.


Well-Known Member
If I bother to dig it out of all the youtube videos will you promise to watch it? Actually Mr Mellow was watching one on National Geographic even it isn't that hidden of archaeological finds they just aren't paid any attention but it seems the latest theory around these finds is we were very advanced and then we had an ice age and a flood and I can't remember if it was all at once but not many of us survived. I think it is called Hidden Archaeology lol I already believe it and I don't have the time. bongsmilie
I promise I'll watch.
However,out of respect for the OP,I suggest a new thread with the pyramids as the topic.
If I start it,would anyone be interested?


Well-Known Member
Mellow, please understand that my difficulties getting Ganja man to communicate shouldn't be confused with a dismissal of the whole lightwork idea. I find the idea of wanting to focus one's energies into a serene and helpful space to be ... engaging, even beautiful.

As to the bolded, consider that TV has some editorial filters in place, while Youtube has none at all. that means that Youtube will have all manner of garbage that wouldn't even make it onto TV. Now, TV is rife with brain parasites like reality shows and pseudodocumentary shows on paranormal themes, and just between you and me, that's part of a greater disease. But the 'Tube is a mosh pit, a completely uncontrolled environment. I automatically mistrust a 'Tube video that claims to be documentary.

As for how do I weed through them, it comes back to a lifetime spent in libraries, which had a much lower proportion of outright nonsense than the visual media or the sensational press. (But I still found a book in the nonfiction section blithely recommending Immanuel Velikovsky's theories, which include such diverting imagery as planets bouncing off each other in human prehistory!) What that did was give me a grounding in natural philosophy and in its history, including the means used to test an idea for goodness. I'll cut to the chase and tell you my four alert subjects:


It's my considered opinion that the interlocking sets of Tube vids out there describing these things are a pathogen, a meme. That word didn't originally mean a visual Net joke, but something bigger, more sinister: an idea that spreads itself "because it can", like any other disease or parasite. There are people pouring remarkably high production values into these vids which are designed to hook folks who do just what you say ... assume an auditorium "teach me" attitude. But I suspect the motives of the documentarians.
I feel about their products the exact same way you feel about GMOs and Big Pharma: they are immoral as hell and doing massive damage. Because they are designed to hook into our thought-processes and exploit our very human weakness for finding new patterns and meanings. make no mistake, mellow: I think the producers of vids on these four topics are evil. They are promoting corrosive ideas and legitimizing them using the Himmler method: repeat, repeat (and if challenged, don't explain, simply) repeat. They say they're promoting the ethereal, sublime, ascendant ... horsepoop. They are pandering to the human animal. With the same community spirit as ADM and Monsanto and DelMonte, and for the same reasons: personal aggrandizement.

I have nothing against the honest, careful pursuit of spiritual ideas. And I see real value and beauty in pursuing a Tao of gentleness. But this modern confabulation of prophecy and transformative events and razzledazzle and general escape from the dreariness of real actual gritty existence ... i think this is bad in a way that might really harm our species during the next century. Jmo. cn

<add> I see those ideologies to be the born enemy of real lightwork. Untruth is a deadly foundation for any way of life.

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to cannabineer again.



Well-Known Member
Nice cn I am seeing a lot of progress between us! bongsmilie

yeah all that is the 90% I usually click off after a few mins and lmao the Mr was watching one of his and kept bitching they were all factual then throwing god bs in there all sly and i think he is just paranoid but he is onto another and i heard the most blatent unbelievable and why it probably slips right on by nonsense OMG yes right after a whole ton of facts... i get ya :wall:

Edit: I am also trying out this only think about positive things fad so it is hard to concentrate on those things and complete the mental gymnastics involved in believing watching all that is positive but it DOES help to wake folks up so.... idk I guess it is like most powerful tools and not to be put in the hands of the ignorant :peace:

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
“One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision.”

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Nice cn I am seeing a lot of progress between us! bongsmilie

yeah all that is the 90% I usually click off after a few mins and lmao the Mr was watching one of his and kept bitching they were all factual then throwing god bs in there all sly and i think he is just paranoid but he is onto another and i heard the most blatent unbelievable and why it probably slips right on by nonsense OMG yes right after a whole ton of facts... i get ya :wall:

Edit: I am also trying out this only think about positive things fad so it is hard to concentrate on those things and complete the mental gymnastics involved in believing watching all that is positive but it DOES help to wake folks up so.... idk I guess it is like most powerful tools and not to be put in the hands of the ignorant :peace:
You watched or read "The Secret" didnt you? lol I think the law of attraction works like that, to an extent.