Any Healthier ways to get high?


Well-Known Member
correct me if im wrong, but I believe a vaporizer can take a lot of the harsher elements of the smoke out and give you a cleaner hit.


Well-Known Member
this heats up the kif thereby bypassing the actual burning of the plant, so no smoke goes into your lungs. do a search for vaporizers on the net, there are literally tons of sites that sell this item, they are not cheap. the cheapest starts at about $80 and go up to around $500


Well-Known Member
:sigh: You can smoke ground up bud in a vape too. I have the oxygen mini by vapir, it's pretty sweet. You don't get the same mind-blowing high and the joy of exhaling mountains of smoke BUT it'll get you stoned and not harm your lungs at all.

Honestly tho dude, just get a bong and some ice water. Even better, a hookah. Replace the stock bowl to something a little smaller (unless you pack a HUGE bowl), add a screen, and some cold water - I swear dude, it'll be like inhaling winter morning air. A smokey chill to the lungs playa.

........ brownies.


Well-Known Member
I forgot all about ingesting it. check out the recipes on this site for more info on that. Me, I am too chicken to throw up to an oz. into a pan w/ butter!


Active Member
there is no possible way to get high in a healthy way. One way or another toxins enter the body no matter what. Its a risk you take. One thing you can do is purify the buds, similar to that of purifying the nicotine off tobacco


Well-Known Member
Does anybody know of easy and healthier ways to get stoned without taking in the smoke in your lungs?

I got it .... Give me your weed and I'll get High for you... that way there is no bad toxins going into your body .. Then whenever I need to take a piss test you can Pee for me ... ... what do you think ? Deal?


Well-Known Member
If you're worried about cancer, you should read up on a study done at Harvard University. It found that after decades of following every-day smokers - they had a LOWER RATE of lung cancer than those in the control group. And not by a few percent, it was a significant amount. That's not saying that smoking is healthy - it deprives your brain of oxygen and that's about as unhealthy as you can get. However, there are many worse things you could be doing than drawing marijuana smoke into your lungs.