Any good strains to smoke when studying?

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
Yeah, if anything, beer is not a good idea when trying to study. I have noticed that I am much much more coherent when I am stoned, compared to drunk.

beer is definitely bad for making new memories. I forget what neurotransmitter is affected but the one that is activated when learning is severely decreased when intoxicated from alcohol. Ever wonder why you sometimes blackout and have no memory the next day? That is precisely why, your brain is not able to form and keep those memories.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
So i guess it comes down to whether you can study and remember things when your high? The strain early girl was mentioned a few pages ago. Has anyone had any expeireience with this? 'smoke and coke' you lucky mofo, what were you studying? Ok what was anyone who has studied high studying? Science and weed don't mix? or is this a myth? Also when i smoke.. my eyes turn like tomatoes from above (ive got green eyes) and people know im fuckin high just by looking.. is there any way to stop this? im fuckin loving that joint i had.
i wasnt a fan of science so i only took science if i had to. but anything i studied i would remember for the test. ive got green eyes and 2 hits and im bleeding threw my eyes. everyone used to tell me they couldnt tell when i was stoned or not. little did they know i was always stoned. i never did like the eye drops, always felt like a buzz wrecker when i used them. but grown up now and cant afford to have people thinking im high at certain times, break out the clear eyes or the visine. it works.