Any good strains to smoke when studying?


Well-Known Member
I agree . . . give yourself a treat afterwards. Ever seen super high me? He scored better on the SAT when stoned. He did worse on math but awesome on english. I could see that I would take a literature exam high but never anything to do with math. I can barely count money when I'm baked.:mrgreen:
That movie kicked ass. I love how more movies and docs are coming about about how the bullshit has been pulled over societies eyes to keep cannabis in prohibition. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I hear you about the creative stuff but that's not what you're trying to do when you're studying. You're trying to stuff information into your head for later regurgitation. In your experience, does weed have any effect on your short- and medium-term memory? Well, then.


Well-Known Member
I went to college in a far a way land with cows, chickens, horses in other words in the boondox...... The school was in the city but i had to stay with my grandparents .....
My grandparent go to bed at 8 guys....... AT 8 pm but since they felt bad for me they would let me sit in the living room and watch tv..till like 10.(NO CABLE IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY) . But i noticed they werent getting any sleep cause there bedroom was right there...
What got me through the year was That i went out and bought myself a 1/2 lbs of scwagg ..... In the country i was in that cost me 100 bucks u.s. Plus theres only schwagg out there... I wrapped the 1/2 lbs pretty good and buried it in the woods..... every few days i would go out and grab some....

Anyways my point was that i spent my final 9 months there nOT watching any T.V. no parties ...... I swear all i did all day was go to class... all morning.... get home ...and smoke... study .... smoke..... relax... smoke..... study ...... smoke.....

My grades started going up and i finished my term with a 95 ....... i was high for every test i was high everytime i studied.... and it wasnt a easy class ... lets just say it has to do with electromechanical engineering...

Sorry for ramblin.... i need to smoke now...:blsmoke:
thats what happens when you only study lol grades go higher.

i am pretty much high all day so studying falls in that too, but if i have to cram for a test that is the next day or something than i dont smoke usually because i dont have time to reread something that i just read and forget 10 secs later lol.


Well-Known Member
This would make a great scientific (cannascience) study!

My votes to experiment with are:

Flo: Cannabis Seeds Dutch Passion Flo Feminized seeds Marijuana Seeds

Kali Mist: Cannabis Seeds Serious Seeds Kali Mist Marijuana Seeds


and ....

Cheese: Cannabis Seeds Big Buddha Cheese Seeds Feminized Marijuana Seeds

Clear, energizing highs. Or so advertised. Keep us updated if you run the experiment!
no way your doing anything but watching robocop 2 in spanish while stuffing your face with pizza if your smoking cheese...the cheese i had was knock out!


Well-Known Member
I feel that a combination of studying sober and high is optimal. Sometimes I cant get a problem/concept sober and get high and it seems to help. That works sometimes. Other times getting high makes me more motivated and curious so it leads to more studying. It just depends on the class and day I guess.

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
i used to go to math class blown and i realized that if i go to class high and learned the material high, and didn't do the test high i'd fail

but if i did the test high i'd pass perfectly.
i am pretty sure everything i learned when i'm high just happens to be remembered only when i'm high...

but tht's just me lol
nope it's not just you, you are correct mjnme!

I learned in cognitive psych about state-dependent memory, which is just what you are saying, that recall depends on the physiological state during memory encoding. We went over a hierarchy that gives the best results, best scenario first.

so if you do study high, make sure you get high for the test haha


Well-Known Member
yeahhhhhhhh that's why i just go to school sober now

because i dont have money anymore

brrokkeeee lol
i just got 11 dollars right now... from beggin around publix to buy beer
suffice to say i couldn't get my hands on any beer so i just have 11 dollars


Well-Known Member
personaly smokin and goin to college doesnt work. i done engineering for 4 years mate and i was baked most days!! doesnt work wen ur tryin to find the answer to some mad electicral question using nortons therom!! lol better work hard then have ur doobie snacks later!!

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i used to go to math class blown and i realized that if i go to class high and learned the material high, and didn't do the test high i'd fail

but if i did the test high i'd pass perfectly.
i am pretty sure everything i learned when i'm high just happens to be remembered only when i'm high...

but tht's just me lol
i used to study high and take the test high. graduated high honors lol.
not sure about studying and taking test straight up cause i was always high.


Well-Known Member
lol i don't know but i smoked tonight and studied for a big ass test tomorrow

maybe i should go to the pre-cal lab .. high.

everyone in there is serious as hell it'd be funny


Well-Known Member
So i guess it comes down to whether you can study and remember things when your high? The strain early girl was mentioned a few pages ago. Has anyone had any expeireience with this? 'smoke and coke' you lucky mofo, what were you studying? Ok what was anyone who has studied high studying? Science and weed don't mix? or is this a myth? Also when i smoke.. my eyes turn like tomatoes from above (ive got green eyes) and people know im fuckin high just by looking.. is there any way to stop this? im fuckin loving that joint i had.


Well-Known Member
yeah, I would think it depends on the strain, and the person.

For example.
I smoke sour desiel, and try to do any math. FAIL!
I smoke trainwrek, and try to do math. Woot got an A!!!.

but like I said, it does depend on the person too.


New Member
i study economics and tried writing a paper high and drunk because i was meant to be going out and hadn't finished, ended up with a few points off a 2.1 which is decent considering i really hadn't researched it much and was in a rush to go out. i could ussually do way better but i think it was the other factors that messed it up rather than the weed and beer.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if anything, beer is not a good idea when trying to study. I have noticed that I am much much more coherent when I am stoned, compared to drunk.


Well-Known Member
yeah i think grog wouldn't do you too well when studying. So we have that trainwreck is apparently good for studying math. What else? oh yeh what about my eyes?