Any Garlic Growers?

Does anyone plant garlic in their grow room as a companion plant to ward off spidermites? I'm going to plant 6 in small pots tonight, the best one might get transplanted into an autopot and grow with my other stinky plants in my tent.
We love garlic!!! Planted 503 cloves in the fall and 499 came up. Mostly Russian Red. The other stuff had a females name. Susan Delica or something.

When we make popcorn we chop up a few cloves and put it in the melted butter. Yummmmmy!!!

That's awesome. We do this too. But I use canna butter. And put the garlic in it. To mask the herb taste from the butter. Makes amazing stoney popcorn.
That's awesome. We do this too. But I use canna butter. And put the garlic in it. To mask the herb taste from the butter. Makes amazing stoney popcorn.

That’s awesome! Send me the recipe for your canna butter and we will give it a try!!
Hellou garlic lovers...
Any body use azos and mykos for this great plant..??

I soak my garlic bulbs in great white and water for a day or two before planting or throw them in any compost tea I'm brewing for a day or two just to innoculate them right from the start. Garlic really attracts a lot of mycos so I figured it would be a good way to multiply the beneficials. They grow crazy roots after and some sprout while soaking. I heard that mycos spores need to touch roots to innoculate and garlic is a root so it made sense to soak them that way. I'm using hundreds of garlic this year as a cover crop in an attempt to get more mycos into the soil and repel bugs at the same time.

As far as hardnecks, I bought a Romanian Red Garlic bulb last year but almost think it was just a regular store bought variety because it wasn't red and it wasn't really hot. I wanted to try the hottest one so that's why I bought it. Anyone grow that variety?
I grow brown rose,music and tried organic grocery store kind this year. One bulb of each. I got about 24 bulbs this fall and replanted about half so I should have like 60 next year
Hellou garlic lovers...
Any body use azos and mykos for this great plant..??

I'm a market farmer, plant 120 or 130 pounds a fall when I am healthy enough.

Yes, I use benificial microbes and fungi. Personally, find them helpful even in perfect soil. (The long growing period really let's that myco reach out and mine nutrients for the garlic.)

This year I specifically used Azos and Mycos from RTI/ extreme gardening.
Me, my favorites are Turbans, because they mature super early and got great purple wrappers, and Porcelains because of their epic size, and variety of culinary caracteristics.

I grow on black plastic mulch, reduces weeds/root disturbance, keeps soil soft, and retains moisture. Also repells excessive winter moisture, plus warms the soil by several degrees, allowing me to grow warmer climate varieties, in my cool marine climate.
What surprised me the most was garlic will tear thru heavy clay volcanic soils....purple elephant are the types I have, naturalizes fairly well.
Just counted em!! 553 garlic up!! Bring on the munchies then bring on the garlic butter popcorn!!!
Had the scapes snapped off on both the Asiatics and the Porcelains.

T-3 weeks on those early Asian strains
I'm done for this year, I'll plant again in the fall. Now to talk my daughter into braiding up a bunch of them so I can sell the extras.IMG_0153.JPG IMG_0152.JPG