Canada: Master Grower In Demand For Cultivation Expertise


Well-Known Member
Ambrose has made a statement that Health Canada will not back down from its fight against marijuana.
“We will continue to combat it. We will continue our anti-drug strategy, we will target youth with the message that marijuana pot is bad for them,” the minister said.
holy fark this biotch better be voted out along with harpo, this gov is mind fucked and soooooo dumb thinking kids will get mj, lol if they go to the mall, st corner, friends and st dealers they will get and use just like most of us did when I was 14. if the kids want it they will get it just like coke and other drugs and booze and hookers


Well-Known Member
sorry but if you really think your pink slip gives you the right to grow without issues shows how dumb some of you growers are.
don't tell no one! always use sprays and carbon filters and don't allow anyone inside your home.
some of you think you are the bomb cause you can grow, but your dumb not the man for legally growing.
imo just as dumb as sparking a bong while running bho or iso inside. you make the rest of the dg pr ppl people look dumb and can fuck it all up for the rest of us.
think people think, even if your to fucking high, wake up and think!

That sure took ya long enough :lol:


Well-Known Member
Just a simple case of me allowing "family friends" into an area i shouldnt have, i gotta start waking up to the fact that a active user dosnt have to be unkempt and homeless looking, they can appear just like you and me i guess. First time in my life i cried uncontollably because it was truly outa my control, and the loss hit me harder than ive experianced before. I wont lie to you. I would shoot someone who stole from me.
I had an attempt...two years was one of my direct neighbours..they had been staking me out for some time....
since I was on my garden back then 24/7...but one night I was feeling pretty sick....with a cold...
so I said to my wife....f___k it II'm gonna get some sleep tonight...
and of course that's the night they came...
The chicken shit bastards took the tops off a two plants that were not a diesel plant and the other a sativa that was not finished,,,,they were the closest to the back fence,,,,...had they have come into the garden further,,,,
they would have found completely mature...kush and columbian gold plants which I had scrogged,,,,
they had like 20 to 40 tops poking thru the mesh of rope... each top weighed an average of 3/4lbs ....
as a result of chopping the top off the diesel plant,,,,it finished up late...into november,,,,but I still managed a couple of pounds of buds,,,,,from the raped girls....
Thing is I know all of these people personally.....last year I put up camera's and did not even get an attempt...
since I knew if I told the right person of the group,,,about the 11 camera's installed,they would spread it around...and they did...
This year we have added two anatolian shepards/husky mix,,,guard the system...and some infared
trip wires,,,,,which are on the alarms,,,plus I put out two decoy plants...which are outside of the green house....
for them to focus their attention on..I may have to spray something on them like bitter spray,,,or raid....
and then film the grab...for our entertainment and educational purposes...