any experiences with sensi seeds ? what's your favourite strain ? likes - dislikes

Most of the strains subby uses are decendants of the old school strains (like sensi). I have not been overly impressed with any of his strains so far, not trying any more. I do occasionally like to look up that video where sub is working in his garden and falls and fucks himself up, thats some
good shit!
:lol: That does sound funny, best laugh I've had all day .... & I haven't even see it yet. Send me a link ... gotta see it. :eyesmoke:
First plant I ever grew was a sensi star. Outdoors it pretty much took care of itself. Nice taste and potency.
sensi star is not a Sensi Seeds variety, it was bred by Paradise seeds (imo a better seed company overall these days) and further stabilized by Delta 9 Labs's breeder Ed Borg and sold in regs as "Super Star"
MLI is on my list, tell me more about it. :mrgreen:
Wish i could ...never tried it. I've only tried Sweet Seeds Cream Caramel (BlueBlack x Maple Leaf Indica x White Rhino) but from what i hear the MLI is a boss..or so they say ....I like it just because it seems like a nice old school, land race strain that hasn't lost it's raves.

Well, that's not really fair, sub's strains are such a big mix of multiple F1 hybrids that almost every breeder who made seeds in the 90s has some genetics in subcool's strains. I have only grown freebies from TGA, but out of 3 females I ended up with 1 decent keeper (which is Chernobyl, and apparently that's not one of Sub's strains) 1 decent plant that I might order a pack of to dive into (Dairy Queen) and one crap plant (also dairy queen). However, any parents can have a retarded kid. Regardless, the quality of sub's work is a reflection on Sub, not on the other breeders he uded. Many, many breeders have done amazing work with old sensi strains, and I have grown Durban and ERSB from them in the past decade and both were better than the TGA I grew. Sub's strains seem to have a lot of potential, but it seems a little too much like a slot machine to me.

Subby gear is fantastic. I'm sure dude is cool. having said that .....I'm turned off by the company. ...... what bothers me most about these seed companies is that you see that famous breeder face, meanwhile there's dozen's of people in the background working on the real dealz getting no love and doing the same amount of work (if not more) as the face of the company. ....

Kind of like being the owner of a restaurant, hopping in the kitchen once and while to whip up a nice dish, but leaving the prep work, menu planning, and food quality to the cooks in the background. Sure this is the way business is run .... but according to many breeders in this seed industry .... they like to deny they're all about business and/or industry.
Wish i could ...never tried it. I've only tried Sweet Seeds Cream Caramel (BlueBlack x Maple Leaf Indica x White Rhino) but from what i hear the MLI is a boss..or so they say ....I like it just because it seems like a nice old school, land race strain that hasn't lost it's raves.

Subby gear is fantastic. I'm sure dude is cool. having said that .....I'm turned off by the company. ...... what bothers me most about these seed companies is that you see that famous breeder face, meanwhile there's dozen's of people in the background working on the real dealz getting no love and doing the same amount of work (if not more) as the face of the company. ....

Kind of like being the owner of a restaurant, hopping in the kitchen once and while to whip up a nice dish, but leaving the prep work, menu planning, and food quality to the cooks in the background. Sure this is the way business is run .... but according to many breeders in this seed industry .... they like to deny they're all about business and/or industry.

To me its all about pheno variation. To be up front, my experience with TGA is very limited. Limited to two chernobyl and two dairy queen in fact. Of those, I got one chernobyl female that I kept, which I enjoy but is a low to middle yielder and two dairy queen females. One DQ was a reasonable cindy 99 leaning girl that I would have kept had I not forgotten to clone. Nice hybrid plant with a mid yield. The other DQ was maybe the most worthless plant I've ever grown that seriously refused to get more than 18 inches tall, even after almost 6 weeks under T5s and then flowering under a 1000w hps. Miserable yield, leafy, awful plant. Worst plant in a grow of 17 females. So the fact that they sell 3 and 5 packs is a little offputting, if the only female you get could be that one.
To me its all about pheno variation. To be up front, my experience with TGA is very limited. Limited to two chernobyl and two dairy queen in fact. Of those, I got one chernobyl female that I kept, which I enjoy but is a low to middle yielder and two dairy queen females. One DQ was a reasonable cindy 99 leaning girl that I would have kept had I not forgotten to clone. Nice hybrid plant with a mid yield. The other DQ was maybe the most worthless plant I've ever grown that seriously refused to get more than 18 inches tall, even after almost 6 weeks under T5s and then flowering under a 1000w hps. Miserable yield, leafy, awful plant. Worst plant in a grow of 17 females. So the fact that they sell 3 and 5 packs is a little offputting, if the only female you get could be that one.
the chernobyl and the DQ are worth growing again, in a 10 pack you can get some remarkable pheno's of Chernobyl or Dairy queen. both have heavy yielding phenotypes, dq is more likely to yield better though. the key to yielding alot with the chernobyl is creating alot of tops, i fim to get 16 tops, cleanup the bottom by removing lowers and let the girl bush out in flower. it stretches alot if you don't do any training.
I got the NL from Sensi and it didnt live up the my expectations. Maybe good for 1990 but things have progressed since then.