Any Central Texas Growers??

i grew some bagseed for my first grow and didn't do anything special beside give a few treatments of miracle grow. BTW I am located in Houston, so it gets pretty hot here, a bit more humid. Lived in Austin for about 8 years. The heat and humidity aren't exactly prime grow conditions, but it is a damn plant after all!! give it the right conditions and it will grow. but on the upside the mild temps let me keep growing well into December (I hope).
just watch the freaking tomato worms!!! they got all over my pepper plants and i had to go out there each morning and kill them off, inspect the other plants too. shade is good for that kind of heat out there, but a drier climate is preferable to a more humid one!!! search the forums, i would say central texas is decent, mild, dry weather...despite the heat!! good luck!
Years ago I grew swagseed to see what would happen it was the tallest skunkiest looking plant I ever grew, well over 9 feet tall. Mexicans breed that stuff to do really well in our environment and if you don't put all the nasty crap they put on theirs you get some really nice smoke.
Sorry been MIA...Business Calculus test > weed forums :p

Badzad your plants look great! Its good to hear there are some central texas growers :D
WTB some of that Kali Mist you got there looks great!!!
I will be using a mixture of FFOF, EarthGrow which is just another medium i will be mixing in, and some organic goodness, with clay for moisture :D

Mayor Juana thanks for all the help and feedback, keeps reinforcing my idea of putting some clay into my grow buckets for that added moisture control that i will be more than likely to need :D thanks!
Oh yea i have some REALLLY good swagseed that i liked the smoke of so i kept about 10 seeds but i don't know how long they will be good lol got them this last summer, but ill be waiting till next summer to grow...

I would just like to mix up the grow with some quality genetics for my personal stash :D which will be 90% of the grow :D

What would i need to do about Veg growth? Put them inside a veg grow box for that long?
I really want to Veg for about 2 months so i can get myself some amazing outdoor plants :D

The swagseed grow is what i will be doing if i don't get quality genetics, which if i have to i don't mind doing
I feel pretty good taht i could grow some quality swagseed, i have Fish Emulsion, Molasses, and other stuff my dad has..hes a big flower gardener so i have a good stash to grab from :D
Hey no problem man, glad I can help, I’m just yakking my mental jaws about what I know. A 2-3 month veg would be ideal for a seeded plant if you have good growth. Your plants need to be at least waist high so the plant munchers and other critters won’t destroy them in a few days (trim the bottom 8” to discourage them as well). You mentioned something about fish emulsions, be careful with that stuff because coons and possums will dig your plant up trying to get the fish that isn’t there. Clones require a little more attention as far as getting them ready for the outdoors and adjusting the lighting so they don’t flower when you put them out.
COONS!!! oh man ill remember to put out some traps near my setup heh i have insta kill snares :D (snaps them right in half completely) :D:D:D

I won't be worrying bout clones probably if i do it would be in a gigantic SOG style grow

Thanks for sharing your knowledge Mayor Juana :D

Trimming the bottom up 8 inchs you say? this discourages what bug problems ?
Lots of bugs will be sampling your plants when you first put them out. Just something I started doing since the greenery on the bottom 8-12" is worthless anyway, it gives a little boost to the top of the plant as well and helps it shoot up a little faster.
Alright thanks for that help, i have been looking into natural sprays i think i read one about water and cayenne pepper just sprinkle it on most of your leaves..

or a Garlic mixture works i hear as well, need to be reading more though
heres a few house hold item you can use to repel pest. Alcohol, bleach, cinnamon, citrus, garlic, horseradish, tabasco, hydrated lime, mint, vegetable oil, oregano, dish soap, tobacco. Heres 2 lil recipes using them.
Recipe 1
Mix three tablespoons of each isopropyl alcohol, lemon juice, garlic juice, horseradish juice, ivory liquid soap, and a few drops of tabasco, mint, and cinnamon oil. Mix all of the ingredients in a small bowl into a slurry. Then Dilute the slurry at the rate of 1 tablespoon per pint of water and mix in a blender. This mix is VERY POTENT, would be careful and test on a small area of plant with any homemade spray before going to town with it.
Recipe 2
1 teaspoon of tabasco sauce and 4 cloves of garlic in a blender with a pint of water and liquefy, then strain through stockings or cheesecloth before using spray.

Garlic, chive, onion, tabasco, horseradish, mint, oregano, and tomato residues all will repel many Aphids, caterpillars, mites, and white flies.
Thanks for the help Badzad, yea i was looking into some outdoor repellents i know i will have a problem with bugs munchin on my girls!

Ill prob end up using what you told me in your post becuase that seems the easiest to obtain and the most reasonable too!
Texas gets warm early enough for a spring crop. Start in Jan-Feb. and put them out March 1st and they will be done by the end of April. Either harvest or re-veg them for another fall harvest. Spring wont yield the same but with 2' tall plants in 5-20gal containers (5gal for harvest-20gal for re-veg). This only works if you have an indoor veg room
Sub'd, Go Texas! I've never done a outdoor grow. My concerns,
1) would be legalitly. Cant grow in texas legal, so growing out side would be a easy way to get caught.
2) Insects, there would be tons of grass hoppers allllll over it. Some stuff we spread around our garden would solve the majoirty of that. No clue what other bad things way get ahold of them. Slugs? Other creepy crawlys.
3) Long periods of time with out rains, and when it does rain it pours. So watering it regularly would be a must.
4) Alot of the soil sucks around here.
Sub'd, Go Texas! I've never done a outdoor grow. My concerns,
1) would be legalitly. Cant grow in texas legal, so growing out side would be a easy way to get caught.
2) Insects, there would be tons of grass hoppers allllll over it. Some stuff we spread around our garden would solve the majoirty of that. No clue what other bad things way get ahold of them. Slugs? Other creepy crawlys.
3) Long periods of time with out rains, and when it does rain it pours. So watering it regularly would be a must.
4) Alot of the soil sucks around here.[/QUOT

Johny, all of your concerns are legit, but each point has an out. 1-Who cares, take precautions and you should have minimum worries. 2-Insects are a mofo for me whiteflies are the terror of my plants, grasshoppers not so much, again there are many ways to combat this problem. Depends on ur grow, organic or not. 3-Yes you've got to water daily in the summer. 1 day w/o water and ur plants are going to be a mass of wilted shit. 4- You've got to ammend the soil, unless you're out east where the soil is much less sandy. Vermiculite, Pearlite and green sand will help open up compact soil, slow release organic ferts work well b/c you can't really over-feed.

There is so much that you can do with just a little up front planning. The only thing you left out johny is how shitty some of the water here is.
I've got nothing but clay around me and it sucks. I can definately tell a huge difference from plants that were placed in the ground and ones placed in buckets with FF Soil. Just don't know if it was the heat stressing my first grow or the fact the sun shifted and left them shaded all day or possibly it was just the soil. Either way setting out clones up until Oct is looking awesome. Finishing up my second grow for the year. I learned alot being first year. Hey J to the C thanks for the info.
Texas gets warm early enough for a spring crop. Start in Jan-Feb. and put them out March 1st and they will be done by the end of April. Either harvest or re-veg them for another fall harvest. Spring wont yield the same but with 2' tall plants in 5-20gal containers (5gal for harvest-20gal for re-veg). This only works if you have an indoor veg room

Yeah, I love a spring harvest! I put some knee knockers out in March and cover at night if I have to but it gives you that first taste of the outdoors and motivates you to get your big crop out for the fall. :-P
Do y'all have any outdoor strains to recommend? I had some trouble with budmold and whiteflies on my indica dominants. Anything outhere y'all have experience with that is mold/insect resistant?
Do y'all have any outdoor strains to recommend? I had some trouble with budmold and whiteflies on my indica dominants. Anything outhere y'all have experience with that is mold/insect resistant?

Indicas that I've grown in the ground were fine as far as mold but it's hilly and windy where I am. Is there poor circulation where you grow or just really humid? I prefer sativas and since they are taller with less foliage, insects tend to move on to greener things around my plants. Indicas are low with lots of foliage and really get chewed up unless you can get some height on them. I like them in pots now so I can set them on something off of the ground. There are a lot of beneficial bugs around my plants so I haven't used any type of insect spray in years; you might have better luck with those.

I’ve got Ak-47, they say is mostly sativa but who knows, and AK x Cali Kush going out this spring. The Cali Kush is an indica I got from my buddy in LA that gets super nasty indoors so I’m expecting good things.
Indicas that I've grown in the ground were fine as far as mold but it's hilly and windy where I am. Is there poor circulation where you grow or just really humid? I prefer sativas and since they are taller with less foliage, insects tend to move on to greener things around my plants. Indicas are low with lots of foliage and really get chewed up unless you can get some height on them. I like them in pots now so I can set them on something off of the ground. There are a lot of beneficial bugs around my plants so I haven't used any type of insect spray in years; you might have better luck with those.

I’ve got Ak-47, they say is mostly sativa but who knows, and AK x Cali Kush going out this spring. The Cali Kush is an indica I got from my buddy in LA that gets super nasty indoors so I’m expecting good things.

Mayor-its not so much weather, but the surrounding trees. One the whiteflies love and it molded because of their excretions. Subsequently the wind blew the mold spores over my garden and the indicas suffered. My ak-48 didn't do shit but I had crowding issues, and the plants around the ak didn't require as much nutrients so the ak wansnt worth crap. I'm going to be doing a 100% ak-48 run this fall, I'm gowing to plant the rest of my seed pack from nirvana. Hopefully I'll get some good phenos and I can re-veg the good ones for a fall harvest.
I grew the ak-48 and ppp outside when they first came out and had a lot better luck with them indoors. They had a ton of resin but they never really grew and if you're a plant in TX you have to grow fast or the environment will catch up with ya. You'll probably get a good pheno that likes the outdoors since my try was probably 10 years ago and I don't remember how many phenos I tried of each.